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Whats the betting if she turned round everyone would be like "Quick get the paper bag out"
S3 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :False.

Youtube is and has always been an ad-supported business model, it's just that the number of adverts needed to offset the cost of video hosting is high. Google don't lose money with Youtube, it's just their profit margins are relatively small.

It's like people complaining about the advertising on Spotify - who the hell do you think pays for the bandwidth and licensing?! ... of-almost-500m-a-year.htm

Thats alot of money to payout for Google :/
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :The whole reason why Youtube is so popular is because its free, make people pay for some of its services, and not many people will.

The problem Google have is paying for the bandwith on there Server's as Youtube is so popular
S3 licensed
Google is making losses on Youtube every year so these ad's are trying to help ease the problem.

However it look's likely some major changes will take place soon, charges may be brought in :/
S3 licensed
Shotgun ftw, just be ready to have a massive hole in the wall after :P
S3 licensed
I think you may regret posting that youtube link Shadowww LOL.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Thats because he is - Is Sam not allowed an opinion?

Just because Sam says he's taking the piss - doesn't mean that Bob et al couldn't ban him if they wanted to.

Obviously Sam is allowed an opinion but don't you think it's gone on too much now?

Maybe it was just a joke at first by Dustin, fair enough. Now though all the Windows threads are getting him screaming "OSX rules" in and to be honest its starting to take the piss a bit.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I hate to break it to you, but Sam isn't the only mod, nothing is stopping Bob from banning him if he wants...

I know that JakG but everytime someone complains about him SamH comes in and starts telling everyone how hes only winding us up.

Still doesn't stop him Mac spamming every bloody Windows or Linux thread does it?
S3 licensed
Put Mac OSX boy on your ignore list, problem solved

If this was my forum he would have been banned along time ago. By that I mean the full works, email, IP address etc.

But of course the mods *cough* SamH *cough* "know him" and so hes allowed to go Mac trolling through every thread that's created about Linux and Windows like the little 12 year old he is.

Ontopic: I might have to check this PCLinuxOS 2009 out at some point, it does look rather good
S3 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :Only two more weeks until the new Transformers comes out...complete with Megan Fox hotness.

The one and only reason a man needs to watch Transformers
S3 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :Please tell me how to do that. (turning uac off)

Control Panel> User Accounts> Turn User Account Control On or Off.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :SuperFetch? Why?

I have 4GB of Ram and Superfetch on my system seemed to take memory but not release it when needed! Turned it off and my system run's perfect, this is the only weird problem I have ever had with Vista

Quote from herki :Vista is the ME of the NT based series.

Explain please?

Quote from Stefani24 :The thing with Vista, is mostly UAC. People who don't work with a computer 5hours a day, mostly don't know how to get games to run properly. Thats a very big downside for me. (Still, DX10, is an upside of vista, so lets see how me and vista x64U will come along)

You can turn the UAC right off like I have

If an older game doesn't work in Vista alot of the time by running it in XP Compatibility mode solves the problem. There are a few old games out there that won't work through that method though

Quote from G!NhO :Windows 7 is good.

Windows 7 is very good indeed, I will upgraded as soon as it is released
S3 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :Imma get a new Pc and ill be using vista 64x ultimate.
Im a bit critical but lets see how its gonna be

I run Vista X64 no problem, for me it's more stable and faster than XP.

You might want to turn off indexing and superfetch services but thats it

You shouldn't have any problems, most people who bash Vista just jumped on the "Vista is crap bandwagon" when it first came out. That was only due to driver's being rubbish and nothing to do with Vista itself.

A bit like like saying "damn my bike for not oiling its own chain"
S3 licensed
A little bit off topic but what the hell. ... ok-iphone,news-31305.html

The first artical I have found that's by a Mac user that's given an honest non-fanboy opinion.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :You can't crossfire a 3470 with an onboard 3200?

You can on some motherboard's, belive it's called hybrid crossfire or something like that

Although that crossfire setup he has will give him practically no gain.
S3 licensed
Quote from MR_B :Pic

Oh wow that's gotta be one of the funniest post's yet!
S3 licensed
Quote from trebor901 :no its only on Xbox 360

Sorry I was talking about GT5 and Forza 3.

Should have said in my post
S3 licensed
Quote from oldnavy :is this will be avialible for PC's?

Nope only Xbox 360 or PS3.
S3 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :

Something else rFactor is getting before LFS, that's even if LFS get's that version

I really cannot wait for rFactor 2
S3 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :Are you saying its not about some guy ****ing a dog while fingering a chick? What have i missed?


I don't think he's giving the dog one, look's like he's sitting on the dog imho.

Think he was saying about the women.
S3 licensed
I have been following this thread and this team seem's to be going in the right direction for me

I have been having a break from LFS but this seem's to be the kind of team I have ben looking for.

I have left an application on your forum

S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I wouldn't be so sure - my main PC is faster (running at 2.13 GHz) than the 920 (2.8 GHz) in PC#2 and the 920 costs around £25 more than the Q8200, which should be similar...

Hmmm dunno then

Different benchmarks report different thing's, so I suppose it's down to what's better for what you will be using.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :it has to be said though that this is purely on a performance/moneys basis not on a performance/clock base

For example if they were both running at 3GHZ, yes the Intel would win performance wise by a few %.

But if you take into account the cost aswell they are about level.

It depends whether Ball Bearing Turbo wants that extra few % performance or whether he would like to save some money and still get a top notch CPU.

Edit:// Link to AMD Phenom II X4 940 3GHz. I plan on upgrading to this soon