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S2 licensed
Im 34 i think, can't really know for sure anymore...
Screen goes black after shift+F4
S2 licensed
Never seen this bug untill u22.

When Im online and hit shift+F4 to go small-view, the window for LFS goes black.
I hear the game and buttons still working but can't see anything on the screen even if I hit shift+F4 again to go back to maximum view.
Only way is to shutdown LFS and start it again.
- Changing screen resolution in LFS doesnt help...
- This is not happening every time i hit shift+F4...

I will check my video and directx versions when I get back home...
S2 licensed
My first try making carpark scene...
S2 licensed
Quote from dev :I would actualy very much like to see shift + s removed from the game It's not like you can teleport to the pit in a real race

You should be able to disable shift+s on a server if you want that.
Very good to have when you are tuning your car in practice session.

S2 licensed
Quote from Streets Ghost :mike

Ian scens you can download from here

You turtorial has use only to import cmx, in to scens Ian
it will not let probably

Yep, that's with cmx import.Now I have been looking at the Ian scene and that is a challenge.
I can't find how to use the defult images in dds to wrap them to the sidewall.
The only way I can see it right now is to make your own image that is made with the text in a circle and then apply it to the sidewall.
That is too much work for me right now to make a tutorial.
Maybe someone else can help you out.

S2 licensed
Quote from EsCoRt RaLLy :Well as topic says im in need of some help. I started using 3dsmax 8 some weeks ago and sofar everything is working great. I'm using Ian's scenes for rendering, but as you probably know there is no tyre sidewall logo in these scenes. I have tried to apply them myself but i just cant get it to work

So could anyone tell me how to add them? A tutorial would be awesome!

Can I donwload Ians scene somewhere, ill can try and make a tutorial for it.


Check this if it helps, only for michelin logo...
If you want bridgestone i think you have to make a bridgestone image first.
Can't remeber how i did it.
Last edited by mike20002, . Reason : Link added...
S2 licensed
Quote from Meanie :Hello, i don't know if this is frowned upon (asking for setups) here but anyway...

I'm a newbie and do not understand how to set up my car properly and so.
I've been using the "Inferno" setups and doing quite alright with those.

But now i need a good setup for KY GP Long on the FO8.
Can anyone help me?

Thanks a lot.

ps: it's a 14 laps (no pit) race, if that helps

I have done pretty good lap times with teaminfernos KY National on KY GP Long FO8.
Try that if it works for you too.

S2 licensed
I have a setupdatabase for everyone, not only wr sets.
The problem is that it's young and there is not much to download.

As said before, setups are very personal and thats why i will tryi to learn to tune myself.

regards mike
S2 licensed
Havent drove all the tracks yet, but here is some them that I think is hard...
FOX on SO Classic: Hard chicane
FZR on Aston last chicane
BF1 Kyoto GP Long, last corners
BF1 Kyoto National first hairpin

S2 licensed
I just must say this...
I downloaded rFactor demo and ran it.
How cute!!! Like a Garfield cartoon!!!

Maybe my settings was messed up, but it looked really cute!
Didnt have time to investigate it more... but my first impression...

S2 licensed
Quote from RevengeR :it looks really nice, but time format should be 00:00.00 instead of 00:00:00 i think.

Your right, now it's the same format as in lfsworld.

S2 licensed
Quote from joen :I use Firefox. I checked it in IE and Opera, it's white in those.
But I think there's something wrong with Firefox or an extension or something. Because the weird thing is I saved the page to look at the css, and if I load the site locally it looks correct in Firefox. Weird.

Now it should look better right in firefox too.

S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :Just tried to upload and got this error

Thank you for the upload.
Return to List page

Error 012.

Any suggestions?

Yepp, the time format was wrong...
Did you use the zeros, example 00:58:000
Im gonna check that if I can make it to validate different types of entering the time.

/regards mike
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :Simple, clean and effective. I like it
I would make the column headers font white though. It's a bit hard to read with the dark background. But great job

It should be white, what browser do you use?

S2 licensed
Just wanna tell you all that the page is online, and waiting for setups. ( Or bump this message up, so it doesnt disapear in the cyberspace...)
I would have posted more setups, but i dont have that much time to work with setups right now
So if you got any good setups to share, please upload them.

regards mike
S2 licensed
Eyestraing gone!

Changed the bias to max and screen resulotion in LFS to 1024x768 16bit 120Hz.
Thats it, now I can play even more!
Thanks all for the help!

S2 licensed
Glad that so many have answerd the question, and looking at poll it seems that I have a issue with my crt screen.
Im gonna try different settings tonight, and Ill post the result here for everyone else that have same problems.

S2 licensed
Why I asked this question is couse I only have this problem when Im using LFS.
I sit all day infront of computers, but not having this problem.
It's more intense when Im driving, not that much looking at keyboard, papers, out of window.
And the trip every 1h to the coffemachine probably helps.

Im gonna check the Hz on my screen, bias and lighting in my room to see if I find anything.
After 3h my eyes are burning, don't think thats really a good thing.


Here is a link to some info about eyestrain with computers and what to think about:
Last edited by mike20002, . Reason : Link added...
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :No, my eyes do fine. Maybe you have your Mip Bias turned all the way down? If you go into the graphics settings, you should see the slider-bar option there for Mip Bias, it basically makes things look "crisp" or "soft". And I tend to make my LFS look soft so it helps on the eyes.

Maybe post a screenshot of what your LFS currently looks like???

Great tip, Ill post a screenshot when Ill get home...

S2 licensed
Is it just me or do someone else get eyestrain from playing LFS?

S2 licensed
Quote from trfab :Yes, I see the black edges in the LFS Viewer. In fact, I notice more now that you mentioned it.

Mike- what rendering program do you use and how long did it take to render my BF1 skin? Is that flourescent tube lighting that you used for effect?



I use 3ds Max with Brazil, 15-20 minutes i think.
(AMD 64 X2 4200+, 2Gb Ram)
The light is omni lights with special designed reflective boxes.

S2 licensed
Quote from trfab :mike20002:

You're the man! Lovely, just blown away. Looks better than I thought it would.

Re: the dark edges, is it something with the template or something I did?

Thanks again!



Can be the template, but you can try to paint a little bit over the edges over the black mask.
Check in lfsview, you should see it there too.

S2 licensed
Quote from trfab :Would be great to see how this F1 skin would look rendered with a reflective floor!

Listed with 1024x1024 and 2048x2048.

Thanks in advance!


Here you go, as you can see in the render there is some problems with dark edges on your skin.

regards mike
S2 licensed
Thanks for all comments, I will try to make more of these when it's getting cold and dark outside.

Boosted: If I had a real toycar I could try to photograph it too to see the difference.
I have some experience in photographing too..

best regards Mike
S2 licensed
Quote from alliennas :anyone could render my skin please? I'd like it to be in black backround, Michelin sidewals thanks in advance

Can't find if you got a render or not, but here is one for you.
If you like it I can make you a bigger one.
