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S3 licensed
Your REAL Name: Neil Conway
Your LFS Licence Name: neilser
Requested Car Number: 44
Your Country: Ireland
Your Team: Sonicrealms Racing
S3 licensed
Yeah - enjoy it! Wish I could have joined you.

S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :After 3 hours of solid sitting around drinking coffee my kitchen is half clean. The guys had better appreciate all this lethargy I'm putting in.

Fear not. Men are renowned for noticing and appreciating when women clean the house, change their hairstyles, buy new clothes....
S3 licensed
My first LLSS event - great fun, thanks.

I just reviewed the replay of Q2 - I did indeed screw up a quick lap by Oscar Hardwick - sorry again Oscar. Was trying to get out of your way (just as I had done for the guy in front of you) but I totally failed on that score - misjudged how far back you were. My qually session had been a disaster but I had misunderstood the rules about using shift+s (as soon as I saw pik_d do it, I did it too)...
S3 licensed
Nah, I reckon Laimiss is OK, let's hear his story first, eh?
S3 licensed
Quote from dollarek :
here is my videos of it

Great quality footage. Now you can send it on to the police and get that guy thrown in jail
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :The sound changes with the number of cylinders

Ah yes, the important bit, hehe
S3 licensed
Quote from Patrick v H :Well, with the inline engines (afaik the XFG/XRG/FMB are all equipped with this type of engine), you're limited to a maximum of 8 cylinders. Get over that point and your LFS will stutter big time. Flat and V-type engines don't have that limit

Aha. But I was assuming you could just tweak the torque and power directly, no? If you can do that, would you care how many cylinders it has?
S3 licensed
Eh, does that actually make any difference?
S3 licensed
Dead little girl: speechless. Though if the parent is human, being thrown in jail won't be any worse than how they already feel.

Tony Martin (and related self-defence thread): I think the reason people still talk about this is precisely because it was a grey area, and thus it divides people. For my money, shooting a random pickpocket is wrong. But when particular individuals have targeted your home repeatedly (unless memory fails me about his case), the simple fact that they are running away - this time - has no significance to whether or not you feel you are in danger.
S3 licensed
Hey - just spotted this thread Sounds like a lot of fun.
Would love to make it. Might be tricky though, as the kids finish school just before that weekend, and we might be heading off on hols, argh.

Will try to sweet-talk SWMBO
S3 licensed
Thanks for the links - had a look and saw that EQ Worry has been asking for licence-info from LFSW for some time with no joy

It's almost as if Victor and Bob aren't on the same page on this issue - it seems like it ought to be a no-brainer to allow LFSW (via pubstats) to supply the licence status of a username. Plus, Bob wants mods to use that route rather than Insim. And yet Victor has upgraded pubstats a number of times and NOT added the presumably trivial bit of code to do the licence reporting.
So I must infer I'm missing something about why

Ah well. It's all moot I guess until I've actually written a mod, eh?
S3 licensed
Ahh, thanks.

I haven't attempted any tweaks yet, so perhaps I'm just totally missing the point. But in my head, the problem is immediately "fixable" with a modicum of help from the devs... in that the game already has what I imagine must qualify as a secure licence check before you can use e.g. an FZR. Why can't the game provide an in-built check before allowing other user-tweaked stuff?

Like I say, the fact that I'm thinking this is probably an indication that I've missed the point entirely. So if there are any docs about this stuff (didn't spot any so far, maybe didn't look hard enough though) then I'd really appreciate a link
S3 licensed
Quote from DavidTiger :You'll have to query LFSWorld Stats... but thats as much as I can say, I think (Verbal NDA:shrug

Oh boy, I had been imagining that there would be a better way? (Sounds like you mean a check for any recorded races on non-demo combos...)

Thanks though
S3 licensed
Did you ever get code for this? I'm pondering playing about with some coding myself...
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :...but you dont have the right to hold them up deliberatly by treating them as if you are defending a lead on the final lap of a race. its astonishing to see some of you saying things like its fair to hold them up and that you "noobs have had enough". enough of what exactly? that some other people are faster than you and that you cant compete with them, and then complain that they have a go at you when you dont let them pass easily. which i think the leader is entitled to have a go at you if you have considrable caused yourself a nousence and gone out of your way to block the leader, which a few of you on this thread seem to be pround of.

Maybe my brain auto-filtered as trolls anyone who posted that kind of garbage, but I really don't recall any such posts in this thread The discussion I thought we were having was not about deliberate blocking by the slower car, but about impatient & dangerous passing by the faster cars. Maybe we're coming at this from different angles (But I've done my share of passing too, I should add!)

By the way, I really think the ultimate answer here (particularly if we're considering IHR, where the multi-class issue is a hot topic) is to take a replay of a particularly good example, post it on the relevant server's forum, and say "Hey admins - is this how you feel the faster cars are meant to behave?". If they say yes, you may want to race elsewhere.
S3 licensed
Don't think I've ever been on a server where that happened. Do you remember which server(s)?
S3 licensed
OK, getting ready to pull the plug on Plusnet, since the problems haven't gone away (except intermittently) and no feedback about it for over a month now.

Am considering, who seem currently to be rebranding their broadband offering as "Uno broadband".

They seem to be a small outfit, and among other things they resell C&W LLU ADSL2+ which is what I'd be going for. (It's "partial" LLU, inasmuch as the phoneline stays with BT.)

The package I'd go for is £15 ex VAT per month, "unmetered" (they confirmed that a good fraction of 100GB per month is no big deal), and has no traffic shaping...

Anybody have any experience with them for LFS?
S3 licensed
But isn't it only usable for Z25 right now?
S3 licensed
Quote from cobra193 :but the bottom line is that the rule does state "YOU MUST NOT SLOW THE LAPPING CAR DOWN!!!!"

OMG, only just spotted this sentence in your post.

Can you explain which rulebook you've been reading? Every set of rules I can remember reading states that a car lapping backmarkers should expect to lose time.
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :
Neils' point... If someone is on the lead lap with you and is 2 seconds a lap slower than your best ever time, tough... It is up to you to pass him, that is called racing

Totally agree - that's racing and it's great fun. But it was exactly the "swerving over the road and making more than two distinct moves" that I was talking about. Drivers who realise at the last second that their mistake at the last corner cost them enough speed that I'm now coming past and so they swerve in front - frequently after some overlap has already been established. That's not racing
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers : Really the only way to become a lap down on a public server would be to have wrecked/spun out, to have mid-joined, or be so horribly slow that he really shouldn't be online racing. In this case, then the race really is over for said backmarker (or never started to begin with) and there isn't much point in not getting out of the way.

I agree in general, but that point isn't entirely valid when you've got XFRs sharing the track with XFGs And when you've got both faster and slower cars battling for positions when the leaders catch the slower class, it's quite tricky to have a clean and fair outcome...

And then there's the slow-driver-in-front scenario that menantoll mentioned.
I've also seen a lot of dreadful blocking in the last few weeks, whereby someone slower by a good 2 seconds a lap becomes a roadblock for multiple laps and is only passable when they make a serious error. I've even been punted off the track twice today by people who decided to cut right in front of me to block, just as I was starting to overlap.

In reply to the OP: I sympathise - you're probably in the right. Don't give up on finding servers with sane drivers

[PS: to really see people getting lapped a lot, try the IHR Rally server: LX4 vs. UF1 at FE6 ]
Last edited by Neilser, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Ger Roady :Seems that he mean this one .

Ah, mucho gracias I believe you're right.

Haven't used that (must have a play), but having recently tried Worry's new Aonio thing, and failed initially to get it to work with a TCP connection problem, I can relay what was wrong there: I needed to give Aonio the password for the local LFS instance (i.e. the admin password that would be used if I created a local LFS multiplayer server using the non-dedicated EXE).
The error message was "TCP: connection refused", which is a bit of a lie really, but that's what LFS tends to say in these cases. In fact the TCP connection was accepted, and then closed by LFS when the passwords didn't match.
Maybe totally separate problem here though...
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :My Mum had it before me, though, and she could well of done something stupid and just plain not realised (only driver out there that actually scares me when i'm with her

Ah... it's plausible I guess. (One careful lady driver! )

Did you see any damage down there when you were poking about?
You changed the camber on the faulty rear wheel by 3 degrees - that's more than 1 part in 20, so there might just be visible bending somewhere.

For example, if the supports that set the camber (cough, me not suspension expert, not sure of names ) are 20cm apart at the hub, that error is equivalent to one of them having its length out by a whole centimetre. Not pretty. Or its anchor point has been bent (inwards?) by a centimetre... Sounds bloody awful when you put it that way, eh? (Am I talking bollox btw?)