I have mixed feelings.
People don't just use restricted servers cos they want longer e-willies.
They also use 'em (speaking for myself at least) in the hope that they won't be full of inexperienced drivers or crashers.
It's handy to be able to type "!rt" or "!rk" after an incident to see if the person who tangled with you makes a habit of leaving the road, or indeed scoring decent points.
On the other hand, I also don't have unlimited time to amass points, and when there are several different servers with unshared points tallies, well life is just too short.
I am really enjoying racing on IHR but am like many people still way short of the points required for a GTR, and this'll still be the case a month or two from now I'm sure.
(Aside: it is truly amazing the way the LFS population seem to move en-masse from one server to another, eh?)
I think turning off the points requirements might work in some cases, but not on a multi-class server. It's bad enough already on IHR when novice TBO drivers wreck races for STD drivers, and they can only use the TBO cars if their points AND safety ratings are adequate...
So EQ Worry - am really looking forward to you coming up with a tweak to have a shared points system
[Just checked LFSW for fun. 328 licensed drivers right now, and almost 100 of them are on the top 5 non-cruise servers, with 39 of them on IHR... Pretty high fraction of all racers in one place.]