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Demo licensed
no, no dyno thing... one thing i like to see is a very bumpy little track inside this test facility... (like the one on fifth gear, were Vic test an old Mercedez)

Demo licensed
in the same way the tires have deformation now, brakes will have this(i think) in future...
Demo licensed
definitely some kind of powerfull modern 4x4 car.
(if possible in 4door sedan shell)

Demo licensed
i have similar problem, but is autodial thing... i disable but when i restart it back again... anyone know how to disable autodial forever, mp me..

Demo licensed
how about a guy from pitcrew like GTL?!?!
Demo licensed
i was thinking of XFI, when i drive little fiat uno(1.0 65cv) it does a little wheel hop on hard launch...
engine movements and wheel hop
Demo licensed
again i have other suggestion:

to have engine vibration/movements, like when u going to start a race, u rev the engine and release the clutch, the engine twists on its mountings cause some wheel hopping and vibration on the whole car.
make that and revlimiter bounce on revlimit. it will be great fun...

Demo licensed
k8boy, u mean noticeable like bullet trail in matrix??!!?
Demo licensed
i think isnt hurt have this...
turbo in bar, tyre in psi
Demo licensed
i dont know if was mentioned before, but i always see the turbo gauge in bar and tyre calibration is always in psi... lfs both is psi or bar(turbo and tyres). how about make an option to select if tyre is psi or not so as the turbo??

Demo licensed
maybe minimum speed on the yellow line...
Demo licensed
i see in other thread, suggestion of more custom views, it could be the case..
Demo licensed
yeah, it could be usefull the alpha channel on png too .. like the skin color do not be influenced by car color, only alpha channel...
Demo licensed
yeah, i was too rarsh on that comment... let me show what i think, this(the forum) is not paid, the game is, we(demo) already have limited access on lfsworld and the game, limit what we can comment, show our ideas(ok maybe most demos do not read or search before post something like ´i want nos´, can we have bodykits´ and so on), but demo or not, we are here in this forum to help the devs to make the game better, i dont think restrict the demos on certains forum or certain privileges will help the game, maybe the mod could just bit more "active", lock useless threads, and etc...

Demo licensed
yeah, sure, then separate who is blonde, who has blue eyes, who is catholic, etc...

Demo licensed
i dont wanna bump, but this information could be usefull.
adobe premiere pro have an option to maintain pitch of the sound when runnning 200% of speed, it sounds very similar to sound of game running on 1.0x mode. i dunno if other programs have this, but worth search on programs u guys use.
Demo licensed
i dont want to bump this thread, but dont u hate when nobody answear??
so thats me saying that could be good, will look more natural...
Demo licensed
+2 if is optional like the tyre and camber on game
Demo licensed
some race cars have license plate, like WRC cars, but anyways, on the GTRs could be optional have it or not... personaly, i dont mind...
Demo licensed
Quote from GrantR :
- When a server is configured to only allow 2-3 people in the world at a time, it's frustrating when people don't know to spectate and accidentally (or deliberately) go into the pits, eating a slot up. Perhaps shift-s in multiplayer (but not single player) autocross mode could either switch to Spectate instead of Pits, or drop the person into spectator mode before automatically putting them into the garage? I like the idea of the second option, so shift-s still puts the person into the garage - as that's where people expect to end up when they press shift-s. (And then add a keypress shortcut directly to spectator mode!)

-1 for that, i soo used to press shift+s to go to garage, at least leave an option to bind the key, so we could choice between go to garage or spectate.
+1 for the rest
Demo licensed
well, as from the first post, i was talking about road tyres and "road" cars, i think most people race with race tyres...
Demo licensed
i was talking about momo logo, but anyway, with replys like this:
Quote from Jakg :get the Momo steering wheel, its a bit smaller

and this
Quote from wheel4hummer :Then use virtual guages!

why not just shut the Improvement Suggestions forum and make S2 final...
if lfs have something "wrong" why not fix-it, or at least sugest to make it better...
no pre heated tyres on road cars and/or road tyres
Demo licensed
when u left the car still, tyre cold down to about 25º, afaik not every type of race use tyre heaters like F1, why not have road tyres temp starts at 25º? same thing to hybrids and knobbly, maybe only race tyres should be "pre heated".

Demo licensed
hummm, but your steering wheel is diferent(and u not wearing gloves).
Demo licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :BTW.... This thread is old! Shame on you newage :P

i didnt see that:doh:, i dont remember how i made to 2005 topic...