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S3 licensed
No, i dont think all places are taken. I drive in the SimFIA:F1 and SimFIA: DTM ...there were allways free spots left.
In which one you are interested?
S3 licensed
2006 and "still" running, you know that m8!
S3 licensed
I crashed a speeder because the voices told me to!


S3 licensed
Quote from Thorvertonian :This post was by myself, and had nothing to do with FM team wanting anything. I wanted honest opinions and I think I got them! Thank you for you comments everyone, I feel this Thread now needs to be locked......


S3 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :
I am really oval addicted so I want to stay on that server. A few days and better times later that guy called "Failure" told me "Join our Ventrilo Server for better racing". I asked him why. To hear the "F**ks" and "S**ts" from others too? He sayed that they warn each other and have a good time (with free chicks, free drinks and stuff) together. I never used something like this and I was a little bit shy. But I installed ventrilo ( and I was very impressed.

:P Failure told you about ventrilo? ... le=viewthread&tid=622

Everyone was/is welcome, except if those trying to publish nazi things or are to bored in life and just want to annoy other people!

There are several teams who found there home in the FM Community,

and have their own channel

like BBR, [ZWR], (Eagle), [SR] and maybe in the future FPR

I just wanted to mention this, as the thread is not just meant about the FM Team, over the FM Community as well!!

And where many people meet, there are allways people you dont like or you dont come along with, some with a big mouth, some with

not a big mouth, so if people see the FM Community they shouldnt just think at the people they may dont like. FM is a community

where everyone can publish his thoughts free, not a community where everyone has to have the same opinion about everything and

just walking up the developers ass. As i can see it to much in some forums in these days...
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
I might be wrong, but if you have to practice for something to be good in it, that means you need skill to be good in it. And to run within 0.1 of the wr doesnt mean you are a good LFS Oval, driver, that needs much more, a special overview, which a lot of good circuit drivers allready proofed on the JuNkIeS server that they dont have this.

A wonder that this thread isnt closed yet.
S3 licensed
@ SamH

Yeah i agree in some points you said, not completely, especially on point 3 i'm doing not, because, my experiences in public circuit races are that its even worse then on the oval.

I pointed out my point of view because i read this sentence before : "the current oval requires zero skill level"

wasnt from you.
S3 licensed
@ SamH:

Yeah everyone can have hís opinion about something. But when you never have driven the cars on the oval to a limit, you cant say how much skill it really needs. I can do a lap at Blackwood in 3 Mins with the BF1 and can say oh yes BL GP doesnt need some skill at all! Thats the same.
There were a lot of Oval events in the past from the FM community almost allways the same drivers were on top, like (Eagle)Racer, Quietscheente or (FM)Evensis, so you need no skill? So it just has been luck that those were allways on top!?
Yesterday i had a league race on Ky National Rev. with FXR...a car turnded right into me, because he couldnt handle the dense traffic...and thats really a skill you are leaning on the oval.

In the end, if you want to be TOP in something you need skill for everything. Just saying the Oval needs no skill because of only 3 left turns is not true.
S3 licensed
Dont care about that server m8! I've been banned there for asking, why he banned the winner :P
S3 licensed
Totally agree!!! We need the virtual mirror! Chase view drivers unite!!!
Even the tyre cam has the mirror!!!!!

Aspects for chase view allready mentioned, nothing more to say

...and like someone said in another thread. If you dont take away something, you dont hurt anyone! So please give us the mirror!
Its not only that it helps the chase view drivers like me, its good for everyone!!
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
But i think i speak for thge can still sign up for the waiting list
S3 licensed
How did Scawen wrote yesterday in another thread. This is another banned for no reason thread! Its between the banned people and the server owner and no general discussion :P
S3 licensed
Sorry to hear that there is somethong with your brother, but especially in this situation you should give a **** about the ban! Contact the admins at , explain your situation and be happy on the oval again!!
S3 licensed
We are doing this F1 qualifying in the SimFIA:F1 series....but unfortunately the admin has to do this by hand...
but its great fun!
S3 licensed
There are a lot of chase view drivers out there! And their only request for future patches is the virtual mirror. So my request is the virtual mirror for chase view!!! Or if not, then delete it from tyre-view as well!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Chris_Kerry :I think I know enough of the basic concept, The Very End has a server named close to yours (FM), because you've had a fallout.

Even so, he can call his server what he wants.

The only funny thing is that The Very End wants to make a server where he will not ban anyone. But who knows him a bit that he was often the one on FM servers who started the vote ban and was complaining about the idiots. Now i find it funny that he is complaining about that shit, but was involved himself illepall

I think its good OM has its own server now So FM has some problems less

But they said themselves they in a previous post that they dont want to be a copy of FM, so why do they copy the whole system how FM servers are running, and copy name and colours, very funny illepall

I say again noone has a problem with a new Oval Server named Oval munkies, the only thing is that the hosts are complaining about the things on FM servers, and in these things they were involved!!!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :
Do we need to spam you to death, or have a ban orgie (WS again) to get a "fair & fun" race?

I remember you vote banning a lot of people from the Oval Junkies Server. You are going from "Saulus to Paulus"?
S3 licensed
Yeah was a lot of fun on sunday especially the duell with wedge! :P
Maybe we should link the press conference, so that people can here how much fun that league is
S3 licensed
Dont know what happened there, but all Eagle Members i know are really nice guys! Maybe they made the server private or so after server crash....

Maybe you can go here to solve the problem:
S3 licensed
You were Lifetime banned for saying "Nazi"-paroles on our server last year.
We had to reinstall our server, so you were not on this list, but in those cases we have zero tolerance.....
If you are really sorry for that you can come to our voice chat and talk to us and apologize for that, only then we might even think about an unban.
Last edited by Nobo, .
You dont have to be always the first to win the race!
S3 licensed
Nice screenshot taken by Stix which shows the finish line bug on Ky Oval!
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
If you feel most comfortable with the 3rd person view, then drive this. Some drviers say you are faster with cockpit or tyre view, but i really think chase view has some advantages. It helps a lot in dense race situations, you allways can see your insides without turning the head, so you can concentrate on the fight. The other thing yopu just mentioned, you have a good overview, you see early if there is something on the track, you see your breaking point really early.
The advantages of the cockpit view is, that you have that mirror which helps inf fights, when someone is comming up to you. The other thing is, people wont tell you a bad simulation driver, because you use the more realistic view :P
I have tried myself to switch to cockpit view, but cant do it...or i'm not really motivated to learn the game from new.
Only in the Uf1 or XFG i can drive the cockpit view, because they are not really hard to drive :P
S3 licensed
The good thing with online gaming is to talk to a lot of people from a lot of different countries. If you dont want to help each other and give tips, block your message and live in your world. Let the helpful people help!

Giving the wrong amount of fuel is just evil and said that you need those tricks to win!
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :Perhaps this is a problem, but why not plant a few trees to eat up the CO2? We have a problem with deforestation. Let's fix it with some reforestation. .... Besides, a growing tree eats up more than 2x as much CO2 as a mature tree.

You are right, trees eat up CO² but they dont take it out of the system.
Plants die, get worked up by organisms...and there is our CO² again....
and in the end you cant plant as much trees to eat up all those extra CO². CO² out of the atmosphere can be bind in stones and corall reefs, but the production of them reacts to slow(10'000s to 1'000'000s of years) on the rapidly increasing amount of CO² in the atmosphere.
S3 licensed
The season starts with the first race on 06/25/06 .
The full race schedule is on
Untill the start of the LFS:F1 season i can recommend you the FM Formula CUP