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S3 licensed
It has somethiong to do with summer time.
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackknight555 :But they didn't Include any new tire Physic's did they....

And I have been here long enough to know how thing's have changed....
I do read...

Well we had a tyre update in the april update in 2006

Quote :>LFS S2 Alpha, version T
Hello Racers!

We are pleased to announce the release of S2 ALPHA Version T

- the BMW Sauber F1.06
- tyre and aero physics improvements
- many other updates

S3 licensed
i am out for tonight
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Well i also have a lot of disconnects in lfs in the evening hours. The internet connection seems to stay.
I have read around the internet and one problem might be that the adsl signal tolerance of my connection is to low with 7dB. My problem why do downloads go on and other things not braking up, while lfs brakes up connection? Any help?
S3 licensed
Quote from BurnOut69 :Just wanted to say sorry to Reno and anyone else I might have hit in the main race start, no excuses.

Cya next race!

I think i have been a victim of that chain reaction. No bad feelings dude, its just a game.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :

If you want to get REALLY technical, the book "The lore of running", has technical info out the ying-yang.

Have you ever read Jack Daniels "Running Formula"? A must have if you ask me.
S3 licensed
thats been ages since i have seen Nassa drivers.
Good luck
S3 licensed
Due to technical reasons #28 have to miss this round.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :
I am going to try and break my 10k PB, 63mins, so I am going to set my Garmin 405 up to pace me to finish in 62mins, and see how it goes!!!

Quote from danowat :
My time in this race last year was 68:20, my goal this year was sub 60mins, did I manage it?

Hell yeah I did, 59:49!!, and I managed negative splits aswell!!!!.

Roll on my next 10k, here are my Garmin stats from my watch >

You overachieved there! Conratulations to your new pb!

You have holiday today in GB?

Well its so good to see when you compare your last year data with this years and see how much your condition has improved. Thx to the forerunner
S3 licensed
Lol, you are not the only one getting knee pain in Brooks Adrenaline .

I had a hard time too. Didnt run a km since 03.01.09 (+8kg chocolate on my rips now :tilt . Got knee pain in my right knee in a run (with Brooks Adrenaline). First the doctor thought it was the meniscus. Then the inner ligament. After weeks of going from one doctor to another, doing x-ray, mri, i got the first matching diagnose which was plica syndrome, which was the first diagnose being logic to me. Then conventional therapie, physiotherapie, e-therapie didnt make anything better it got worse and worse. So the doctor said the only thing he could do is doing surgery and get rid of the plica. That was 1 week ago. They didnt completely removed it. But they cut it in certain places. So it doesnt hurt the cartilage anymore. At the place where the plica made problem there was a hole and that made the plica stutter there and causing the pain. It isnt caused by sport the doctor said. Which made me somehow lucky.
One week after surgery now the knee is still slightly irritated, but got green light to gently start cycling again from today.

I also had to cancel my already paid marathon and hotel in Hamburg
In the beginning of december (13th) i got my 10k pb down to 35:30 (+/- 35 hm).

I am also running the older version Asics Gt2130 (its the best shoe in my collection unfortunately already has 1133 km). The blisters is only a temporary problem, i had the same in the Asics. But no my skin is strong enough.
For bad weather and forest i have the Asics Gel Trabuco 11 which i got in the sale for 35€. Pretty good trail shoe. At the moment i am thinking to get the 2140 from the uk as they are pretty cheap over there.

Good luck for your run on monday!
S3 licensed
awesome dude. Must have been hot under the helmet
S3 licensed
Again 26 cars on the grid and that Q1 was so close. Was good to watch in remote
S3 licensed
Hey guys good luck for your future way. Its always been fun racing with you. Great team and good new FOX server.
S3 licensed
I have to sign out for the first race (arthroscopie some days before ) but i am definately planning to do the rest of the season!
S3 licensed
Who would be up for a 1h timed testrace (15 min qualy) the thursday before? I am sure we'll find a safety car driver or if someone desperately wants to do it he can contact me. Would be a good possibility for everyone who thinks he needs a bit of a training in racing environment.
I would be willing to host that on
07.05.2009 19:00 UTC (21:00 CET)
I'll make an extra announcment a week before.
S3 licensed
Race Admins? Spectators? People can sit out a race without shrinking the numbers of racers.
S3 licensed
Quote from Saerki :Oh gosh. Aren't you going to support us with a 2048 skinpack? Well I do. How about the server on remote btw, it ain't there...

Thx alot
S3 licensed
so much about lfs is going to die
Unfortunately 90% of this is demo combo
S3 licensed
Yeah, thanks for that great piece of software
S3 licensed
There is no reason to go from demo to S2 all the time as you dont need to go back to demo to race on demo servers.
On the other hand you get a fresh unlock once a week, so i don't understand the problem.

You can have a separate LFS install on your hard drive for another demo account. So no need to lock and unlock even with 2 players (1 demo and 1 licence) on a computer.
S3 licensed
rofl :P
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AMB :Food - Pasta, Fish, anything high in protein, but really depends what you want, tone up, weight loss, build muscle, they should actually give you some sort of diet plan when joining and show you what equipment does what, drink semi-skimmed milk btw green top it is, boots? non slip or something, but not entirely important since most work is sitting down or lying, ermm walk and cycle as much as possible, warm up etc and try going 3 times a week, you need time to let your muscles recover, a good way to speed up muscle recovery is an ICE COLD BATH and I mean literally ice cubes in, stay in for a few minutes after hard training, trust me it takes your breath away, ermm not sure what else... stay off fast food? ;P and gl

Who has the time and the possibility to do an ice cold bath after every training??
We should give him easy advices. Things he can do simple.
To speed up recovery do exchange shower after your training. Start and finish with cold. If legs are your main concern you just need to do the legs not the whole body.
S3 licensed
That format is great. Take me on the list. Finally a good (FO8) league on tuesdays
Last edited by Nobo, .