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S3 licensed
We will start a midweek FO8 league in febuary on
S3 licensed
Factory Phantom Racing Team - FPR


FPR | Chadreed#22
FPR | Steve#5
FPR | Yankman#38
FPR | Lord Blaster#73
FPR | nukEd#8
S3 licensed
That was only to show that his statement is as poor as mine!
S3 licensed
And your only glory is the glory you get with your 5xxx Forum posts!illepall
S3 licensed
*boooooring* another Oval discussion....:tired:
S3 licensed
As always its something between the single driver and the team and not for the community! (another "banned for no reason thread")
Here is your address for complaints:
S3 licensed
Bleifuss, just a tip, maybe you can edit the first post with the actual list of drivers and the rules and all that stuff, so people can find faster the informations.

I'd loved to do that but dont think have the time
S3 licensed

then go to the forums and sign up
S3 licensed
We dont need another fox league just a decent fo8 league.
If people want a Fox league, the new OWRL Layout is really great!
S3 licensed
Its just "new people" setting up and hosting a league(not the same guys!! just everything under one roof, there were DTM drivers entering F1 and F1 drivers entering DTM last season, that was a very good thing about DTM and F1 running under same website!! But the hosts of the events are totally different!!)! get server support and a place to share stats and results and a place to meet!

And a GP2 league would fit into the concept of SimFIA
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
I really think a FO8 league should be started! Maybe under the roof of SimFIA if we get the license. They could be support races for the SimFIA:F1 league. But organized by a different admin team.
And it shouldnt be a Spdo FO8 league against an other Fo8 league... it think we sould work to get something up together instead of everyone doing his own stuff. To set up a good league for close racing with many drivers! Just to think about! Sometimes little working together is not bad!
S3 licensed
Sorry Ice for the slight bump at your rear...but Laudi came on my inside and you came down to my line, nothing i could do....sorry dude!
S3 licensed
No the site works for me, but with new advertising....maybe your browser blocks some. I'm sure Fischfix will fix that when he comes home from his holiday!
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :

I suppose the downside is that, upon arriving at a server running ten laps, you might have to wait twice as long for the next restart, but I can't think of any other downsides.

Yeah i think the downside is TIME...not everyone has the time to play 1 hour LFS, some just get ín quickly want to do some races.
I wanted to hop in for some quick SO Town Reverse races yesterday, it was 10 Laps, which was around 12-13 Minutes of distance. I cam e in after first race was in lap 2 or 3 had to drive 10 minutes watching for blue flags. Then next race i crashed and the same thing again. The next race i could compete with the pace. But finally i spent 40 Minutes for 3 races. Not everyone has that time, so i understand why many servers have just 5 lap races!
S3 licensed
Somehow i feel we had this discussion in the past, might be wrong....

Everything said already....people stay on there opinions like unmovable rocks...its in this great i love it, too
S3 licensed
Isnt there allready a welsh team? Tongey? Tongeyyyyy?? Tongeyyyyyy??? Dont know but i dont think they are actively recruiting, dont know
S3 licensed
When you dont know exactly how to start up with a team, why not joining one of the other hundred teams...there are a lot out there for every taste...
S3 licensed
Nice skin I'm sure Tongey will like it
S3 licensed
Hey! I think we met on track some days ago, and i told you to look at LFS-World....

Just to introduce our Team again. We are the Factory Phantom Racing Team. We are mostly driving the OWRL with success and are searching for drivers. We are mainly driving the Formula cars. Due to the fact that we only have german useres at the moment everything on our page is on german. Plans are going on at the moment to translate everything in to english. Our website is:

I really can say the team from Thor is a nice one, so i can tell you to search for their usernames and hop in to one of their servers:
Their usernames are :
thorvertonian ([SR]Thor)
boyracer1981 ([SR]Missing)
S3 licensed
together with other known
S3 licensed
Let me make a comparison. I am a big cyclíng fan, at the moment there are hard discussion about drugs. Cyclist take an advantage towards the others with illegal drugs. If they get catched they get a 2 year ban of every race and a 4 year ban of every pro race. Then he has the chance to return, if he gets catched again he gets a lifetime ban. Why not using some similar thing for players in LFS who get an advantage with cheats. Maybe if they get first catched give them an immediately 2 week ban. If they do it again then give them a lifetime ban or a maybe a 1 month ban....for a online game a 1 month ban is a long time....totally ban a user when he first gets catched is not good in my eyes everyone has to get a second chance....if he miss it then ban him from LFS for longer or for life!
S3 licensed
Hey thor! Unfortunately its the same day, as the 2nd owrl pre season race.... I would have participated.....
FPR is planning to do warm-up races for the owrl-season-races just wanted to tell you, we will begin next wednesday 18:00 UTC, so if [SR] any SR is intersted....

Hope to see mor [SR] events not conflicting with the OWRL!!

Greetz ALDI
S3 licensed
Maybe its a little language barrier here....i mean, if tyre wear would be turned of, it would be for everyone on the server. But when i change view its just for me to make the game playable for me. If you compete in races you'll always choose the way you are fastest with.
S3 licensed
@ Tristancliffe: This thread has absolutely nothing to do with the Oval. Just that we chase view drivers finally want to have our mirror....for oval or not for oval...Crazy Harry just explained why he started that thread, because hes going to circuits now and discovered again how desperately he needs that mirror....months ago he allready posted he wants that mirror finally (just use the search function / its not just now where he goes to circuits that he needs it).... have you only read first post....maybe then you shouldnt go into dicussion...

But to say something to what you said, its not "difficult" to drive without chase view, you just have to be really careful, which often costs me a lot of places in races, but thats the same on the oval.
S3 licensed
lol noone said its needed on the oval illepall

to be honest it would be more needed on every other track.

+ switch on the opiton: use wheel only
+ switch on the option: dont use crappy plastic wheels
+ switch on the option: only allowed to join if the player has a full cockpit at home

much better driving experience with that
Last edited by Nobo, .