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S3 licensed
Must have been the ~20 Points i got at the weekend . Well, last time i watched at it the gap was still increasing...the HR guys are really great team and dedicated to these servers

...i watched MikeB's Teamstats yesterday and on P1 was Halfords Racing and on P2...guess...FPR
S3 licensed
Well i got my fastest last summer down the "Hahntennjoch" in austria with 84 kph.

I am always a pussy when it comes to downhilling, somehow i am still the only one who keeps kissing the ground every now and then , i prefer going up the mountain
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Your fault, for being in a server mostly populated by one team, and then having an incident with one of their members.

So true my only two LFS-Bans was the same. 1st got banned for owning a whole team with the FOX on AS National. 2nd got banned a few meters before finish for beating Andre and Wusel on their server

First it is his fault ignoring you, but on the oval when you see that someone is not watching you, you should have lifted then and trying to drive more down the line to avoid that.

Why you are putting so much effort in it? Get over those ban-happy guys. Its just one of hundreds of servers
S3 licensed
May be a stupid question but what is this "steam"? Do i need it to play lfs? Well will see what wikipedia tells me...
S3 licensed
We just had Fe1 and the grid decreased from full grid to 3 players. This track is a driver killer on SS1
S3 licensed
Play LFS and you'll get old and stay mentally young
S3 licensed
Well we had the best white christmas here since ages. Cant remember i had such a white christmas in my life time. Was jogging on christmas eve in deep fresh snow. Was quite cool

Now its raining and warm again
S3 licensed
I am actually studying. Have to part time jobs. Both at university mostly x-raying sediments and pouder, the other is just 4 hours a week library oversight.
S3 licensed
Well i'll not spent a cent on fireworks because i see no sense in it to give out much money for something i shoot into the sky

But i'll have to take my brother to the super market tomorrow to buy him some stuff because he is missing some days to his 18th birthday.

Just heard in the radio that someone got killed experimenting with fireworks
S3 licensed
I had one for 19 minutes once...hope i am not out
S3 licensed
Awesome we already got a skinner on the first day!
I am glad i joined, this is so professional
S3 licensed
Count me in! Good bye FPR. Thats the chance i have waited for
S3 licensed
Well welcome to S2! Say goodbye to your real life
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :

I for one never have had "Sorry" bound to my keyboard.

Agree, if it is really meant you shouldnt use a bind. The only bind i actually use is a smilie . The rest is typed...

And like said before, one disrespective driver can cause trouble for the whole grid.
S3 licensed
You can always join in mid-season in OWRL. Just go on, register on the site and sign up under upcoming events!
S3 licensed
Well gratz guys! Hope to see and hear more from you!
S3 licensed
TBH, i prefere to have one game for everyone which everyone can drive, which should be the same on all servers. And not this server has that restriction and that server has other restrictions.
Well i dont see why we should split up the racers like that.
The white there, the yellow there, and the black sheeps (chase view drivers) are not allowed to get in here. Or only wheel drivers or whatever.
Not dozen options for every server, taking ages to find the right one.
(dont we all like lFS for its great physics AND the simple online mode???)

Either force it in the game for everyone, so every servers runs the same or just leave it as it is. You wont see me crying when it gets forced for everyone globally by lfs. But as i stated in my previous post cockpit view is missing sth to the "real feel", thats why i dont use it....maybe yet
S3 licensed
Well i totally understand Blackout's post. That it is more realistic to have a in-car view.
But for me tbh, the incarview like we have it now is lacking certain things for me to be driveable. And as i will never be able to solve these things at my home/office pc i prefere chase view.

I cant feel the acclerations in certain directions from the cockpit view as i can in a real car. So if i cant "feel" them i will at least see them (chase view).
Then there is the limited view i have with my 17'' monitor, which i too cant solve or make it halfway realistic untill i have like 3 monitors sitting here on my desk.
For those reasons i drive the chase view.
That it has certain advantages and disadvantages were already mentioned by myself and others.

If people want to split the lfs community by setting their servers to FCV feel free to do so. My personal opinion is it wont be for advantage of the LFS-Online-Racing-Community untill its forced by the masterserver, to split up the online racers by this.
S3 licensed
Seems to be a correct mention from him, checked lfsworld and his ctra stats...maybe x-system was down for a short while??
S3 licensed
Well i brought the advantages into the discussion, but there are really some certain disadvantages with that view.

Well you have a better suround view, thats true.
But you only can guess whats going on behind you and only guess whether the car behind you will start an attack or not, i am often left in the situation where i prefer to open the door instead of closing it and might causing a crash, because i am not 100% sure whats going on behind me. Mirrors are definately a big advantage there.

The second disadvantage i can think of is, that you are not actually on the height of the car, thats obvious since you are flying behind the car. I actually always struggle on courses like South City because of the fact that i need to turn earlier then my actual position is and cant see round corners .

The third disadvantage which comes to my mind is a but hard to explain for me in english. But if you have driven this dynamic chase view you will know what i mean. When you are turning hard the direction of the camera is not the direction your car is actually heading to. Which combined with my second point makes it harder then in cockpit view to estimate how much you should steer and how much to use the throttle since you dont really have the actual position.
These points combined might also explain for me, why i alway have been good at Westhill and Kyoto National and always struggled to come up to pace on circuits like SO, BL and As Cadet, naming especially hairpins on other circuits where i seem to lose time...
This is no whining, just explaining that now people picking on the "huuuuuge" advantages but telling there are also these and maybe other disadvantages.
S3 licensed
Just lift the throttle a bit while upshifting thats all.
S3 licensed
Quote from Guesty91 :Hey

I was just woundering if any 1 knows how to get the S! and S@ licences for free. if someone could give me the user name and password i would be so happy Thanx.

Merry Christmas and Have a Happye New Year



I was just woundering if any 1 knows how to get a Ferrari for free? if someone could give me his Ferrari i would be so happy Thanx.

Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year


S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :And now the whining probally starts :
"But you have no mirrors, you are a hazard to track" - I have used chase veiw since S1 demo, and I know how to use it. I usually changes between camera angels to get a better veiw, I use the map to look where the cars are to me, if they are close or not, and finally I use the sound. I have a good sorround speaker system, so I can easely find out where you lads are.

Weill as TVE said, driving chase view in close combats includes watching on the map, hearing the sounds and where they come from and the watching your car as you can see whats going on next to you.
I have clocked some miles now in my S2 career and i can say, that i probably have a much better suround view and overview in close combats then any cockpit driver and you can drive fast and competetive with this view.
Well, its not realistic though......but i just cant race fast, fair and clean in cockpit...
...already couldnt join a league i'd like to join because they use FCV. Well i got over it without whining...
S3 licensed
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :The thing is that Shift+P could be avoided right now, so the fact that it is still there shows that, as much as anyone wants to believe it, there factors other than reality behind its design.

Maybe at one point in the development of LFS shift+p will be disallowed. Since pointed out by JTBO and Quicksilver its still w.i.p. game and not everything is implemented yet.
Shift+P is in the game so that you as a racer can avoid that you not only spoil your own race.
TBH before disallow shift+p there need to be included other simulation-features to the game. Like better collision detection, better damage system, full-Course-Yellows, Safety-cars, cranes and track workers which get the cars off the track. Otherwise you will just have randomly have cars staying around on track. Maybe blocking the whole track.
You see its a long if not impossible way to have the perfect simulation of the real world.
You have to start with some features if you want to do a simulation. Some make more sense to start with, some less as some features build up on other features and let it inly be code-wise.
S3 licensed
For my family we celebrate christmas just on the evening of 24th...i know that most english speaking countries mostly do most of the christmas stuff on 25th. There we have just big family meal....

So merry christmas...