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Quote from Arrow. :Today i sat down pressed the throttle with my left foot and thought my pedal were broken lol.

Good to see everyone felt the same thing happen, i thought i was going crazy .

Try it with the other pedals. Left and right foot feel the same pressure..

Strange... feels somehow weird
but its definately because you push harder with left, because i have to push harder with the right foot on the other two pedals.
S3 licensed
k thanx "trentemoller"was the artist

I have seen it yesterday in german live coverage of the "city liga" with lots of buffering and connection loss. So i couldnt watch the end again on stage6 to see the interpret. Didnt load at all.

trentemoller - take me into your skin

relaxing music though :bannana_g
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
This is great. First time i found this
Great Movie - Whats the music?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :You can't not be enthusiastic about cars and post say... in the Improvement suggestions, because as far as your concerned, cars don't interest you.. .

Says a person who posts in a "global warming"-thread with 0 % knowledge of science and want to disprove what 1000's of scientists have worked out over decades.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :How about dead people [...]

Quote from axus :Pictures of famous physicists? As long as not everyone picks Einstein.

Then we could really say "LFS: the sim whose community truly cares about physics".

We could combine that, so people who want to give their tribute to Colin can do that and the others can hail the dead physicist who discovered the physic laws, which always brought Colin round the corners
S3 licensed
Nice relaunch!
S3 licensed
I have moved now, and as i expected i have got some problems.
The conenction to the wlan station is +- ok in the night and in the early morning ( still low signal) when noone of my the persons i live with is up or is in the internet. As soon as people walking around in the house or surfing in the internet my connection drops out every now and then, usually i have not more then 5 minutes in a row to be in the internet. that sucks. Enough to send email or write in the forum, but not enough to play LFS
The earliest possibility hard wiring the connection is in 1-2 Month and that will cost lfs (online) for me in that time
Any other possibility to get that better running? I have read about better antenna or stuff like that when i searched in google. But i am total dumb in technical question Dont have the money for my own connection though
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
If there was a serious league that restricted practice by only announcing the track an hour or two beforehand then I would be very interested.

Exactly what i plan to set up in the next weeks with help of my team-mates.
S3 licensed
Congrats to a new LFS S2 driver Strato12345!
S3 licensed
Really think the second episode was much better then the first one. Have seen you took some of the criticism mentioned in the other thread and really improved.
Keep up the good work! Good to see its not just me dedicated to racing games
Will watch everything you gonna publish for sure

Tuned in for the start session of your Daytona coverage, even though i didnt knew at all which game it was or to which series it belong( i believe some rfactor league?) i enjoyed your commentations. You always got sth to talk about what is hard in endurance racing coverage, would be awesome to see some live commentations from you in lfs
S3 licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :but still you wouldn't know if the setup or the driver had won. that's only possible with the same setup. I thought about forced setups too, but that's a bit like "I have a nice setup here, and I hope it doesn't suit any of the other drivers."

Totally agree with you, thats why event organization always should be as independant as possible.
S3 licensed
Time for FPR to lose our 9th place
I have not driven enough combos in the past
S3 licensed
I am good in remembering names though, but would be cool if you could group them and each group would be shown with different colours.
S3 licensed
Its not that i would call everyone "friend". I have good buddies in there, people i just like to race with, because they give good and friendly competition.
Have wreckers in there to know which server to avoid. I have all the top racers in there to know where to go when i need a challenge. All people in there from the leagues i am competing, all drivers from our "friend teams", i organized 2 seasons from a cup therefore all drivers in there and so on... and i am around for 2 years...a lot drivers met there
S3 licensed
i have like 400 persons in my buddy list. no limit yet
S3 licensed
1. If there is prizemoney involved, would you pay a little fee for a season?
If the league is well organized for me doesnt need to be prizemoney to keep my interest and therefor no need for an entrance fee in my opinion. But if its top-notch organized, extremely user friendly, easy to get into, a lot of lfs buddies racing there, international and the fee not to high (~5€ for a season), then i wouldn't mind paying a fee.

2. What type of racing would you prefer? Sprints of 30 mins, longer races? open wheel or GT racing? Or both?
Personally i prefere a system of an about 10mins sprint race and a longer race (>60 Minutes ; < 80 Minutes) after with the top drivers reversed. 15 Minutes qualifying
There needs to be an international top organized non endurance GTR-League in my opinion.

3. What prizey would be needed to get you "hot" to definitely taking part in this?
Doesn't need any prizes just a top organization. I wouldn't get a prize anyway.

4. What else could you think of?

Some points i discovered for leagues in the past year which are important for me:
-easy registration/deregistration if you do have a real life its hard to make every race especially in longer seasons +4races
-if its a new car/combo every race i like 14 days racing rhythm due to the reason i mentioned the point above and because i want to start a race well prepared
-easy signup for the league, differs from registration. "signup" for the league, "register" for the race
-a good looking web page with all necessary information (up-to-date) but not to much information that you dont find the important things.
-fast event summary by the admins, including uploading replays, posting the results, stats and championship standings
-easy procedure to submit complaints
-experienced, independant admin and judging team
S3 licensed
Hello! I didnt know where to post it exactly hardware or technical issues, so i decided to post it in the off-topic subforum.
I am moving by the end of this month in an old steel-concrete house of the 70s. The problem is i will not longer be on a hard-wire. I will have to use a wire-less connection. So i am a bit afraid that it will affect my connection to the lfs-servers and give me bad lag, make my ar disappearing for others or disconnects. So what are your experiences (wireless lan + online gaming)? What do you recommend for a wire-less-lan adapter? Does a high quality adapter lead to a better signal and more stable connection? The problem is i am total noob when it comes down to technical issues. I read that i maybe need something like a signal repeater, since there is at least one wall and some meters between me and the station. Can anyone tell me about this, pls for a techincal noob.
I cant test the signal before i move in there.
Sad but there is no way i could hard-wire the connection. The other problem is that i have to share the 6m/bit (might be just a 3 mbit connection not 100% sure) connection with at least 2 other users. Any way i could reserve a minimum of the bandwith for my connection?

Thx in advance for the help.
S3 licensed
He has his paid ZWR holidays. I am his holiday replacement.
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum : If you want a finished product then LFS is definitely not for you. ;-)

LFS has far less big bugs then most of the so called "finished" games you can buy in your local games-store. A lot of games today are unplayable because they have big bugs where you need to wait for a patch to play on although they are not called alpha and beta.
With LFS you get a full function game and it gets updated all the time untill S2 is finished and then we are all waiting for S3.
Its by far the best game i have ever played. No other game could ever get my attention for 2 years. I have tested a lot of games but they are all crap compared to LFS.
S3 licensed
Our university gym is 24€/month if you take the full year, otherwise its 32€/month for the full program including sauna and swimming area.
3 pounds a year is like a dream
S3 licensed
Looking forward how you will introduce LFS in the show in the next episode.
I have seen the preview in this show and i have seen you had all the messages, laps, chat, driver names and stuff on, looks much better when you switch all that stuff for some ingame shots. As long as you not trying to explain how LFS works with all that stuff.
Maybe use Shift+u mode instead of standard in-game camera.

Just some little improvement suggestions:
If you show the race results, be sure that they are clearly readable otherwise they are more or less senseless. (Maybe less information but better visible)
If you show the next race for a specific event, hold in the track picture as long as you are speaking about the event and then make the cut. And maybe the logo of that event over the track picture. (When the first cut was i wasnt pretty sure if that track picture belonged to the next event or the event series shown)

Would be cool if you could introduce some of the main LFS Events in your weekly show. For example last week there was the first round of a huge event "Battle of the Teams" lot of drivers competed there, lot of well known teams.
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :
edit: if the gym has a rowing machine I really recommend that.

Totally agree on that. Because its adjustable for your needs, if you do a lot of repeats 200-1000 on less weight its good for endurance and burning kalories and if i go you right you are afraid of getting up some kilos during college month!? If you do less repeats on high weight its good for your power and explosivity.
And it trains nearly the whole body.
S3 licensed
I dont like it myself since i prefere doing the sport outdoor but dont you hvae a gym in your college or in the town nearby?

I do half an hour of gymnastic with easy exercises each morning. 2km of swimming 1,2 times a week. Another 2,3 times of 1 hour running. Another 4,5 times of 1 hour cycling (my usually route is about 32 km and 700-800hm) with longer trips at the weekend. Another 1 1/2 hour soccer on sundays. Occasionally just some times in the year i do some tennis, table tennis or badminton.
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :In my opinion you should not give too much for the statistics.

Exactly! You know! There were those two durch guys (i am not giving names) who "cheated" their wins with a lot 1 lap races on their hidden server, people were sometimes welcome if someone came who was better he got banned before the finish line. How boring i personally think but yeah i wouldnt trust this won races and podiums as an indicator how good or bad someone is.