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S3 licensed
Nice relaunch!
S3 licensed
I have moved now, and as i expected i have got some problems.
The conenction to the wlan station is +- ok in the night and in the early morning ( still low signal) when noone of my the persons i live with is up or is in the internet. As soon as people walking around in the house or surfing in the internet my connection drops out every now and then, usually i have not more then 5 minutes in a row to be in the internet. that sucks. Enough to send email or write in the forum, but not enough to play LFS
The earliest possibility hard wiring the connection is in 1-2 Month and that will cost lfs (online) for me in that time
Any other possibility to get that better running? I have read about better antenna or stuff like that when i searched in google. But i am total dumb in technical question Dont have the money for my own connection though
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :

Are you using VLC?

I first used VLC and it buffered all the time but in Winamp, its very smooth for me.

Thx, exactly that was the case. still buffering a bit ( thats due to my stoneage connection atm), but much better with winamp!
S3 licensed
to much kbits for my connection now
S3 licensed
Hehe, this chinese site seems to be quite active. Maybe they will flood the gfc in the second season. Or rebuilt your concept and run it under a different name
S3 licensed
Having tested those cars yesterday in a few races with you, i must say its great fun and if it wouldnt collide with the EAS i would definately be in!
Never liked to drive the UFR before. Seemed to have to much power for the weight and wass always that light especially on the curbs. Ok this restricted are still though, but really close racing yesterday
Think when the setups have their final tweaks the cars will be a little faster and little more unstable again.
Good luck with the season!
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I agree that it can be like 10-15 minutes, but not over that
almost 18 minutes long races gets borring because you often gets spun in the first corner of the T1 heroes, and then if you`r wrecked, you have to wait aprox 20 minutes before you can race again :/ Well you can mid-race join, but then you get no points.

But...if the races are longer, you have the time to fight yourself back after T1 mayhem and can overtake all the impatient people
S3 licensed
I am sure some are still waiting how their MOE application goes out.
S3 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :Great Britain is also the United Kingdom and England

I think Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England should be seperate teams as most Scots and Welsh are like "Bahhh the English" Excuse the pun Welshies

So bavaria should have their own team, too
The biggest problem apart from timezone is: who decides who drives for each country? I would go with Celtic100
Best would be to have a tracker and the fastest x drivers of each country on the upcoming combo should be allowed to race for their country. They would need to confirm their entry before the round, if they dont do it the next on the list has their spot. You would need at least 2 confirmation dates though.
But then you have the problem that you only choose by fast laps and not race-pace. So you will never find a perfect system. Is not as easy as with BOTT where a TEAM nominates the drivers.
If you would make a team manager for a country, who decides who the team manager, you would always have some sympathism and antipatism between certain teams and drivers, a random person doesnt know all fast drivers in his country and so on. If the team manager looses interest in the league the probability that the whole team(nation) wont participate in a certain round is higher, whereas there war e drivers from the country who would like to participate.
S3 licensed
Nice Vid
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
If there was a serious league that restricted practice by only announcing the track an hour or two beforehand then I would be very interested.

Exactly what i plan to set up in the next weeks with help of my team-mates.
S3 licensed
Hello Scoop!
We would like to participate with the following lineup.

FPR - Factory Phantom Racing
nat: German
car: XRR
C. Piotrowski (Mr Soocerer)
T. Kopp (DonTob)
M. Krinninger (nobo)

Thx alot
S3 licensed
I have been able to calculate my jump from 8% to 7% with race based calculation it went under 7,5% then it showed 7%

If its lap based it should show 8% for me though . Its common sence in statistics if something is above 7,5% its supposed to display 8%.
Just a question i had.

And i know its obvius that its lap based in statistic page, but yeah just look at my observations.
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Dru :Becky are you for real?

for your real racing to be correct a 1% average would mean 1 person driving for 100 laps with only one yellow flag caused?

you sure you have this right?

That was a question came to my mind, how exactly is the yellow flag ratio meant to be?
When i get in every race a yellow flag my ratio is 10 % whereas it should be 100%, because i get a yellow flag in every race.
So having 1% in ctra means you can score 1 yellow flag in 10 races. (correct me if i am wrong) If its lap based i should hava a ratio of 8% because i would have like 7,706%.
Why does it work on this way on ctra? to have a lower ratio of yellow flags? I am happy it shows 7% for me and not 72% though
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Congrats to a new LFS S2 driver Strato12345!
S3 licensed
Really think the second episode was much better then the first one. Have seen you took some of the criticism mentioned in the other thread and really improved.
Keep up the good work! Good to see its not just me dedicated to racing games
Will watch everything you gonna publish for sure

Tuned in for the start session of your Daytona coverage, even though i didnt knew at all which game it was or to which series it belong( i believe some rfactor league?) i enjoyed your commentations. You always got sth to talk about what is hard in endurance racing coverage, would be awesome to see some live commentations from you in lfs
S3 licensed
Quote from Primoz :Nice. there are still like-thinkers out there. We will evolve everything and cemente it in the following days.

Any news on that? Since your last post is 2 month ago.
I wanted to set up a weekly event on tuesdays which either just uses the less used cars/tracks in lfs or random combos (with the probability that the less used cars/tracks in lfs appear more often), announced before the qualy.

I am already am in development stage with my team. They should be independent events starting earliest 18:00 UTC and latest 20:00 UTC

Maybe we can get this running together with you?

FPR could support the server + a server which runs an odd combo during a week.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :but still you wouldn't know if the setup or the driver had won. that's only possible with the same setup. I thought about forced setups too, but that's a bit like "I have a nice setup here, and I hope it doesn't suit any of the other drivers."

Totally agree with you, thats why event organization always should be as independant as possible.
S3 licensed
Quote from Richard Torp :No one are flaming. Can`t we discuss racing incidents without making any complaints? Maybe people could learn by reading it..
I dont see any does this:

Furthermore... complaints why? I didn`t even get an answer on my complaint 14 days ago.. (was a joke..)

End of story from Team Den Blå Avis.. Looking forward to R3..

Your complaint fully worked through the judgement process and i am sure arrow. will present the result as soon as all the round 2 stress has gone.
It took a little bit longer with this complaint because it wasnt submitted in the right format --->Everyone read the rules please and fill out the complaint correctly pointing us to the incidents. So it took a little longer to discuss how to deal with it. Just to say that for a little transparency on the judgement process. Everything else is down to arrow. to present it.
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Time for FPR to lose our 9th place
I have not driven enough combos in the past
S3 licensed
More interaction between the commentators and/or another commentator with "very good" english knowledge preferably a native speaker. Who can help out when words are needed...instead of "öhm" "ehm"...

Overall thx for the coverage!
S3 licensed
will join the anti german fraction
Nice move Mooney
S3 licensed
yeah, no real picture anymore
S3 licensed
my fault