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S3 licensed
Congratulations CoRe! Definately a vital part for this community
S3 licensed
Great stuff dude.
S3 licensed
Quote from gigi91430ita :... but why don't write something like a weekly newsletter telling about the progress in developing patches or updates? People should complain less and maybe could even give some suggestions..
What do you think?

People would complain even more. If they would write a newsletter that they are working on xy. People expect xy soon and dont take into account that things need time and complications can occur.
Its the same with the scirocco. It got announced, then things took longer because problems occured and now people are asking again again and again when the scirocco is going to be released and accusing the devs being lazy.
Let them work on their project as they want. Creative work takes longer then just copying existing things. This goes for the physic development and the car/track development. If you just want some fast crapy copy of things its better going off playing other games. We all got more S2 content then promised in first place, and a more bug free game then 99% of the other games on the market.
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Quote from jug :get over it or get a new licence

Quote from BBO@BSR :
I have zero tolerance for cheaters.
Like others suggested. Get another license for a fresh start,
in the end you finally can do something positive for the community
in buying another license from the devs.

S3 licensed
Anyone played this?
Played this for days.

Test Drive

were some of my first games too. Dont know which one i had first.
S3 licensed
Great stuff!
S3 licensed
I'd prefer sleeping on the street before i pay 85,50€ for just one night in a hotel
I'll search a cheap hostel in the netherlands or somewhere near the dutch boarder when the time has come.
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :thats discriminating, i want my flag too

S3 licensed
Running shoes and a book.
S3 licensed
Hey guys
congratulations for your first birthday
S3 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I'd also like to point out that he's complaining about the external chase camera view not working like normal games (although I've never noticed).

You can set the chase view so its still the same as before.

I wont post how, untill he posts with his s2 account
S3 licensed
Last weekend i did my first 10k run for this year. I didnt plan the start, but on thursday i found someone giving away his starting place in the internet for free. So i grabbed this place which orginally did cost 30€... it was a special run 700 meters below the earth surface in a salt mine. You were running in half dark, dark tubes and you had quite some elevation there. 2 laps, with 300m up and 300m down per lap. A total of 600 hm, i guess it was a little less since the track was not the same as the years before...
We had 30°C and 20% humidity down there, the air was quite salty, you were forced to wear a helmet.
i finished 5th out of 500 in 42min10secs

It was one of my best running experiences so far

Here two pictures.

First one from the start, i am the one in black with the black socks

The second some impression of those tubes out of one of these vehicles we were transported down there.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :I can help you out on the running Jack.

Personally, I would avoid running every day, if you aren't specifically training to run, I would say 3 runs a week would be sufficient, I would break these down as a short (3 miles max) steady run, a longer tempo or speed session, and a long slow(er) run at the weekend.

That way, you aren't putting excess strain on your joints, the tempo / speed session will improve your "twitch" muscle fibres, which would help with karting, and the long run would improve your stamina no end.

On days you aren't running, I would say anything low impact, like swimming, x training, rowing etc etc, even walking, is good.

Personally, I would stay away from heavy weights, because all you'll end up doing is bulking up, which if you are karting you don't want to do, plus it makes any cardio work harder.

If you want anymore indepth info about running (I can help out of running schedules, tempo / speed sessions, pacing, distances etc etc), give me a PM.

Remember, REST DAYS ARE IMPORTANT, you will injury yourself otherwise.

the actual body adaption to the training is happening during the rest periods,. so running each day full out and training your muscles full each day. Wont give you the best fitness gain.
Dont increase your running mileage to fast. Experts recommend a maximum distance gain of ~10% per week.

For push ups you might find this handy.
For sit ups you could use the same schedule (Maybe on the push-up rest day)

Are you planning to do the weight stuff at home or in a gym?
S3 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Go get them Andy!

ANDY! ANDY! ANDY! Good luck!
S3 licensed
Wow, can a championship end better???

Congrats Hamilton
S3 licensed
Uhh just came home from sports... since when is the broadcast in such a good quality Even the commentating seems to be improved from what i've seen last time.
I havent read all the posts. Who are the commentators?
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Gasses as in greenhouse gasses, if gasses are so transparent, then why can you see smoke? Why is chlorine gas yellow coloured?

Greenhouses are not the same as our Earth's atmosphere, are we surrounded by a layer of glass? Were talking about radiation from the sun here, not heated air, greenhouses get warm because the layer of glass stops the warmed air escaping, it also stops the heat energy escaping so it acts as an insulator, with the earth's atmosphere, reflected infrared radiation can escape because gas isnt effective enough at stopping it, and so global warming is a lie.

Greenhouses cant be used as an example of global warming, because glass has very different properties to anything in our atmosphere, so quit banging on about bloody greenhouses.

You can see smoke because its an aerosol (solid particles with gasses). You learn this in your first year of chemistry in school. basically at the first day you have chemistry.

Man you dont know the basics of physic, chemistry and mineralogy.
Actually perfect glass is a liquid and not solid as it has no regular structure (ever seen windows in a very old house? They flow, even though they are not perfect glass). Liquids and gasses are also grouped together as "fluids" as they have similar properties.
Inform yourself about heat flux. Then search in google for absorbtion and reflection of certain wave length in molecules (for example CH4, CO2, H20, O³...) and you find the answer why the earth heats up with more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

And if gasses are not good enough to absorb certain wave length why do you think there is such a big fuss about the O³ layer? Or why do you think that we in europe dont need the sun milk they use in australia? because basically gasses are not good enough to block certain wave length! lol!
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
My xrr is only doing 2:20 anyone got a good set for me?
S3 licensed
lol Massa and Hamilton dont have their best day
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Registered for the Paris marathon today, so it's too late to back out now

Keep your eyes peeled in April 09 on the TV, I am in the pink group (don't ask), bib number 44227

Would it be sad to wear some sort of LFS shirt?

Isnt it April 05
Any idea wheather eurosport is going to show this?
I'll do my marathon on 26.04. in Hamburg and aiming for 3:15
Wasnt there a half-marathon planned for later this year? How is your preparation going?

Last friday i did my last event-run over 5k for this year, i did a total of 18 events (2 slow halfmarathons) with a best of 17:29 for 5k, i'll do another 4 events this year, all between 8k-14,5k. With the focus of doing a 10k pb on new Year's Eve.
S3 licensed
Is there a tracker for spectators?

Edit:And which team is missing? I only count 28 on remote...
S3 licensed
I'll definately watch this
S3 licensed
Quote from Joris :I thought this meet was for fun and socialising. I am pretty sure I will carry the red lantern whatever material I get but that will not stop me from taking part. Childish behaviour like yours might however...

Thought the same
No chance for you to get the red lantern:fence3d:, i totally suck in karts. Never driven on an outdoor track though
May he come with his own kart in drive miles on front of everyone i'm sure he'll just have half the fun as the rest
Hope when the time comes some of you can help me find a cheap train ticket and a youth hostel or whatever is cheap snt good enough.
S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin : I'd definitely recommend something like this just for normal everyday cycling, it's cheap (Looking at Halfords UK online, it's £45, an absolute bargain)

Quote from amp88 :I'm looking to buy a bicycle to use to lose a couple of stone and generally get fitter. I know next to nothing about bikes and I'm not too bothered about the spec. I will require a drinks bottle holder and one of those little bags that fits inside the frame (to carry mobile phone/mp3 player) and a speedometer/odometer but they can be bought as accessories if need be. I don't want to spend too much on it, looking at in the region of £200 for the bike, the above mentioned gear and a helmet. Can anyone point me towards some good online / high street shops and give me some ideas on names/features to look out for?

Thanks in advance

If i would need to recommend a bike for his needs (and as close to his budget as possible) from that site i would go for this . Its also the price region (280 pounds) where it begins if you dont want to have a bike falling apart after a 100k
S3 licensed
How about some open wheel racing on saturday?

FBM @ Fern Bay Gold

Check out OWRL