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S3 licensed movie i have ever seen.
S3 licensed
You could also upload it to with a special note that it is for the ctra-layout.

Anyway...added to my setup-collection
S3 licensed
Fe Green or Fe Gold with FOX or FBM makes me smile
S3 licensed
Ever thought the "S2" Delgado is not the same Delgado as registred on this forum. But the "Froum" Delgado had the forum account earlier then the "S2" Delgado? And maybe thats why there is this rule?
I have no facts for that but thats what i think...
S3 licensed
if you call pluto a planet you would need to call other "objects" in the kuiper belt as well planets, as there are other objects which fit the definition of a planet better (orbit, bigger mass and more circular then pluto) then pluto but were discovered to late to be kept as a "planet" for decades like pluto was.
S3 licensed
You mean something like the possibility to force a certain setup for everyone?
I would like that idea to, but its not very high on my priority list
S3 licensed
Great Video
S3 licensed
Nice bump Dan, was visiting your site some days and was wondering why there are no updates. Thought you'd given up, but to see you still going on is a good sign.
Dont let yourself blend by some people, dont do to much in to short time!
keep on running!
S3 licensed
Well Gentlefoot, sad news about the split at R4R!
But if not you with all your dedication for LFS will find a great team i dont know who else will find a good team!
Good luck with your team finding!! Just can say the same as LordBlaster! CR is a great team if i would need to recommend one!
S3 licensed
well he hasnt got S2 yet so his level of adiction isnt that high as ours
S3 licensed
I still have one in my dungeon. If you can pick it up here you can have it for free!
Last spring the dfp wheel was quite cheap over here, he got it for 47 Euros, maybe wait some time for dropping prices?
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :
Oh, and btw, i know Dru wasn't referring to you when he mentioned the 'bargers'

He meant poor ALDI....
S3 licensed
Just watching the MOE Qualy (41 people on server,~30 on track) and i have no problem at all. , but maybe the problem is just in races

Edit: like three_jump: the list is to long and not scroll
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback : ... rSpps&feature=related

This one is my all-time favorite!

was about to post the same! Then i saw your post!
That was so funny
S3 licensed
I smell some kind of drug-use within CR to enhance their driving performance ...
Well i think CR should be penalized, how about 100k points deduction on ctra and a 2 year suspension

Just joking guys...scary stuff these things to enhance your brain abilities...would never try them without a doctor...because i still want to play "games" with my girlfriend...
LFS Remote / Spectator
S3 licensed

I think havent found it here... Found this in the german forum. Looks cool to be honest. Reminds me to the old lfs spectator.

Just thought to post it here....
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Do you have any target time or is your goal to finish the 10 km without stopping? Interesting to know would also be whats your actual weight in kg and your height to know roughly your phsysical properties.

10 km was my distance when i was focussing on running. I started roughly at zero at the age of 17/18 without really possible to do 3 km in a row and ended it 2 1/2 years ago.

What alwayw helped me a lot that i had a training partner who motivated me to go running even though i wasnt in the mood to go running. He was much faster and had much more endurance then i had. So with my willpower if i wanted to run with him i need to go faster.

I would recommend you to train every second day, dont have big gaps in your training schedule. Increase your distance slowly (like your training schedule). Cross trainer wont substitute the running training but is very good for a warmup´and cool down.

Before each 10 km running event i used to do an overdistance run before with heavy training clothes. (Sportsmen always train heavier then they actually do their events)

Good shoes are really important you dont really want to destroy your body!

Keep us up to date how your running is going, maybe we can motivate you on bad days
S3 licensed
Great guys!
S3 licensed
I disagree for me its only partly about the points, if it would be only about the points i wouldnt prefere racing on full grids on SS1. I would go on Race 3 to earn a lot of points
But still i want to finish good to score points on SS1
S3 licensed
Always great when someone shows such dedication combined with talent! great work!
S3 licensed
You should think about joining a team, when you have found a bunch of guys / team you like racing with.

Or if you want a "blind date", just join one of the random teams you find and which advertise in this subforum
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Cant remember burning the clutch once due to a spin . One of us two is doing something wrong...
S3 licensed
Thats what i said... unfortunately
The Italians and CR catching up anyway...well our team needs to get more active again to maintain 2nd.