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S3 licensed
I really do like the weather conditions on CTRA-X servers! If its low or high wind, if you want to call yourself a good driver then you have to deal with both! I dont understand why not more high quality leagues use the wind even if the wind is not 100% realistic, but zero wind isnt 100% realistic too, but its a real challenge with wind.
Yesterday i really did like the high wind sessions on FE Gold and WE Int. and was kind of disappointed that all people startet to "vote end race" In the end i did vote myself but just because i didnt want to have that happen in the middle of the race and to shut all that moaning on the server. Maybe you could take up in the rules its forbidden to vote to end the race just because of weather conditions. Its sad that people leave the server just because they dont find perfect hotlapping conditions. And that are most likely the drivers who are crying for rain weather or tracks like the "Nordschleife" 5mins later in the forum

Points/Time/wind is sth else and you already said the point system will get a rework so its fine

Maybe an option could be to have all wind options on the SS2/Race2 servers and on the SS1/Race1 server to have just low wind. So the inexperienced drivers can learn how to drive with wind in LFS before they get the full load of wind
Already suggested by Flip i think.
S3 licensed
Quote from alland44 :I can guarantee, tha Team dba would participate, if it was "mano et mano" and not "teamo pushes teamo".

We on Team dba will not degrade racing, to push each other around on the tracks. Team dba will join every serious race there are, if we are "free to race" on the specified racing dates.

We want to race ! Not play around

Rihard owns Team dba, and I`m the team leader - Now you now :

I've been following the discussion for some time now. Sounds for me you had a bad day and put your anger down here. Why not just pull out for the race and shut up if you dont like something, instead you put down the organisation and the league here, again and again, you have layed down your point, why picking and picking on it???
If its possible with lfs physics to bump then hell yea do it if people like. But i havent seen anyone here posting he wants really planning to bump through the race.
Its still the same serious racing with bump allowed then without, simply because LFS Physics allows it, but there is still some damage and spinning risk, maybe because of little lag or inproper bump, so the one who said here he will not puch someone who doesnt want it is right and that should be the way everyone should handle it. In ESCC Race at Aston GP you could see that even the top notch players in LFS use bumperdrafting to avoid that someone can catch them on the long Start/Finish straight and i would call the racing serious there from drivers like Mooney, Sracer...
S3 licensed
Its the best game i have ever bought and it gets better and better.
In some way its more simple then most of the games, on the other hand it goes more in the depth (physics) then all other racing games.
Not bored after 2 years of playing. And Ctra-X gave me more new motivation
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
As i said, i dont think the mirror will ever happen due to the mentioned reason that new players should be encouraged to drive in the cockpit and i can understand that. I have arranged myself to drive without mirror, its ok, even though i sometimes lose a place, because i dont know 100% where the car behind me attacks, for safety reasons i let the door more open then needed.

"Such as the visual feedback of both oversteer and understeer as well as bumps and general visuals of g-forces. "

I personally think you can better see the visual feedback in chase view, but thats just a question of taste i think.

My main problem lays in the narrow city courses, hairpins, sharp corners, because i am actually not on the height of the car and need to plan earlier where i want my car to go.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mike85 :Im sure its one line of code to fix.

Dont think its one line of code...its been suggested over years now. It was already in suggested improvments in the Test Patch section but wasnt included in the patches where it would have been fit into. I dont think i will ever get my mirror
As long as i dont have the same side and front overview like in cockpit like in real car (and thats not possible with one small monitor.), i will not try to switch from chase view.
SHAC 2007 live @ - now!
S3 licensed
Summer Heat Amateur Competition 2007
Just started watching it on Maybe someone from this forum is interested in watching this event even though the coverage is in german.
Link to stream:
S3 licensed
Gratz for joining ZWR
S3 licensed
Thats what googles language tool gave me for "Wanderlieder"

...was to lazy to grab my dictionary...edited
S3 licensed
I hear "Die hundert besten Wanderlieder am laufenden Band"
which means sth like "the hundred best roving songs, non stop"
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
Just around 240 km/h in an A6 + Audi 200 on the Autobahn
To hilly here to do more, especially if you go to the south and thats the direction where i go in 99% of the cases .
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
@ The Moose: lol

Will miss the good racing with ZWR the next week since i am on holiday
S3 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :Gee... never would have thought someone would have posted about wanting real tracks.. and the ring!? noway!! Never would have seen that coming :rolleyes:

The reason you thought you were so special as to start a new thread containing nothing new than in any of the other threads asking about real tracks was....................?

Congratulations on being original!



If the "thank" feature would be still here i would have thanked Ian.H for his post. So i do it the old fashioned way. +1 Ian.H
S3 licensed
Congrats ....what did i say?
S3 licensed
How about a "racer of the week" section on the ctra website which shows the licence card of the guy who scored the most points within the last 7 days (sunday-sunday / monday-monday), for each licence?

Just delete my posts if they are crap, but i like statistics
S3 licensed
Yeah Dru you are right, the last nights have been absolutely awesome!! Such great and fair racing, never seen before on public servers! You forgot Spdo and ELR
Dont know if its already the time, because i like races with 10+ drivers and i dont think we can get a SS2 server filled already.
Concerning the race length, 10 Minutes seems just fine for me. Everything shorter is to quick, everything longer you'll need to wait far to long to get started. I am already sometimes frustrated with the 9-11 minutes we have now on SS1

@Dru i think its not that hard for you to earn the missing points in the next evenings!
S3 licensed
how about a set of team stats.
Most wins, pts, fastest laps by teams. Assign a team in myctra....
S3 licensed
That was something i have been searching for recently.

Another thing i have been searching in the rules, after how many laps the pits open.
S3 licensed
It was a nice feature from my pov. Sad its removed now
S3 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :I love cats

Very well done m8!


I remember an oval race, i think it was 150 or 200 laps, some sort of team race i think. Was fighting for the win with my mate (Harry). It looked good the we could catch the car in front of us, which was in the lead by half a lap. Then Suddenly the car i was drafting with crashed and i just heared a laugh in ventrilo.
Actually his cat jumped on him while the event! Cats really love LFS!!!
S3 licensed
i am not that much into the ctra system, but something is wrong on ss 1.
maybe solved
Last edited by Nobo, .
S3 licensed
impressive tbh...
S3 licensed
I have been lapped today and got 1 Point on place 8.
S3 licensed
nice interview spent half an hour reading this, instead of racing on the ctra-x servers :P
S3 licensed
Dont have a clue why to watch and read anime and not just comics!