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S2 licensed
Only watched the first one (drift) video, and I enjoyed it. Great dorifto action!
S2 licensed
Alright, so now I am torn between the 360 and the PS3, what'd you guys think? Which one's the better choice?

I know that the PS3 doesn't really have major "issues" like the 360 so that's a plus.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :...has there been an overheating problem announcment from MS yet?...It does'nt like confined spaces, it gets very warm and reboots.
Something that MS forgot to tell teh public, pc's and fans n' stuff

No announcement from MS but isn't the 3 year warranty extension a huge giveaway that there's a problem (and it's most likely heat related). Someone did tests on the exhaust air temperature for the 360, and found that on average it's 40 degrees celsius higher than ambient temp. They also measured the GPU temperature at load and found it to be just below 100 degrees celsius. 100 degrees is outright dangerous IMO .
S2 licensed
Quote from LFS Drifter :the PS3 is good, the graphics are good for first games, and it has wireless intrrenet capiblity and the online isnt laggy at all, i would have it out in the living room and i would have 60% strength and my interenet sucks and no lag. the 360, my cousin has one, he almost never plays it,but i does have more titles and a higher user rate than the PS3 Currently does. i Think the games have bassicaly the same amount of graphical capibilty, just the PS3 a Little better, the same games are coming out for each system really, so either way 360 or PS3, the Wii is fun, but the games do tend to get to easy and boring. 360 is cheaper but in probably a year microsoft will have a new system and the PS3 is gonna be set for i say 3 years. just narrow it down to 360 and PS3, PS3 is expensive but i think is better while the 360 cheaper but games might stop comin out. and if you get the PS3 hell you can weight lift the thing it wieghs like 20 pounds or so.
EDIT the system itself wieghs 12 pounds but in the box its 15

I really doubt that Microsoft is going to release another console in a year. That's ridiculous, I don't think Microsoft is stupid enough to do that! If they did that, no one would buy it because developers are still just getting to the brink of using the 360's full potential.

As for the Falcon edition, I would think the 65nm chips should be coming onto shelves now, shouldn't they? Maybe right in time for the August price drop in the US? Anyone got any solid info on this? Also, by the looks of it some of the new Elite systems have an extra heatsink and other measures to combat the heat issue (which is an issue, if anyone says it's not, I think they're in denial). Anyone know if the new premium systems also have these kinds of measures?

And before anyone says that I don't have to worry about the heat issue and RRoD because of the 3 year warranty, well I just don't want to deal with a failure and the hassle to get it fixed.

Thanks for your opinions!

PS: Killzone 2 for PS3 looks amazing by the way!
S2 licensed
I can't see how Button isn't giving his full effort; what reason does he have not to? To make himself look slow? to make Honda look bad? Doesn't make any sense to me. Button is IMO one of the most consistent and smooth drivers in F1 right now. He was consistently in the points last season when the Honda was actually a little more competitive. I think what he needs is a car that actually runs better than last year's car (I know they brought out last year's chassis again).

Good luck to the man, he's a good driver.
Xbox 360
S2 licensed
I am thinking about getting a Xbox 360, and I keep hearing about the RRoD (Red Ring of Death) problem. So I need some opinions from people who own / have owned one of these systems. Is it safe to buy one? Thanks.
S2 licensed
Bumping a 2 year old thread, eh? Anyway, congrats to Bawbag for winning two of the AutoX competitions.
S2 licensed
I'd suggest something like a Honda Civic Hatchback from the late 90's. Honda's reliability is impeccable and they are also great on fuel. Good luck with your move to Australia.
S2 licensed
Sweet! A good laugh for sure.
S2 licensed
My condolences. I am very sorry to hear about something like this. I hope you get through this ok.
S2 licensed
Strawberry for sure!
S2 licensed
I also think Mark Webber did a tremendous job getting the Red Bull up to third.
S2 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :Why, winning a joke championship over Paul Tracey a couple a times? Or does he deserve his F1 shot for doing a LFS NOOB Turn 1 at Le Mans?

LOL, although I wouldn't call Champcar a joke championship it definitely seems like there's not nearly the level of competition that's present in F1.
S2 licensed
I saw this coming a long ways back. I mean Speed was barely given the race seat this year; they made him wait till the last moment to tell him that he was actually being given a drive. Toro Rosso wants results which are impossible with their inferior car at the moment. They should think about that rather than blaming and pressuring their drivers.
S2 licensed
I can understand that there might be poor mods made if LFS is opened to modding but that does not reflect on the actual game's quality at all. It would not hurt Live for Speed's own (separate from the mods) development and image as far as I can see.

Somebody made the point that mods will likely break with every physics patch. While this is true, I don't see why this is something the devs have to worry about. I mean that's the modder's problem.

Also, I think some people actually do care about what they are driving in LFS. Real vehicles add to the realism of a sim immensely, and that's what LFS is, isn't it? :up:

PS: This is no way meant to disrespect the devs' opinions; after all, LFS is their project, and these decisions are theirs to make.
S2 licensed
Just started to read it last night, just a couple of chapters in. Getting exciting!
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :Wow, if that sort of stuff disturbs you we'd better all start creeping round with slippers on whispering to eachother. The internet is a harsh place for sensitive peopple. Useful thread? Well useful means different things to different people.

I am not disturbed really, just saying that this topic actually has a purpose rather than most of the spam I see in Off-topic. Would you not agree that there's a lot of spam going around these days in Off-topic?
S2 licensed
I am not a pilot but I am just posting to say that I find it disturbing that this useful (more useful and sensible than most threads in Off-Topic) was made into a joke by many members.
S2 licensed
What a crazy race! I can't believe Raikkonen's bad luck, AGAIN. Great drive from Mark Webber and Red Bull though(finally finishes a race).

EDIT: Winkelhock leading was quite memorable too!
Last edited by OneCrazyDiamond, .
S2 licensed
Good watch. Oh the carnage!
S2 licensed
Who's going to win the Grand Prix tomorrow?
S2 licensed
Bad luck for Hamilton but I don't see any way that Hamilton's getting on the podium tomorrow if Alonso and the two Ferrari's are still racing. But anyhow, good luck to Hamilton and the top three!
S2 licensed
Once you learn a little HTML, try HTML-Kit. It's quite handy for highlighting, color coding, and much more.
S2 licensed
Quote from Aquilifer :Does this use BOINC?

I have taken part in finding 'little green men'(SETI), but not this. What annoys me in these is that I have to generate yet another account with yet another password...which I cannot remember after 1 week

Actually, it requires no registration at all. AFAIK, all you have to do is either enter a name (for the statistics shown online) or you can be anonymous. It's quite easy actually, and yes it does use BOINC.
S2 licensed
I searched for a folding thread but it didn't come up with anything so I thought I'd make one. So, the question is, does anyone on here fold? (If you don't know what I am talking about, check it out here) If we do have people who do, why don't we have a Live For Speed folding group? I think we should.