Posting as an EQUAL of every S2 racer here, so no you're-a-demo-racer bullshit.
I think (OK, this is what I hear from S2ers) that people are getting tired of the same config of the tracks (e.g. BL1+FBM). Maybe add a few bits to an existing area, and definitely a fresh new area would be a way to go. Personally, I like BL a lot (Is there anything to like other than BL for me, really? :P) but it seems a little... Bland. 7 corners and a really long straight just doesn't cut it for me. Maybe modify it a bit?
For the cars, from the car selection screen I think that is enough already. Although the odd object of the Scirocco would be nice
Maybe a suggestion though. In the latest patches, I've observed that a brand new thing isn't always the complete thing (e.g. interiors; only for the XF/XR series). I believe that when a feature is added, it has to be complete at release. Ok, maybe segmental like, have new-car-smell interiors for all road cars. I know it can't be applied to every feature in LFS (Tire physics, clutch heat) but I think a 'finish what you started' policy should be applied to new tidbits.
Thanks, Francis