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S3 licensed
Pfft. I didn't get any games at all. No "Welcome back" crap is available on this PSP...

EDIT: The Category of the Welcome Back was moved to somewhere else, I found it...
Last edited by PoVo, .
S3 licensed
Quote from hp999 :Actually, this happened to me...

Long story short, I was on a tour bus(note... not in the country I live in!) and some BMW was trying to cut infront of the bus. But because he barely barely made it, he stopped the car, put the car in reverse whilst being diagonally on the road and started backing into the bus, even though he really didn't bump it. And he stopped the traffic on the road at the same time for a good 10 or 15 seconds.

Oh the joys of *** drivers (feel free to fill in the gap:razz.

Something similar happened to my dad. There was a women driver in front on the phone, driving slow because the bus in front was emitting lots of black smoke. So my dad decided to take over, and as he started taking over, she floors the gas causing my dad to nearly crash into the car in front, then brakes and laughs.
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Couldn't have said it better. ^

During the 6 years that I've been driving a car, I've been honked at three times in traffic now. Each and every time it has been some gel-haired yuppie in a 300-series BMW with oversized wheels with bassy techno playing on their stereo and foglights turned on 24/7. I bet next time I'll be honked at, it'll be another BMW again. The reason why I'm making a fuss about it, is because it's actually illegal to honk at someone in Finland just to express yourself. Something that BMW degenerates over here can't seem to get in to their thick skulls.

Next time, put the car in Reverse, and give the throttle a good kick
S3 licensed
I have cookie for you!

S3 licensed
Thanks T3charmy, worked like a charm
S3 licensed
Thanks for that!

Another problem I'm having is receiving MCI packets. I've binded my the ISP_MCI packet to my MCI function is the _construct, and it simply doesn't receive packets.

I have set my hosts config PPS to 2.

As far as I know I have to enable it in the ISI flags, but can't seem to know how to do it with PRISM
S3 licensed
Hahaha, unlucky person
S3 licensed
Thanks for the tip
S3 licensed
Well yeah, but that won't let me change info in the $data variable.

I would have to return it and re-set the variable. I would also like to access functions from other classes so it wouldn't work
S3 licensed
Alright, so I have made a little example plugin.

Here is PlugName.php:

include 'PlugName_Utils.php';

PlugName extends Plugins
URL '-';
NAME '-';

$data = array();
    public function 
DoFunction(); # function from PlugName_Utils.php

Here is PlugName_Utils.php:


public function DoFunction()
$data['Povo']['Place'] = 'Random Place!';
$MST = new IS_MST();
$MST->Msg('/msg Data Updated')->Send();


This is briefly what I want to do. Any suggestions?
S3 licensed
Thanks for the reply. I'll write an example code today later on.

Another question I have is why do I keep getting errors like:
IS_MTC - first byte must not be zero

My message is like so:
$MTC->UCID($NPL->UCID)->ReqI(1)->Msg('^B^3» ^1You are disallowed to join the track!')->Send();

Multi-Classed Plugin
S3 licensed

I was wondering if it's possible to create a multi classed plugin in PRISM?

Let's say we have the main class - game.php.

Now I also want to add game_utilities.php which would contain functions.

Now let's say I have the usual stuff in game.php like the constructor along with a variable
var $my_array = array();

Now I also want to add a function in game_utilities.php called "performChanges()".

The bit that I'm stuck on is allowing the game_utilities.php to access the $my_array variable.

Is this possible?

Another goodie would be to be able to send / receive InSim packets from the game_utilities.php class.

Any suggestions?

S3 licensed
Scrabby your BMW is just awesome!
S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :you still paid it mate. even pcworld are selling them cheaper. ... le-10cm-07843320-pdt.html

Out of stock in Blanchardstown, Dublin
S3 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :Thats worth like 0.20€ ...

Yeah I know. Shops are overpriced in Ireland, and I have no credit card to use eBay, so....
S3 licensed
Finally got a chance to finish the game!

I have to say, it was a very nice story, although the missing free roam mode is a pity. Wanted more
S3 licensed

€8.50 .................
S3 licensed
Al right, so I installed RBR...

Can anyone recommend what mods or whatever they're called to install?

There's the 2011 pack or something? Can anyone help me get started?

I've installed the latest patch

EDIT: Also what's the best wheel rotation degree to use? 540?
Last edited by PoVo, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :arma2 as a chopper pilot. motogp with a joystick is a good laugh.

I'm looking for something non-game based, and also not a bike game.

Basically a flight sim.
S3 licensed


Already selling the WiFi adapter, as it's not compatible with my IPTV box...

Can anyone recommend any flying game for my Joystick? Besides Microsoft Flight Simulator which doesn't even install (installs 1 CD, I put in 2 CD and just at the end of installing it, the installer fails, and rolls back...)
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :wierd kb povo >_>
i guess that red glow would annoy me quickly

I love the glow!, It's not that intensive as shown on the picture though, and the intensiveness is controllable.
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Now tell me they haven't redeamed themselves with this...

My Credit Card details and house address for 2 games? No thank you.
S3 licensed
The only way I can think of is to create an "AFK timer" so basically after let's say 2 mins of no speed change you could presume that the engine is off or something.

Not accurate - but will get the job dirtily done
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Finally a wallpaper I didn't get from google

Did you use Bing or Yahoo this time?
S3 licensed
Set the InSim Flag with an IS_CON