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Watching replays with Race Viewer and TV Director and Car Focus
S3 licensed
Great way of watching a race.

Half of the time both LFS "games" will show the same scenes, but on very different camera angles - very interesting to watch.
Half of the time you´ll be able to see different scenes with different cars on the track but happening at the same time of the race. Get:

1.) Get the TV-Director:

2.) Download the attached files of this post here. It´s the custom cams. Extract all these files into the cam folder of the TV-director.

3.) Download and extract all the files into the pth folder of TV- director.

4.) Download the Race Viewer and extract it.

5.) Start 2x LFS in windowed mode (Shift F4 ). One LFS is for the Race Viewer, the other one for the TV-director.

6.) Start TV-Director

7.) Start Race viewer

8.) Find and start the same replay, but pause (p) both of them to begin with.

9.) Press the "T" and type "/insim=30000" (without the quotes) in one LFS and click on the " connect " button of your race viewer. Player names should appear and your first LFS is set.

10.) Press the "T" and type "/insim=32300" (without the quotes) in your other LFS. Start your TV-Director (check the "connect automatically"), click start.

11.) Shift F6 to activate TV director. ( Info: Shift F7 to deactivate it again).

12.) 2x Shift F for both LFS to avoid any readings, expect the TV-Director ones.

13.) Unpause both LFS, synchronise your replays with help of the "P" button.

For dual or triple screen users this should be even more fun..

@@@ 14.) Get CarFocus and make this a triple screen setup. Follow your own car as well all the time on your three monitors or desktop (1 screen only). Added race scenes screenshots with the desribed triple setup, attached some more in the zips. Thanks to the creator of race viewer and carfocus, FireFox86 for letting me know about his last creation adn of course the maker of the TV- director, Soeren Scharf.

Screen size 23´. Here 2 screenshots.

Last edited by R.Kolz, . Reason : Triple setup
S3 licensed
OP: "The only problem that I have with it is that it's not DX10"
Autopilot :"Games are not where i7 excels"

Here one would asume he wants an PC upgrade because of his gaming.
He should clearify on this matter. Not sure why the OP comments on a quad core AMD CPU right away eighter. Using Intel setups since 10 about years, I´m looking for an PC upgrade myself and found this Danish comment as well as this: ... icle.php/3261_3801711__11

Power consumption is a factor for me as well.

Give me advise on why NOT to choose a setup like this:
Phenom II X3 720 6 MB incl. standart cooler: 192.697 USD
AM3 motherboards: 120 - 200 USD

Total: 310 -390 USD

EDIT: Realised we´re talking Canadian Dollars here:
Total: 385 -485

That´s about half of the price mentioned in the OP´s posts.

Of course it wouldn´t beat the setup of the OP but a good " Best bang for the buck" it would be right now?
Last edited by R.Kolz, .
S3 licensed
Here a comment from a Danish guy normally who normally knows what he´s talking about. It was in Danish language and I just put his text through an online translator tool. I think it´s understandable:

Went from a Gigabyte P35 board with E8500 Wolf Dale this i920 cpu and a Gigabyte X58 board with SLI setup etc, in total I spent around 13k on a new system. It is the most wasted money I have ever spent.
SLI on X58 running unevenly. Onboard sound is much worse than it was with a P35 board. CPU performance even with the GTX280 SLI setup is not impressive game iforht. my old system with one GTX280 cards. Poor vista 64bit support for X58.
Overall, you're just an E8500 el. a Q9450 cpu and a reasonable graphics card then DROP core i7 getting simply too little of it. I certainly extremely disappointed, and should only be run 1 years even with the old system.
Instead of selling me my core i7 setup and switch to AMD phénomène II X3 720 Black Edition for AM2 + board. It provides balance with a core i7 920 in Crysis anyway (see Testing phénomène II X3 720). Maybe X3 720 max 30% slower in div. other synthetic benchmarks, but such a CPU inc. motherboard etc.. is also 140% cheaper to assemble than the Intel setup.
Do you have an E6200 CPU and want to upgrade so bring either a Q9300 if your motherboard supports it, otherwise take a AMD phénomène II.
S3 licensed
Quote from jwardy :English:


Quote from jwardy :I want to know..

You want to know?

Quote from jwardy :..if LeLUx'es Hotlap on South city sprint 2 > uf1 is valid , because he takes advantage of the wall on the last lap , and he wants to know if its legal to do that > ?

LeLUx wants to know?

Have a nice weekend.
S3 licensed
Yes, that was very unlucky. For sure a good battle this could have been.
Strainge. After three races two flipped FZR already. Doesn´t happen too often otherwise.
S3 licensed
Funny movie. Use photoshop next time, might save you guys some time.
S3 licensed
We´d like to have a subforum for the Danish TDRT Race League 2009.

Homepage section:

TDRT subforums:
S3 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :So i have $10 NZD (about $5 USD) left on a prezzy card and its gotta be used before the end of the month so im wondering if someone can recommend a cheap game on steam? Im looking at the first 2 and a bit pages here ... sort_order=ASC&page=1 and Xpand Rally is the only one that stands out. Is this game any good? What about GTI Racing? Or anything else!

Maybe just add this money your S2 account for Hi-Res. skins or an upcoming S3 licence.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Congratulations CoRe. Always nice racing you.
S3 licensed
A good movie and I´m sure you´ll make it another three weeks so ..
Gratz on the birthday as well.
S3 licensed
Good information.

Looking at these diff. RAM amounts testing I´m interested in what influence more ram would have on different 64-bit systems on LFS?

Taken out of this article:

..that power users will greatly get extra performance with the use of more than four gigabytes of memory. Just you remember that it requires a Windows 64-bit version to take advantage of the memory.
Last edited by R.Kolz, .
S3 licensed
Updates 1st March 2009

- Read about our newest TDRT sign-up.
- New TDRT league 2009 introduced, starting with two testraces this month.
Last edited by R.Kolz, .
S3 licensed

Going to download the video right away..
S3 licensed
"In a few minutes round 5 of Masters of Endurance will commence, the theatre this time around is Blackwood Grand Prix! Just last week TDRT raced on the same track in the season opener race of IGTC, the difference being the car used and 2 hours worth of extra racing..."

Read more HERE
S3 licensed
Found your rules here. Interesting stuff.
Last edited by R.Kolz, .
S3 licensed
Just got the 2343BW model (same, just with DVI input). I like it.
Monday I´ll test it against the 2343NW and let you know.

@ 5 weeks to deliver it. Well, no difference to see between digital and analog.
Last edited by R.Kolz, .
S3 licensed
I can see that it would be very hard to implement, looking at especially EQ Worry´s post. Let me share my thoughts, I don´t hope I jump too much in it:
IMO a server with some insim application running has always been more popular than just a plain LFS server. An insim application might be able to do the same job, but right now you can´t see if a server has an insim application running (and what kind of) from the connection list. Looking for a race this again might result in that you just miss these nice insim set-up servers. In addition, the insim application only starts to work when a person enters the server. But these insims often have been used to set a certain minimum required time for a racer - see CTRA. This WR+ is about the same.

This feature ( WR+) might make our online-racing just a bit more interesting - with some nice side effects as well (OP).

Example on how it could work for a WR+ enabled server:
Let´s say three GTR cars are enabled on a popular server like e.g. the Conedodgers GTR @AS3 server.
Like EQ Worry states, we can´t use online PB´s right now, as there is some chance of manipulated PB´s.
Let´s then say (if technically possible), when entering the connection list your uploaded hotlaps will be checked and indicate a racer in white/red numbers on the connection list if you would be able to join this particular server or not. It would all depend on the server setting in combination with your uploaded hotlap.
Please remember there still will be hundreds of servers without any PB requirements at all, in my oppinion.
This might become a great challenge for some of us and there would be more focus towards all of the hotlapping section as well.
Back to the example: In order to get on the Conedodgers GTR @AS3 server, you´d have to have a fast enough hotlap for all three cars.
I already can see racers in hotlap mode, trying to beat a required time in fx. the XRR in order to be allowed to enter this server...

I really don´t think my suggestion will kind of separate the LFS online racers in any way.
Right now there are 896 servers online, 77 populated with more than 1 and 48 where only one single player is online. 771 servers are empty. That a lot of empty servers and there will still be loads of servers for all kind of racing and "cocktails" of drivers and races. As a matter of fact: I think that only a minority of servers admins would chose some "Elite" setting like 104% as it´s "better" to race against a lot of drivers

Track changes. I don´t know how to solve this one TBO. Disable WR+ if you work with track changes maybe?
And finally: Eq Worry is right : All in all it´s just an idea I got after I got notice of some server closing due to racers multiple account usage and I´m not at all sure if this WR+ is technically or otherwise possible to create. Neighter do I have the prove that it´d be a good feature to implement in LFS.

S3 licensed
Quote from John5200 :sry don´t get that: the just have to drive two laps and they have an ok pb again

Your comment is about the Multiple Demo Account Owners or better the muliple joining of one and the same person in order to get the overhand and ban the rest of the racers:

Well, true but he/her would have to do it with every account they want to join a server..

And another question remains: Are these guys actually able to race within a 180% of the actual WR ? Not sure..
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :I'm sure this can be done with Airio IIRC

Probably. But then racers have to be on a server already. They shouldn´t even be allowed to join IMO.

I still remember the huge amount of messages on one of the CTRA servers:

" Player X connected - Player X got kicked "
Server option: % off the WR times
S3 licensed
See the attached pictures. They are self-explanatory.

White 1% = Only racers within 101% of the actual WR can join

Red 1% = You can´t join this server as your hotlap is NOT within 101% of the actual WR.

ALL = WR+ feature disabled.

A server site option to only allow racers with equal or better hotlap time to enter the server as an on/off feature.

The hotlap of a racer would have to be checked when on the connection list already. Possible ?

I see a lot of advantages by introducing it (having the right setting, of course).

-Harder for any Multiple Demo Account User to join servers with several accounts
-Harder for crashers/wreckers (noobs) to ruin others races
-Easier to find racers, with about the same race pace then you.
-Less work for any server admin
-Adds motivation to improve a certain hotlap in order to get on a popular server
-Less private servers

But again :
The hotlaps of a racer would have to be checked when entering or in the connection list menu already. Is this possible and is this a good or bad idea in your opinion ?

Edit: People with admin password should always be allowed to join this server, regardless the servers actual WR+ setting. And please don´t get stuck on this 101% setting. It was just a fictive number and I´m aware that this would probably become a almost never populated server.

- you tell me the downside of it.
Last edited by R.Kolz, . Reason : Not PB but hotlap.
S3 licensed
Go to the league section and find loads of replays. You should even be able to find a hi-res skins pack.
S3 licensed
Rules state you´ll work with a safety car for race starts and nothing about a push car at all.

Will there be no push car ?
Will there be no safety car periods during the race if fx. there is a major accident with a lot of cars involved, a car is on the roof or stuck in the sand ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :
IGTC runs shorter races of 4 and 8 hours with GT1 specification GTR cars, with the inclusion of safety cars and pushcars that help drivers in need of assistance.

GTAL is a combination of the two: It runs one specification of GTR cars; the slower GT2 cars. The races are very short; 3 hours and 6 hours. There will be no pushcars or safety cars.

IGCT has only one safety car and only one push car and in the planned GTAL league there will be a safety car, acc. to the rules.

Anyways, Good Luck SRS.
S3 licensed
Quote from Woyta :I understand him.

I really doubt it. You should read the quote in your first post once more.