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S3 licensed
Hi all.

I need a little help with my Airio Configuration. I want to run a race session on my LFS Dedicated Server (0.6E). I set the options /qual=15, /laps=60, /mustpit and /pass=xxxxx. If I don´t start Airio, after 15 Minutes of qualification the server waits for the race start (either by user´s voting or admin command).

But when Airio is running during Qualy, things get strange. After the 15 Minutes of Qualy the race session starts immediately without any wait time.

How can I tell Airio not to switch to the next session but wait until all users have voted to start the race?

Second question: If I enter the /end command Airio removes all users from the session, so the actual positions of all users get lost. How can I change that?

Thank you very much in advance!
Last edited by Ratman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :My opinion is that this thread has turned into a edge vs others thread rather than a good bye thread

Yep! Let´s quit with that, it will lead us nowhere. If someone still likes LFS, then he/she should stay with it. I have made my decision, and so has my Team. Maybe I will do some LFS-races here and there, but our main activities will focus on other (racing)games now.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Surely best to wait until RFactor 2 or Assetto Corsa comes out (assuming they're good), as there aren't any other online sims worth bothering with at the moment?

I´m using pCARS at the moment, it´s very promising. Some other teammembers are playing iRacing. I don´t like it very much, because it´s very expensive imho and too much US-focussed regarding cars and tracks.
OMR-Team says "Good Bye, LFS"
S3 licensed
After 8 years keeping the faith to LFS the "Old Men Racing Team" (OMR) will quit all LFS Racing and we will sail to new horizons. Although we respect scawns decision not to share development with other programmers, we are heavily disappointed that there is nearly no development at all. No new cars, no new tracks, not even the scirocco or the Rockingham-track (that were announced over 4 years ago).

Playing LFS has become boring and OMR will now make a restart with some other product(s).

Thanks to the devs and the community for 8 years of fun, action, close wheel-by-wheel races and all that stuff. Maybe we see again in another sim?
AS15 Replacement (AS34?)
S3 licensed
Hi all.

I really like the AS15 Layout, but I hate this really weird pit entry and the pit exit too. So I decided to re-create this configuration based on AS3X. The main reason to do this was the wish to use the other pitlane which is much easier to enter.

It was a little bit tricky to find a solution for the pit exit. I thought about creating a chicane at the point where the cars that come from the pitlane re-enter the track. But this was not possible because the whole field starts from the AS3X grid and would also have to pass this chicane. So I seperated the pit exit from the starting grid and lead the cars that come from the pit all the way up to the "parabolica". A much safer solution.

Although the cars start from the AS3X grid I placed the finishline right before the new pit entry. Because this layout is based on AS33 I call it AS34 or Aston Competition. Please feel free to use this layout and let me know what you think about it.
S3 licensed
Quote from jrs_4500 :If you're really interested in sims, you won't give C.A.R.S. another thought. I was interested for a while, but after seeing some gameplay footage I realized it's just a joke.

Well... You should have a look at the Pre-Alpha of C.A.R.S (play it, don´t just watch some Youtube-Vids) and then think about your words again

Even in this very early stage it looks absolutely amazing and the feeling behind the wheel is not bad. But let´s judge when the first Beta is ready for testing...
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Challenge accepted!

Wait... im gonna soon play some LFS after I get off from work today

Don´t get me wrong. I´m still playing LFS most of the time. And I´m still trying to keep our team (OMR) together and organize events and championships and all that stuff. I still like LFS very much, but it gets harder and harder every week to get enough racers together. Two years ago we had about 20+ racers every saturday for our weekly event. Today I´m happy to have 7 or 8 people joining our events...
S3 licensed
Let´s face it: LFS is almost dead. LFS teams are dying one by one. Most entries in the online server list are Demohosts. Hard to find a good populated server running a different combo than Blackwood GP. No new cars, no new tracks. S3 is announced since years, but it seems that the three devs have too much on the ToDo-List to get something ready to publish.

And there is a new Sim appearing at the horizon that seems to become the Simulation everybody is dreaming of. Project C.A.R.S ( has a DX11 renderer, real cars and tracks, involves the community and will have real time changing weather conditions. And it does not have this aggressive money-squeezing that iRacing has. If C.A.R.S gets only half as good as it is told to be, it will be the final death punch for LFS. Sad but true
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :Maybe you missed the first post?

Well... (whistle) errrm... at least I missed this tiny link to the
S3 licensed
Well, after all I´m missing the layouts for the following open configs:

A13 N/A AS1x Banana Track
A15 A18 AS1xy (A18)
A73 A16 AS7xy Touring Car Circuit Extended
A74 A17 AS7xy Touring Car Circuit Short
A75 A19 AS7xy (A19, A18 + North)
A76 N/A AS7x Banana Track Extended
A41 A28 AS4xy Sportscar Circuit
A62 A29 AS6xy International
B21 B24 BL2x Sprint Alternative
A62 A29 AS6xy International
F22 N/A FE2xy Silver Alternative
F31 N/A FE3xy Island
F33 N/A FE2xy National Island
F52 N/A FE5xy Rallycross Alternative
K21 N/A KY3xy North

or maybe I´ve missed them while reading this thread

May someone upload those layouts here? Or send them to me? I´m currently building some kind of database with all open configs including the .lyt files and trackmaps.
Last edited by Ratman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :First posts updated with South City additions.

- Sprint 1 Full: LFS' normal Sprint 1 but now with 30 car grid.
- Sprint 2 Full: LFS' normal Sprint 2 but now with 30 car grid.

Thank you for this. We had a 54 laps race last weekend with UF1 on Sprint 2 full. It turned out that there is a high crash risk at that point where you have to turn right to go to the pitlane. Drivers who want to enter the pits have to choose another raceline as those racers who stay on the track. See the attached pic. I´ve marked the normal raceline (green) and the line of the people who want to enter the pits (red). We had several crashes here so I think ther must be some sort of barrier to separate the cars who want to turn right. Any idea?
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :Probably because the checkpoints are round the wrong way or something - check the IGTC forum for an updated layout - we will fix it, and also update some of the layout for the lastest patch soon (marker boards etc.).

Thanx, the IGTC layout works fine
S3 licensed
Did anyone try a qualifying session on KY31r? With testpatch 0.6A1 it does not count the laptimes
S3 licensed
I´ve been racing LFS from the early days and I don´t think I will give up using it as long as there are still some good races every day. In my opinion Scawen will realize some day that he has made LFS too complex to be handled by just three people. He only has the choice to take some more people on board so he could further develop the tyre model (and the other things he wants to create) while the other people create things like new cars and tracks. I would advise Scawen to take a look at how things are going at linux development. Many people are developing linux, but only a few are steering the development process.
Last edited by Ratman, .
S3 licensed
The news about the new track and new car are good news. But:

I´m not this enthusiastic as I should be. The last update with noteworthy new things was Patch Y (new car), which was released alomost two years (!) ago. After that only minor updates were published. The announcement of the scirocco is already one year ago.

Don´t let me be misunderstood: I realy love LFS, it is the best sim ever, I play it since many years, and I will buy a S3-license A.S.A.P

But my concern is that it will take another year or two until the new content will be released. I appreciate the new track, the new car and whatever the new pacth will bring, but only after release.
S3 licensed
OK, now I have read this thread and rested a little bit to think it over. Now I feel like I have to write down my opinion:

First let me say: I like LFS! It is a great game and the best racing sim so far. There is no other game that is any closer to real-world racing than LFS. And I also like the changes in Patch Z, nice Cockpits and dashboards, nice decent graphic improvements.

On the other hand: I think people are right if they say that the progress is a little bit slow. I am a little bit disappointed that after this long time til´ Patch Z is out there is only some graphics improvements. I mean, who really cares about things like slightly shifted PoGs or weight distribution? 1 % s an amount that the majority of the users will not even notice.

In my opinion there are other things that need some development. For me the game looks good enough and the devs should spend no more development time with it. When you are racing, are you lookin around and say "OMG, what a nice texture on that wall and the tarmac looks so lovely!" ?

Why not letting the people out there create some new dashboards and concentrate on the real thing like improving the game engine and creating cars and tracks? I think many people here would be proud to do some work for this project even without getting money for this.

If LFS would be a hobby of two people who share their sparetime together the development rate is OK. But as a full time project the development rate is a little bit poor. I think the priority should be shifted to bring the game forward. Finetuning (like CoG and those things) can be done later.

Please take this as a fair comment and constructive criticism, because as I said, I like LFS and I like the work that has been done till now.
Start from pitlane if not qualified
S3 licensed
A nice feature would be if all racers that do not drive a valid qualification lap have to (= are forced to) start the race from the end of the pitlane AND are only allowed to cross the line AFTER the whole field has passed. This is similar to the rules in most Real-World Racing series.

At the moment there is only the option to put all those non-qualifiers to spectate mode so they have to wait the 12 second delay after the lights gone green until they can join the race again and have to drive all the long way through the pitlane.

A workaround could be to give server admins the ability to edit the amount of time you have to wait after race start until you can join the race.

See also where I have started a thread before.
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Would it not be a suitable replacement to get them to start from the back of the grid and then give them a time penalty, or a drive through?

Yeah, that´s what we are discussing at the moment as a workaround. But we want it to keep as tightest as possible to the Real World Racing, were you have to start from the end of the pitlane, if you have not qualified yourself for the race.

It seems the best workaround is to let those racers start from the last place and have them to stay there for 5 seconds after the lights gone Green. A Drivethrough or time penalty is only the second best, because in this case those racers can attack all those qualified racers from the start of the race. And That´s what we want to avoid.

The best way would be, if the developers would put some new code, that all non-qualified racers automatically start from the end of the pitlane AFTER all other racers have passed. I think this would not be too hard to implement and would push the game a little bit more in the direction of a Racing Simulation
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :It was done because on some tracks it was possible to gain an advantage to join from the pits if you got false start, or whatever.

Hmm... OK, but is it possible to lower the time a little bit? 12 seconds is far too much.
Join Delay
S3 licensed
Hi all.

Maybe someone can answer my question: When you try to join a race that just had started you have to wait about 12 Seconds from the moment where the lights have turned green until you can press the Join-Button. Is this time period a fixed amount or is it something you can decrease?

The background is that we host a race every saturday afternoon and we want to punish the racers who have not made a valid qualification lap. At the moment those racers have to spectate till the race is started and are then allowed to join the race. Because of the pre-defined "join delay" those racers have to wait about 12 seconds, then hop into the car and then have to go all the way through the pitlane (which can be very, VERY long on some tracks like Kyoto)

So if someone knows a way to decrease this time-limit, please tell me
S3 licensed
The Old Men Racing-Team is pleased to offer you a fast mirror for the actual Test Patch (as well as the full Y-Version when it is released)
>>>> KLICK! <<<< (German site)
S3 licensed
Two suggestions:

1. Ability for server admins to allow "old" (pre-X) Car reset. So if a car lays on the roof the driver can turn it back on four wheels, but without repair. Maybe combined with some time delay and/or only when track is free. We can also think of some safe "respawn-points" on fixed positions beside the track.

2. Pit stop indicators. E.g a number behind every players name which shows the number of pitstops he/she has already done. In real racing you also get this info from your team, so why not here? Also some lights at the side of the cars would be fine, like in DTM.

Excuse my bad english
S3 licensed
Quote from Not Sure :I get the stuttering / freezing problem when player is connecting or leaving the garage.

Same thing here, not really annoying, but noticeable

P4 3,4 Ghz
gForce 7600GT

No stuttering with LFS S2 W on the same PC
DTM-like Pitstop Markers
S3 licensed
Just two small suggestions:

1. Would be nice to have more than just ONE mandatory pitstop (e.g. the DTM, which has two mandatory pitstops)

2. It would be nice to know if a player has done his/her pitstop(s), so what about a little marker at every Players name (also DTM-like) and/or at the car itself? DTM has two lights at the side of the cars, one light for every pitstop you have made. Also in DTM there is a number shown in the driver race position list, which tells you how much pitstops a driver has done. I´m sure all drivers also get this info via radio.

Would be nice features I think...
S3 licensed
Just two small suggestions, please delete my post if it does not fit here:

1. Would be nice to have more than just one mandatory pitstop (e.g. the DTM, which has two mandatory pitstops)

2. It would be nice to know if a player has made his/her pitstop(s), so what about a little marker at every Players name (also DTM-like) and/or at the car itself? DTM has two lights at the side of the cars, one light for every pitstop you have made.

Would be nice features I think...