I was even surprised how well it runs on my system with all settings maxed out (1920x1200) but with no AA to select ingame i was lucky because it would of crippled my system, guessing it did help with the demo being an old E3 demo build so guessing the latest build will be alot better visually and performance wise.
Not your forum so you can't make up your own rules up because you have posted a thread on someone else's rented server, public forum so everyone have the right to post here.
Oh and do you think the topic will stay on what you want it to, you have been here longer then most so you should know what the forum is like, stop drinking and posting crap here like the last time you did which got you banned.
You all should know by now that the McLaren is always the best looking car on the gird, hope they make a better looking version this year... anyway there car launch is tomorrow around 11UTC.
You should know the meaning off respect yourself because changing the looks of the cars shape is disrespectful (also breaking the T&C/EULA) to the developer without asking him before hand todo so.
For the pc version no one knows because there is no info about the PC beta version, it should be close to others but i only want early access to the game to see if my gfx card can handle the game maxed out at 1920x1200, but i will find out tomorrow how good it will be.
I have played the first game but not finished it, i got to the part where you get the "god like power upgrade thingy" and gave up on it after a missions after that part but installed it again, so will give it another go sometime soon.
Not sure what happened but around the 10-12h mark you guys had over a minute lead after 3id's cockup in the pits but i went to bed and when i whoke up you was 10secs behind them, what happened?
Not happy with KY1 and WE1 in there again, replace KY1 with FE3 not to long but fast and close racing will happen, replace WE1 with something else like AS2R or even SO4 will be good place to race.
#03 was recovering from getting caught on the grass but while trying to get back onto the the track #03 lost the rear end sending him into a spin, with #34 moving over trying to get out of the way he was to close to the spinning car infront off, with yellow flags warning #34 from danger infront off him he did not make enough space between him resulting with #34 going into the barrier.
Warning for both #03 (not taking care when rejoining the track) #34 (ignoring yellow flag and not taking care for danger infront of him).
#03 was going side by side with #48 into T9 and again going into T10, #03 did not leave anyroom for #48 forcing him on the gravel resulting in both off them spinning, DT for #03 for careless driving and not giving room when lapping slower cars.
Sure it must be a driver issue then from when you went over from xp to windows 7 then because either the driver are to old or it's down to mobo/gfx card issue then.
Stop being an idiot because people are using programs that you find crap, is it so hard not to press that reply once every afew minutes because most of the stuff you say is just useless.
Thank you everyone for getting the skins on time, if anyone wants to make final adjustments to there skins they can do but kept the filename the same from the previous skin.
The skinpack will be up around mid-day tomorrow for everyone to download for the race.
Please use this thread to post your 2048x2048 skins for Round 4: 24 Hours of Aston Grand Prix. Skins must be posted by the driver confirmation deadline (Friday January 15th, 21:00 UTC).
Please remember that if your team is fielding a car in each class, the two cars' skins should be sufficiently different that the admins and commentators can tell them apart by sight alone.
Please remember to use the GT2 bumper bar for all GT2 skins.
I am certain that the problem is down to him using the 125watt version of the cpu which is not support for his mobo, most mobo (mainly ATX mobo) have 2 cpu's power connectors for the higher watt cpu's but his mobo has only one power connecter which would be fine for the 89watt version.
It's got nothing todo with bad airflow or temperture problem at all, if the cpu is undervolted he would get the BSOD or windows locking up overtime with to much load on the cpu.