I've compared the two translations and I have to say that the Latin one has some things right and others are just wrong, for example, in the latin translation the translator replaced the word 'embreague' for 'clutch', that is just wrong, you won't find the word cluth in any spanish dictionary, or using the word llanta (rim) instead of rueda (wheel).
Well now as I am looking at this new translation I have to say that it has horrible translation mistakes, like using the word tacometro (tachometer) for the speedometer.
Those words are not synonyms, actually they have a whole different meaning, also there are some spelling mistakes.
To be honest I don't see the necessity of this new language, Latin spoken Spanish has a totally different dialect in each Latin-American country, for example, in Argentina we use "auto" for cars but in other countries they use the word "carro" or "coche" and we all know that those words are synonymous for auto, it would be the same to have another english language option for americans. As for the flag I don't know what to advise, maybe it should bear the flag of the translator's nationality if it's someone from latin-america.
try deleting or moving to another folder the LFS configuration files named card_cfg.txt and cfg.txt doing so LFS resets to it's default config, maybe that will do the trick, something else, do you have a video card profile for LFS? maybe there is an option thats not ok if so.
I was up to almost 3 am (gmt-2) rooting for Mr. Obama, I think that after this elections I know more about Democrats than Argentina's main political party, I hope that this will be an example for our country that change is possible, congratulations to all americans! (at least those who like obama)
It's just an idea but it would be nice to have a system that shows the time as the pointer rolls over the specified lap (dot in the graphic), something like a pop up, resembling the ones you get if you roll over any tray icon.
I am a medical student and whenever I have some spare time I volunteer to help the doctors that are on call in the emergency room of the teaching hospital that I was assigned to, It would be nice if I got a little cash out of it but what I learn in the front is enough for now.