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S2 licensed
Quote from Rayo :Rigun: Little clown, try reading a bit before posting, ok? My previous thread was closed because ppl started fighting each other over STCC bans and I didnt get a proper answer to my question. Now that I got one it is safe for you to go back to your little fantasy world (macondo, lfsla or whatever you call it this days) and keep running there with your girlfriends, Im not going back even if I was being paid to do it. Kisses.

Yes your old thread was deviated from it's original topic, just like this one, a nice repeating pattern that's built in that brain of yours. I'll just tell you that by being a bully you wont get anything from this community, so you'd better think about the way you express yourself and maybe in a not too distant future you'll get some answers in your threads.

EDIT: By the way it is not necessary to write the messages in spanish and english, we both speak english so be it.
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :cant watch it... stupid video format.

ROLF, that stupid video format y a SPR wich stands for SINGLE PLAYER REPLAY in LFS :P, you must have S2 unlocked to be able to watch S2 replays.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shoe Maker :Nice... I spend my own money and take the time and trouble to try and host quality servers for people to enjoy, and then morons come along and post stuff like this, well f*ck you very much, nice to know all my hard work is appreciated.

It's exactly the kind of attitude that causes all the good servers to be closed down, the people spending their own time and money to run them feel they are wasting their time and it's not being appreciated, I totally understand why Becky did what she did with the STCC and it's because of comments like yours.

Don't like my servers or my combo's ? Host your bloody own then, instead of coming on the forums and bad mouthing mine!

Forum mods should do more to stop people like you posting inflammatory remarks about servers but it seems only some server hosts get that kind of preferential treatment, while others are just left hanging out to dry.

My servers are always full for a reason, we have rules, we have a website, if someone breaks the rules (ie blue flag, or wrecking or what ever) then you can save the replay, upload it to our website, and that person will be dealt with, if that's too much trouble for you too, then there isn't much more anyone can do and I will thank you to stop slamming my servers here in the forums.

If you have a problem with one of my admins, once again, save and send me a replay and I will deal with it, I run these servers for everyone to enjoy not just redline members. If we were a bunch of elitist idiots then the servers would be private and no one would use them except us, the fact is all my team drivers will take the time to help new LFS users, we share sets and are always happy to help slower drivers, my servers have been running for over a year now, for the benefit of all the racers on LFS, and for no other reason.

Perhaps I should take a leaf out of Becky's book and close the Redline servers too, that would be good, wouldn't it ? In the space of 1 week, 6 of the busiest servers in LFS get closed down because of mouthy idiots like you ? Where is everyone going to race then I wonder ? And how long would it take before everyone starts complaining about those servers too ?

If you have something constructive to say, make your point in a fair and objective way, attacking my servers, or anyone else's servers for that matter, is NOT the way to go.

Furthermore, being in Argentina, its quite possible that YOU are the cause of all the lag on the server, the servers are located in London and it's a bloody long way from Argentina, so perhaps I can cure the lag issues by banning your licence name from using them, lets try that, shall we ?

Redline EVO

I understand what you say, I'll let you know that rayo used to be in another LFS community in which I participate and the only thing that he could make was trouble, he was finally banned from the servers and community, but as far as I can see he didn't learn anything, his mind and stills thinks that he is right in everything that he believes

Now talking to you rayo, you created a thread about this same subject about a week ago and almost everyone said that the ladder system is a good idea but it shouldn't be built in LFS but rather be an add-on, so I ask you know, why do you come back and start this discussion again, do you believe that if you are annoying enough you will get what you want? because that's the impression that I'm getting from you right now.

I posted my thoughts about the system in the older thread so that's all from me.
S2 licensed
Quote from Renku : ... 14386&highlight=white
VGA drivers gone bad, reinstall should help. Find newer version if you can.

Sometimes newer isn't better, for old video cards newer video drivers tend to have more graphical glitches than rather old but stable drivers, Sticky-Micky tell us what graphic card do you have and maybe I could tell you wich are the best drivers for you.
S2 licensed
I belive that the STCC system is OK, but i wouldn't like to be restricted (in all servers) to a certain class of categorie because I don't have a "licence" for other cars.

About the question involving "it really adds a lot to the game the way its done" I'm not able to see your point, there is already a ladder system in a server so the only thing that an official ladder could add is a racers ranking, a ranking involving acumulating ponts and everybody knows that oval racers tend to earn lots of "points" if you undestand what I mean, so at the end I adds nothing to the game.
S2 licensed
Using the LFS bandwidth calculator isn't quite right for this case because the server has to send the info to each client, so if you deduce that if the server has to upload about 380KB/sec for 48 connections, each computer would recibe about 8kb/s, what i can't tell from that is how much you need to upload to the server.
S2 licensed
If you think that because you have lots of cars around you your video card can't handdle them and that's why your FPS drop you might be right, only if you have a really old video card like a GF440, otherwise the main FPS drawback is from CPU and belive it or not it's from the sound engine, try to disable your sound card and then run LFS, you'll see that you get a lot more of FPS, this applies to the start grid when all the cars around you are making varous sounds killing your CPU.

Another way to test that is to watch a replay in 2x, that way LFS automatically disables sound, you'll see a sudden increase of FPS.
S2 licensed
For all the ppl that's complaining about the new start position, go and drive in the wrong way till you feel that you can get the desired speed at the finish line, It wont take you much more longuer than warming up tyres for the hotlap.
S2 licensed
I've just seen your replay and what you need to improve is your lines, you are not using all the track in some corners, maybe if you get closer to the inside so you can get faster to the apex and exit corners at a greater speed you could shave that hundredth of a second to get to 1.07.XX, try breaking a little bit earliear so you can get to full throttle before the apex.
S2 licensed
Wow, you must have done something really good to the graphics engine, my video card is a little bit screwed up and I used to get lots of artifacts in the game, but when I tried this patch i found that almost all the artifacts where gone!
S2 licensed
I've always wanted to know what tail braking means, now that i know i realise that i did it without even knowing the theory behind it :P
S2 licensed
I usually race in servers with less that 150 ping but lately I've started to race in the STCC servers and sometimes I get 300 or 400, when you are racing in a pack with that ping you have to be very carefull, if you get to close to someone it's almost certain that both of the cars with be thrown away in the air because the lag sometimes makes cars be in the same spot at the same time and that is not nice to see, but if you are aware of your ping and try not to contact other racers cars other racers wont even know that you have that much ping, at least i haven't recived any complain about beeing laggy and if i get any i will surely go into spec mode while the ping goes down. So I think that if you are used to be clean on your racing you can race in servers with 300+ ping.
S2 licensed
I started to race in LFS about the same time that i started driving in real life and in LFS I use LFB and IRL RFB, damn that was too many abreviations for once sencente lol
S2 licensed
I lost the replay, but my priceless moment was when racing in so with the FOX someone hit the wall and his car was lifted in the air, so i had no choice to step on the gas and it worked! i passed below him, when i watched the replay i couldn't belive that i had such luck!
S2 licensed
I've always wanted to be able to make my own setups, but It seems that i'm not good at it, maybe i need more theory of how the different settings affect each other, but for now i have tons of things to study for college so i only modify someone else's setup to fit the amout of laps that i'm goig to race.
S2 licensed
I love this kind of races, hopefully i'll join you next time!
S2 licensed
I don't know how to reproduce it exaclty but i found a pattern, something to do with window mode, search for multiplayer servers and try to safeexit using the X windows button.

OS: Windows 98 SE

LFS caused an invalid page fault in
module <unknown> at 0000:1000171c.
EAX=eb4d6f84 CS=0167 EIP=1000171c EFLGS=00010202
EBX=bff76a38 SS=016f ESP=03d9fda4 EBP=03d9fdec
ECX=ecf9ce90 DS=016f ESI=1000171c FS=29f7
EDX=00000100 ES=016f EDI=0280bca4 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:

Stack dump:
bff850cf 0000fffe 0280bca4 000000c0 bff76a38 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 81b63900 00000001 eb4d6f84 000001f4 03d9fbd4 03d9ffbc bffc0684
S2 licensed
Weird, I have always had 4-way speaker sound plus subwoofer and the center channel muted, I'm using a SoundBlaster Live 5.1.
It would be nice if a real 5 channel was implemented, and it would add so much immersion to the game.
S2 licensed
I'm having some random crashes, but i don't know if the problem is my computer because i can not reproduce them, sometimes when trying to exit using the X button from the LFS windows the SIM crashed, also when i pressed the back button in the multiplayer menu i had a similar crash, i'm still investigating what it might be.
S2 licensed
I'm usually 1 second slower with full tank, but the major problem is handling, at least for me, when I have full tank I struggle a lot if there is an overtaking situation or if I make a mistake and have to recover the car.
S2 licensed
I'm having trouble with U29, i think it has something to do with the "Controls screen now shows the function assigned to a button" because when I press any button from my wheel at the controller menu LFS shuts down inmediatly without an error message, that does not happen if I am in the axis menu from controller's options.

OS: Windows 98SE
Wheel: Microsoft SideWinder Precision Wheel
S2 licensed
Well I guess I'll have to live with it, it would be a nice feature to see in a not very distant future, thanks for your cooperation, i mean help
Hide from LFS World Buddy List?
S2 licensed
Is there any way to hide from other users so they cannot know if you are racing or not in the Live Alert function of LFS-World? I looked for that option but I could not find it Hope that it exists.
S2 licensed
I've just tested the CSR mod, I loved the sound of the car but when I started to drive I felt like is was another game, and i am not lying, but it felt like gtr2! maybe it could be because I don't have a FF wheel so I mainly get my info from the sound and graphics,and as hard as I tryed i couldn't avoid spinning when downshifting. Maybe it's because i haven't played LFS for a while, but i doubt that =/

The sound just doen't feel right to me, don't ask me why, i dont know.
S2 licensed
Brasi, i'm from Argentina and we are going to start a new championship in about a month, so if you want you can go into our community forum and see if that fits you, the address is, at the momment we have one racer from Chile and some other racers from Peru, USA and England, so lag isn't a major issue, hope to see you around.