But it's immaterial. I think the only ones who would be willing to put up the cash is vegas. At which point it will stop becoming a race and start becoming a show.
Bernie's never made much sense in the past... why should he start making any sense now? His antics/decisions/general behaviour trickle down through the series, and are a part of why much of the US market doesn't understand/like formula 1.
I think each year you get older, the desire for a nap increases, and the time available for one decreases. so get all your napping in now while you can!
Granted my hardware isnt the greatest (hence why everythings turned off), but I dont think it's the card overheating. I've not monitored the temp of the card (not sure how I'd do that though). But even so, in this particular instance where i did the captures, It happend on the first lap I ran (literally maybe 2 minutes from starting LFS figuring connection times, and I didnt even get out of the pit exit before the race started). It was at that point that i figured I should finally try to get some screen caps and report it.
I dont play any other 3d games. I do graphic design for a living, and dont run into any problems with Photoshop, coreldraw, or illustrator. i have limited use with Carrara (3d modeling) without noticeable anomolies, but thats probably not the same as 3d gaming.
My cpu temp runs around 55 deg C when I run lfs.
I havent had time to race much since, so i havent gotten anymore vid captures yet. I have however (since the last report) removed the ATI config software, leaving only the drivers on it now, so we'll see if that makes any difference.
Someday I'll get some better gear...
But I figured maybe I should report it. noone else seems to have experienced similar problems (or at least thats what they tell me in chat after the races)
Make sure you have the correct tcp/ip ports open (not being blocked by a firewall on either computer).
Also, I dont believe an S2 can connect to a demo version (if im wrong, someone please coreect me and let me know how). Ive tried racing with my son with no sucess in this manner.
Dont quote me on this but I think they need to be jpg for lfs.
PSD are the 'build files' people like to use because of th layers. but ultimately you export out the final skin as jpg for lfs to the skins folder.
Of course, keep that psd handy for revisions later.
If you ever get a chance (When you start driving), participate in a local autocross. Its a blast and you get to learn your cars limits real well. But whats really weird, is when you ride with someone during one of their runs. It seems like a crazy ride because you're not in control of the car. But then when you get in the driver seat, it doesn't seem like that wild of a ride anymore.
I test drove the demos for Rfactor, GTR2 & LFS when I was looking to get back into simming. LFS was the only one where I didnt go veering off into a wall at each corner my first time out. I was amazed at the car bobbing up n down at speed, field of view, the FF response, and wind noise, etc...
As others stated, until you start feeling g-forces in your seat from turning so hard, you won't be able to fully simulate driving (And there are rigs out there that do this sort of thing!). LFS is the closest to real sim Ive found so far. Everything else still feels and looks too much like a video game.
Vid card: Radeon X1300
win xp
game res: 1152 x 864 - 24bit
using lfs s2 patch w
Only happens in multiplayer. Ive not encountered it in single player (that I recall)
These are screen caps from spectating, I was not driving at the time (Hard to do when it occurs).
It always happens on SO courses. But what I tried to capture, didnt end up happening.
My vid setting and some screen caps are below (see attached).
Rainbow coloring (bright greens and pinks) are new, never saw them before.
The triangles in the driver seat happens rarely, but wont go away unless I choose options/pit.
What I couldnt get to happen, which is fairly common (go figure) is I get triangles, much like the driver seat image, but they are opaque, and they'll shoot out from one point of the car in front of me, widening as they come to my car. as we move around the track, the traingles pivot to aim at me.
But what worse, is it happens on buildings also, and wind up filling the screen so that I cannot see at all until I pass the building. usually this happens on the row of buildings found on the right, of the last turn, of SO Classic.
Hopefully I gave all the info needed, and hopefully it's not an issue thats been reported already.
Im a noob myself, and I use a less frustrating way of learning the tracks. I'll hop online, find a race with cars/tracks im interested in learning, and then watch the top 3 racers (just spectating) from their drivers seat.
It will give you a pretty good idea of where your braking points are, speed through corners, and how much of the track you can use, not too mention you learn the track quickly. Also pay particular attention to T1 at each start, as the braking points and traffic flow will be helpful when you do decide to race it online.
after about 15 minutes of spectating, I'll go offline and practice (It helps to have a decent setup). Usually I'll start out slow, braking earlier than needed to get the feel of the track... within a dozen laps or so you'll get close to race speed. The difficult part is trimming that speed down to match the leaders you watched earlier. That takes much longer.
But, for the most part, the s1 & s2 drivers have been pretty patient with us noobs, so long as we get off the line (where possible) to let them pass under the blue.
Demo servers/drivers can sometimes be frustrating, as you'll encounter wreckers and/or really inexperienced drivers often. Its a good tool to teach you defensive driving of sorts, but you'll build more 'side by side' confidence racing on the s1 & s2 servers.
I'v eobtained more PB's (so far) by racing online and chasing the racer in front of me, rather than racing offline practicing. I dont know why, or how.. perhaps I'm subconsciously picking up tips from their driving, but it seems to be working. After a while, you'll be more than confident enough.
I love the vodafone. colors work great, and it reminds me of a mclaren test car they did a few years back, all orange with mclaren running sideways down the nose like that. looked awesome for as simple as it was.
Im having trouble finding photo reference for this one... In my 1993 Indy500 program, it only shows Molson on the engine cover and an unidentifiable red logo on the nose bewteen the valvolines.
Some other photos of the car show Kraco as an associate sponsor, and the 93 indy 500 photo entry image (On their website) shows two logos under Molson on the engine Cover (both unidentifiable). All of this is really not uncommon, as sponsorship changes throughout the year, and even moreso just for Indy.
Anyways, its as close as I could get with the little reference/info I had.
You mean when Al wasnt boozin so much? lol
Ok all kidding aside, if noone else picks this up, I will give it a whirl.
Right now I am working on the 99 valvoline scheme... so bear with me if I take too long. Otherwise, if someone else wants it, feel free to jump in.
But I couldnt resist the boozin comment, sorry folks.
STarted tinkering with the FO8 chassis. I havent checked all the posts in this thread, but Im sure theres a bazillion of these already... Either way, I wanted to create a simple design for my first attempt on this body.