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S2 licensed
I think you're better off getting the rF lite install.

Not matter what, you'll have to activate it online IIRC, unless it came with an activation code in the box. Even then, you could download from, then use the activation in the box. It's all the same version...
S2 licensed
I've seen a mod exactly like this in a first person shooter I played a while back. It worked very well. The current map wasn't included in the vote, and of course you had to vote in a certain amount of time. It gave a choice of 4 maps.

If something like this could be implemented in the future, I think it could do wonders for pickup racing.
S2 licensed
Quote from kingcars :Dang, I like how everybody here seems to be manual fans...the majority of stuff here is automatic . A little piece inside me dies every time I see a muscle car or sports car with an automatic (which is horribly common here).

I firmly believe that most Americans have generally become lazy with every thing they possibly can.

Manual ftw.
S2 licensed
I kinda think that's part of the problem. Everyone is so worried about being politically correct because of up tight laws and increased enforcement.

In my opinion, why the hell not let her? It's kinda like me telling my girlfriend that she can't play any of my games since I bought them all before we moved in, and her telling me I can't sleep in the bed because it was hers.

What about the music I purchased before we moved in? I practically shouldn't let her touch my computer, PS2, or even my TV!

Couldn't there be something along the lines of being able to share within reason, (such as family members in the same house hold, spouse) making all liability fall on the license holder? Obviously my name is put in as license holder of this LFSWorld account and my game account as well. My girlfriend cheats in a race and gets busted, punish me. I did let her use MY account after all...
S2 licensed
Because if you have the right software, it's simple to convert it to a .jpg format from .dds. Finding the right software is not hard at all.
S2 licensed
Alright. First 3 are up and ready to go. I HOPE they will center perfectly in the skin, but I can't be completely sure. It worked for me. That's all I can say.

XFG dirt.psd

XRG dirt.psd

XRT Dirt.psd

Work on the others will slow dramatically as I'm having troubles with my computer. Seems to be related to temperature so I'll have to make work on them short sweet, and to the point.
S2 licensed
I would be against such an idea. All you have to do is complete them once and then you can just do all you wish good or bad...

IMO, the rating system in NR03 worked fairly well. Numbered ranks for each style of track (short track, speedway, super speedway, and road course) as well as a "Laps Per Incident" (LPI) ranking made people want to KEEP their ranks up.

Of course you had to work your way up from a lowly noob server, but once you got your rank up, pickup racing was great. You had serious people that wanted to race instead of crashers. The only time I had a problem with crashers was when someone had crashed / been crashed durring a racing incident and just wanted to retaliate, and when servers had no restrictions on them to people could get their rank up.

I would think this may be the best solution, but this is the only solution I've seen that worked so far.
S2 licensed
Half a PSI can make a gigantic difference depending on how you have your car set up and how it handles. I've only come to seen such a huge difference in such a small change when I was oval racing a few years back though.

I actually had just started racing when I had a friend of mine take over the keyboard for me. He pretty much turned into my crew chief. It was a hell of a help. To have a separate, live person as an actual crew chief would be greatly effective IMO. Who would be willing to sit along the sidelines and not want to drive though?

I signed up for an event that required a team of a driver and a spotter. Didn't actually get to do it, but I heard the live spotters were a help.

I don't see how we could get any of this into ANY sim though. It seems we could only get this by combining individual interest as well as other programs.
S2 licensed
Ok. I've got a little bit of a problem.

My file is so damn large (12 MB) that I can't post it here on the forums, and I have dialup here, so giving it out privately will take too damn long also.

I will talk around to see what I can do. I have the option of using the high speed connection on the Bucknell campus, but I have a half hour bike ride to get there...

If anyone can help me out, let me know please!

I have 3 files ready to go. XRG, XFG, and XRT.
S2 licensed
I actually never heard of it being illegal in PA. Doesn't surprise me that it is though. Although for some stupid reason, it is also illegal to use the left lane for more than a few miles at a time in my state. I'm unsure of an exact number, but they covered it in Drivers Ed. and a great friend of mine who lives out of state got pulled over for it.

I had that thought of 2000 RPM vs 700 RPM when I though it would use fuel any way I did it. It would certainly be worth while if I'm really desperate to use 700 RPM worth of fuel over 2000. Since the engine doesn't use fuel with 0 throttle and decelerating though, my thought is blown clear out of the window now with the info from this thread.
S2 licensed
Interesting info.

Yes, every time I turned the car off while moving, I would put it back into the on position after the revs stopped. I've tried a few times and actually kept it going because I didn't leave it off long enough. Usually about 2 seconds is long enough.

When I do that, of course I lose power steering, and have 2 good pumps on the breaks before it's useless.

I only chanced that because it would take about 3 seconds for the car to accelerate away from anything at any time unless I'm controlling the gear. Damn computer doesn't know when to shift to benefit anything...

I thought that when the engine was breaking, it was still spitting fuel into the cylinders... I thought I could use it at 2000 RPM, or I could go to 700 RPM. I suppose it would be worth the loss of speed if no fuel is used in gear.
S2 licensed
I've tried to set up something to is centers automatically onto the car, but I haven't tested it yet. Let me get that done in a lil and I'll put them up.

Right now I'm satisfied with the XRG and the XFG. Next will be the XRT.

I've been trying desperately to find a new car lately. The nearest dealer willing to help me out is 30 miles away, and he's a little shady. The next closest is just over 60 miles away...
S2 licensed
Very good suggestion. I would think it was covered already.

I fear though that the more option you put into this, the more time consuming and confusing it will get. If I'm racing an oval, I'd have NO problems at all with this. Racing on a roadcourse however, I've changed settings in the pit window and missed shifts, breaking points, apexes, and all others.

I like it. I also believe you guys are multitasking masters for being able to change those settings on the track!
S2 licensed
I don't remember the cost for my permit, but I remember it was about $36 for my license. Got it my second try in August of '03.

I'm not sure about main roads, but the Lycoming Mall just put in a small round a bout in of a the roads coming in and out of the lot. Honestly, it confused the hell out of me when I got into it... I don't think many people in my part of the state at least would know how to navigate one... Then again, the people in my town are retarded as hell...
S2 licensed
I'm able to get my '92 Buick Regal to spin the tires with a 3.8 liter V6. It's actually quite easy. Not sure of hp rating. Even tried a neutral drop once... Think it was at 2,000 RPM when I dropped it. Nothing broke, but I'll never do it again... Shook so much the damn ash tray flew back at me...

What about gas mileage? Is it possible to take a standard car out of gear while going down hills without hurting it? In theory, I can't find anything wrong with it, but I've never practiced it...

Out of a desperate attempt to save gas in my guzzling motor, I've been taking it out of gear, and for the ones I know are long and shallow enough, I even turn it off. Screws up my gauges though and at times have to go miles on end with no speedometer. the Tach always works find after a few seconds... Strange...
[Request] Drivers suit/gloves
S2 licensed
I'm in the process of skinning a fleet of Monster energy cars and am having trouble with things that don't easily translate from stock cars...

Luckily I was able to find a Monster Energy helmet on the LFSSD.

If anyone could help me with a Monster Energy suit and possibly appropriate gloves, I would be very greatful. The more you can make it look like Ricky Carmichael's from the NASCAR Camping World Truck series, the better.

To make it easy, I have all required files. I even peaced together super high res layered templates with a modified color to look better on my cars. I couldn't find anything useful online. TBH, I would actually prefer the Monster logos I've made to be used as they have a richer color.

Anyone interested?
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :It's been 20+ years......

Back then in my state, you turned 16*, you took a written exam to obtain a learner's permit. It was stupidly easy on road rules and signage. You did not have to post anything on your car, you had a permit in your pocket.

You are allowed to drive with a licensed driver age 21 or over. You can drive as much or as little as you want.

You take a driving test to obtain a license, otherwise called a "Cinderella license" around here because you are not allowed to drive between midnight and 5 am (maybe 6 am). I said above you can drive as much or as little as you want because once passing the written test, you can take the driving test any time you want. The next day if it suits you.

When you turn 18, your "Cinderella license" expires and you have complete free will.

* If you could push your mother's car out of the driveway and down the road before starting it when they are asleep, you could drive when you were 14

As per the state of Pennsylvania, That is mostly true today still.

Once you have your permit (age 16), you can drive with ANY licensed driver over 21, and you're restricted to drive between 5 AM and 11 PM IIRC. This is for 6 months.

Once the 6 month period is over, they request you have 40 hours driving time in daylight, and 10 hours of driving time in night, but you can still take the driving exam without all that.

If you pass, you get a junior license. I don't remember any time restrictions, but the junior status is for 2 years. After that, you are a full fledged licensed driver.

Something I don't get is that the junior restriction is for 2 years, but the licensed it's self is good for 4 I believe...
S2 licensed
Maybe it has to do with the tech in the transmission, or the transmission it's self. My car will only shift quickly if lift off the throttle while it shifts. Not changing the throttle's position will result in the RPM shooting up about an extra 100 - 200 RPM, then it slowly goes down. Estimated time to complete a shift under normal driving conditions would be about 3/4 or a second or a tad longer.

There are times where I try to accelerate into an on-ramp and it'll take just over a full second to shift.
S2 licensed
Back a bit to the point, I understand both sides of this argument.

I'm only disgusted with people that refuse to try learning how to drive a standard transmission. Most times it is out of pure laziness. They'd rather be talking on the phone, eating, messing with the radio, or putting on makeup than actually focus on anything car or traffic related.

I don't find anything wrong with someone driving an automatic even if they are able to drive a standard. I just get real upset when they only do it so they can do so many other things that don't pertain to driving, and run people off the road.

That is actually one reason I want a standard. I'm constantly eating on my way to work. Having to keep my hands busy with the car, I won't be able to. Plus it's a hell of an excuse for not answering the phone when my girlfriend calls.

I've never driven a car newer than a '94, but in all the automatics I've driven, when you select a lower gear, the car changes to that lower gear if it's not over the redline! That is actually how I need to stop since I'm having break issues ATM. I don't know how so many of you could say that you can engine break in an auto.
S2 licensed
When I view my own car from MPR's, my inputs are laggy like everyone elses. I'm just gonna blame it on dialup and forget it though.

I don't think this is a useful idea. My girlfriend or my nephew want to learn how to race, I'll let them have at it. Eventually they'll ask questions and I'll give them info.

I don't think you could learn something about racing by simply watching replays. There are so many more things you need in order to learn and retain useful knowledge of how to drive on the edge. Hell, it's my firm belief that you are in a different state of mind when watching a replay compared to when you're driving the car.

If it'll help some though, go for it. It would be kinda cool to set up a replay for someone to view then the steering wheel starts spazzing out. lol
S2 licensed
With GM going under, what are the chances of a few of the sub companies staying in business? I wouldn't expect Buick or Hummer to stay afloat, but what of the larger companies that may be able to turn things around with long term plan? Are there chances of them being bought by other companies?

I've never experienced anything like this. I would imagine most other countries wouldn't be too effected by this.
S2 licensed
I don't think something like this would really be useful.

It's details like that that would be somewhat nice to know, but it's pretty trivial for racing them.

I think it would be better for modders to have information such as that. AFAIK though, LFS is NOT modder friendly ATM.
S2 licensed
Indeed the battery is weak in nkp.

Like the others have already said, it will not start if you have the car in gear with the clutch released unless you have auto clutch on.

I usually have the car out of gear to make it easier to know what gear I'm in. I find it strange though as I test drove a car recently that wouldn't let me start it unless the clutch was in. Even out of gear I had to press it in. Of course I took my dads truck out before and scared myself half to death when I tried to start it in gear with no clutch.
S2 licensed
Oh yes! I have separate layers for the bumper, hood, roof, right side, left side, and I'm going to separate the wheels to be front and rear. The wheels layers aren't shown there.

Of course, if you wish (I'm going to do it) you can transfer them and do a little bit of editing to put them on any car. Maybe you can even use a color overlay or something to change the type of soil on the car.
S2 licensed
Almost every part of it is in a different layer. I have all but the "wheel" layers shown.

I suppose to get what you're suggesting all I have to do is add those layers and mess with the opacity.

The way I have it set up right now, you can alter darn near every part of it. You can make it seem like you have a new front bumper, but your hood as been through 5 races. It's kinda neat now that I think of it.

Anyhow, I left it like that because that's pretty much how it looked on my old NASCAR template. I don't really have a chance to see many sports car races to see how they end up after a race.