I dont know what people have been talking about here for several pages, but I looked at the vid and it was great defending after a pass, everything was fine
I saw a post about why not make old BL versions available.
tbh, I would love to see the final pre S1 demo BL drivable in S2
The thrill of coming trough the 1st chicane with enjoyable cutting and danger of hitting the wall on exit onto a long straight , mmm
And then the uncuttable kerbs on the rest of the track asking for a perfectly fine tuned driving line trough the track
My problem right now is, when I think of racing, I think which combo should I drive and then I cant decide and I dont go online
I bet if I was in demo, I'd race more often lol !
I go online, if I see a server full of ppl in my friends list though, but I only join if it's on Road cars
But it's cool that ppl in demo are racing, the GTT was the "BMW" of the demo world, where ppl did stupid things in it
No offence BMW fans, it's my favourite car, but in Estonia it has the reputation of a killer car :P
I really hope locked diff gets killed out also, because it has killed my driving so badly.
I use to be a crazy trailbraker, releasing the brakes pretty much after the apex in some slow corners in FWD's even !
Right now it's so bad, if I try to do something similar, I get flat spots and bad understeer into the corner and it's such a stupid oversteer out of the corners. The handling in FZR is soo bad like this. I've been driving clutch pack sets in the eTM season though, but it's not really possible to get against the locked diff guys.
I just found out about LFS about like a little over a week before it's release
So at the time I drove like nuts from morning to evening , but I couldnt get S1 right away, cause I didnt have a credit card, but then I found a way in about a week after the release I think
Funny how these kind of threads used to be Happyness from the 1st post to the last post when the community was still small
Do we still wish for it to grow ? :P
We will end up with some countries building nuclear bombs and wars being declared cause of LFS
I have an idea, let's start decreasing the size of LFS community, ban each member who turns a happy thread into a shoutng thread
Well, I believe biggie wasnt really the fastest guy around anyway, he just had A LOT of time in his hands
bawbag can actually make some decent WR's which I cant beat that easily
I think most of the drivers who have over 15 WR's or so would be able to own 100 WR's , the only thing they would need to do would be to hotlap for them Mainly just the matter of who cares about having those and who doesnt
I would also love to have lots, but since S2 Alpha was released, I've been in constant fear of the hotlap clearing unfortunately this has been very postponed!
I really hope S2 full will be released soon and we can be sure that our hotlaps will have a long life until S3, so we could really push for them and hopefully the online handicaps will be gone too
in fact watching F1 gives me quite the feeling of going to race some Single seaters online also sometimes And I also had the same thought after F1, but I was busy that night
Ahhh, I would love to come, but I think I wont make it for the race.
I get off at 23:00 and then there are no bastard busses to take me home, usually I get home at 00:05 , so I wouldnt be able to race :P
If You guys could maybe start the race at 00:15, then I would get home, get a bite of something and I could join up in the FXO for an example
But while in the race, I cant really rely on this connection either, it was just down for 20 mins lol!
Hi, I would like to get a kind of a remake of this Ocrana render with my SK skin. There's the render I had before and my skin now. My laptop desktop is 1280 x 800 and PC desk is 1680 x 1050
It doesnt have to look like the previous one, but kinda like this
I agree with a queue, there are sometimes servers where lots of cool ppl just join up and You wanna join it, then You gotta click after every 30 secs and try to join, would be nice to just get into a queue :P
Renkus stuff was great, all the best ones were left in like he said , Lx6 Black rev etc Green FXO, pls leave that one alone too !
Only thing I dont agree with Renku is putting Rb4 into dirt, RB4 could do some Fern Bay track or it also could be South City Long Standard version.
Though, I would also like to see GTI somewhere else than Club, this combo is so bad , cause You cant really get close to WR unless You drive RHD. GTI would go great with Gold or Gold rev.