Ghost In The Shell seems to be my all time favourite classic... and of course Initial D :up: The full list is rather long, been watching anime for 5 years now.
Jardier from Czech e-Racing Team, who also drives in real professional races, has been interviewed on TV about Live For Speed. The video has about 5 minutes. I've made a translation to english subtitles, so it shouldn't be hard to understand what they're talking about
You need MPEG2 to play this video. If you'll encounter some codec issues, download MPEG2 decoder (unzip the file and run register.bat, to uninstall execute unregister.bat).
Isn't it better to take the car out for 20 minutes testing rather than do some weird calculations, which can't predict human mistakes and wind strenght/direction?
Just my opinion, but I doubt anyone who would sign up for 1 to 3 hour race would calculate his grip and strategy like this, without any real testing.
There's a huge difference between how people race. Some racers can drive their set for 30 - 40 minutes, other people using the same set can kill their tyres in few laps.
This option only prevents new players joining the race. However it can't prevent someone, who's already in the race, to jump into pits (Shift+S) and join the race with a new car. Many people who can't drive a single lap without crashing do this. It's also frequently misused by T1 n00bs as a quick way to fix their wrecked car.
IMHO both options speedfreak mentioned are good and should be implemented in future versions.
edit> AFAIK this thread is not about wreckers. It's about people who often ruin races because of their negligent behaviour.
Tapping the gas pedal with your heel (to rev the engine) while braking with your toe and downshifting.
Reving the engine while downshifting prevents the wheels from locking up.
You should really speak to the moderator (pm) about your posts and reason for their removal. (You told me the same thing when we had an argument few months back at CRC, remember?)
As for Kid, he insults poeple on regular basis when they express an opinion he doesn't like. I don't really consider this to be inside rules and should be dealt with by the forum staff (IMO).
This forum has rules. If you don't like the rules, don't sign up. It's that simple. Open your own private forum if you like and stop being a bother to the rest of this commnunity. Period.
What's so unrealistic about the stecki mobile? i'm not a car designer, never been one.
It does have an unconventional look, though I wouldn't call it ugly.
I noticed lfs has a japan branch website at
But I never met any japanese people online (or at least I think so).
I don't get it, Japan has a huge market... there should be at least some activity
I have to use to use two sets of pedals in LFS (two-wheels), because both have only one functional pedal. Can someone tell me, if rFactor supports multiple axis, like LFS does?
well, I'm not a pro, but quali sets for GTR cars usually have:
- Negative camber for better grip in corners (front wheels around -3, and rear ranging from -1 to -5).
- R2 slicks only
- lower pressure on rear wheels for better grip (which is good on slower tracks like blackwood, fern bay and south city). High pressure (180 - 200KPa) improves your top speed and tyres cool down very quickly on long straights.
- lowering downforce can also improve top speed, but it pretty much changes how the car handles, so I rarely change this one.
Well, like Doorman said, it's very unlikely someone won't send his set, if you ask politely (and won't cause any accidents in the race). There's nothing worse than taking out a fast driver and later ask for his set...
League racing is a different story.
Once I was in a bad mood... blocked messages and was just driving around Aston for hours. Not sure if anyone asked for a set, but it was very refreshing not having to read any messages once in a while
Rotary: Ahh.. you changed your avatar. I liked the cute character you had on RSC, damn you