LFS Devs don't even have access to credit card numbers. Whole transaction is handled by secure-online-payment company (Protx). So like Victor already explained once, buying LFS is much more secure than paying with your credit card at local shop or restaurant.
YR-BDINGU> If you want to persuade your father, you can tell him to contact Protx and ask about online credit card payment security.
If you want to take a complain against dE shop, why don't you do it in the appropriate thread, rather than abuse other topic, which wasn't started with this intention?
I'm also responsible for running a certain public forum, so I can understand why moderator made this decision (I would do the same). Don't force your opinions on others like it's a general fact. It's not.
Scawen already encouraged people not to use all-cars servers, but many people use them anyway. Seems like they are not interested in racing and just want to play around with some cars (which is OK, considering they payed for this game, so they are free to do as they like).
I suggest not using a super-glue to fix the pot movements. If you ever need to take them out for cleaning, you'll have a hard time (or break them like me).
I have two questions though:
1) Can anyone tell me if WD-40 is any good for cleaning pots?
2) Any contact details on Logitech in Central Europe? (I'm living in Slovak Republic). Thanx.
Limit FPS yes, reduce resolution no (I set "half-size" when recording in Fraps, so the final video is 512x384). Ingame res is 1024.
But my system specs are 1.7GHz and 512RAM, so I guess this is where my problem is.
When I try to rotate static camera, it never works out. The video is all jerky and it's hard moving the camera when recording at half speed
BTW SchneeFee, what are your system specs? The video was smooth even with full grid, awesome work.
- try smoothly switching from brake to accel when going through corners (very important)
- don't steer too much in corners or the car will lock up in a straight line, find the limit when the car still effectively turns.
- try other differencials (clutch-pack) if the car still understeers in corners.
- in high speed corners keep some 30 - 60% throttle to avoid sliding... full throttle will usually result in understeer
Hehe, remember back in S1 the legend of "mystery racer 1 and 2"? Like Vince and St0rm joined a demo server one evening in black GTis and owned the demo players with 1:34.xx. People later started talking on RSC about two mystery racers "1" and "2" driving insane times on Blackwood
Too bad Tweak ruined the legend and revealed their identity (they joined S1 server and forgot to change their nicknames, heh).