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1) You can set country as a field for people to enter (of course, you can add any named field). But if you don't want people to type in their country, I guess I could add a separate CSV export option that includes country as listed on the forum.

2) How would that be done? is there a special format for that or is it like the first line of the CSV is just column headers?

3) Makes sense, though you could use the PM system to tell the person.

4) Do you mean simply an email to admins if someone edits their entry?

5) Starting to get too complicated now, the need to store in database the version before and after the change? Or do you mean more simply the entry loses its "APPROVED" status if they edit it?

6) I was thinking a manual close and open might be a better option.

7) You can use the PM system (although a number check on a a specifically named field could be possible).

8) You can use the PM system.

I find it a bit extreme that some of these are preventing you from using the system. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, don't really seem like reasons not to use the system as forum signups don't do that either.

To my mind that only leaves 4 and 6 as remaining advantages of the forum system that you have listed.

I could probably add some of these and would do so before the E-challenge if you would use it. But I did a big push recently as you know and it seems like you've left it a bit late to respond. Also it seems like something else might be preventing you from wanting to use it, because you haven't really listed much that should prevent you using it (if I added 4 and 6, for instance). EDIT: And maybe (5) if you just mean that editing an entry means it loses its "approved" status. I'd also look at some of the other ones.
Last edited by Scawen, .
These quick weekend updates are all I can really do at this time. Improvements that are harder to implement will have to wait for the future.

I'll be doing another push on the Retro tyre model at the start of the working week, moving towards the big release.

Of course, this test patch can be easily updated at any time if simple updates / bug fixes / documentation corrections are needed.
OK, I've added the repeating AII option, it's a special Input value CS_REPEAT_AI_INFO.
The special input values now have defines instead of 253, 254 etc.
You can also use CS_SEND_AI_INFO to send a single AII (like SMALL_AII).

Updated section in docs/InSim.txt

// ==========

struct AIInputVal // There is an array of these in the AIC packet below
byte Input; // Select input value to set
byte Time; // Time to hold (optional, hundredths of a second)
word Value; // Value to set

const int AIC_MAX_INPUTS = 20; // NOTE: Increase if CS_NUM is increased

struct IS_AIC // AI Control - variable size
byte Size; // 4 + 4 * (number of inputs)
byte Type; // ISP_AIC
byte ReqI; // Optional - returned in any immediate response e.g. reply to CS_SEND_AI_INFO
byte PLID; // Unique ID of AI driver to control

AIInputVal Inputs [AIC_MAX_INPUTS];

// If the Time value of AIInputVal is set, that input will return to default after that time.
// This is probably most useful for CS_CHUP / CS_CHDN / CS_FLASH / CS_HORN inputs.
// If you don't set Time you will need to send another packet to zero the input.

// Values for Input

// CS_MSX 0 - steer: 1 hard left / 32768 centre / 65535 hard right
// CS_THROTTLE 1 - 0 to 65535
// CS_BRAKE 2 - 0 to 65535
// CS_CHUP 3 - hold shift up lever
// CS_CHDN 4 - hold shift down lever
// CS_IGNITION 5 - toggle
// CS_EXTRALIGHT 6 - toggle
// CS_HEADLIGHTS 7 - 1:off / 2:side / 3:low / 4:high
// CS_SIREN 8 - hold siren - 1:fast / 2:slow
// CS_HORN 9 - hold horn - 1 to 5
// CS_FLASH 10 - hold flash - 1:on
// CS_CLUTCH 11 - 0 to 65535
// CS_HANDBRAKE 12 - 0 to 65535
// CS_INDICATORS 13 - 1: cancel / 2: left / 3: right / 4: hazard
// CS_GEAR 14 - for shifter (leave at 255 for sequential control)
// CS_LOOK 15 - 0: none / 4: left / 5: left+ / 6: right / 7: right+
// CS_PITSPEED 16 - toggle
// CS_TCDISABLE 17 - toggle
// CS_FOGREAR 18 - toggle
// CS_FOGFRONT 19 - toggle

// Inputs marked 'hold' must be set back to zero after some time.
// This can be done either by use of the Time field or by sending a later packet with Value = 0.
// E.g. Set Time to 10 when issuing a CS_CHUP - hold shift up lever for 0.1 sec.
// E.g. Set Time to 50 when issuing a CS_HORN - sound horn for 0.5 sec.

// Inputs marked 'toggle' accept the following Values:
// 1 toggle
// 2 switch off
// 3 switch on

// Special values for Input

#define CS_SEND_AI_INFO 240
#define CS_REPEAT_AI_INFO 241

#define CS_SET_HELP_FLAGS 253
#define CS_RESET_INPUTS 254
#define CS_STOP_CONTROL 255

// CS_SEND_AI_INFO - Send an IS_AII (AI Info) packet

// CS_REPEAT_AI_INFO - Start or stop sending regular IS_AII packets
// Time = time interval in hundredths of a second (0 : stop)

// CS_SET_HELP_FLAGS - Value can be any combination of
// PIF_AUTOGEARS // 8 - auto shift
// PIF_HELP_B // 64 - brake help
// PIF_AUTOCLUTCH // 512 - auto clutch
// Default value for an AI driver is PIF_AUTOCLUTCH only
// If you set PIF_AUTOGEARS you don't need to set PIF_AUTOCLUTCH

// CS_RESET_INPUTS - reset all inputs
// Most inputs are zero / CS_MSX is 32768 / CS_GEAR is 255

// The AI driver will stop the car

// AI car info
// -----------

// Send a SMALL_AII with UVal set to PLID to receive current information about a local car

struct OSMain // included in IS_AII - identical to OutSimMain (main data in OutSim packet)
Vector AngVel; // 3 floats, angular velocity vector
float Heading; // anticlockwise from above (Z)
float Pitch; // anticlockwise from right (X)
float Roll; // anticlockwise from front (Y)
Vector Accel; // 3 floats X, Y, Z
Vector Vel; // 3 floats X, Y, Z
Vec Pos; // 3 ints X, Y, Z (1m = 65536)

struct IS_AII // AI Info
byte Size; // 96
byte Type; // ISP_AII
byte ReqI; // ReqI from the SMALL_AII request packet
byte PLID;

OSMain OSData;

byte Flags; // AIFLAGS_x below
byte Gear; // Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

float RPM; // RPM
float SpF0;
float SpF1;

unsigned ShowLights; // Dash lights currently switched on (see DL_x in OutGauge section below)
unsigned SPU1;
unsigned SPU2;
unsigned SPU3;

#define AIFLAGS_IGNITION 1 // detect if engine running
#define AIFLAGS_CHUP 4 // upshift lever currently held
#define AIFLAGS_CHDN 8 // downshift lever currently held

That's great to hear, thanks! Smile

Usually if a few lines are added for a new teat patch I send a notification from our admin system to all the translators.
Quote from iamproplayer7 :- auto gear box sometimes gear up to high or too low, with message GEAR_DOWN avoided or similar

I'm not sure what this means. Auto shift doesn't work well?

Quote from iamproplayer7 :multiple PLIDs because local InSim gets a bit spammed when you want to control 30 or more AI vehicles.
30 vehicles every 50ms = 600 packets every second. 600 * 8 bytes = 4800 bytes every second.

Maybe a better solution would be if I would add a packet to request regular updates.

Maybe something like

struct IS_RAI // Regular AI
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // ISP_RAI
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID;

word Interval; // time between updates, 0 to stop
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

I think it should be easy enough though I haven't checked thoroughly yet.
Last edited by Scawen, .
Quote from iamproplayer7 :First of all, yes - there is problem in my own script/framework and i'm very sorry that i made you waste so much valuable time...

No problem at all, I only wrote a few sentences and briefly looked at the output in my InSim test program.

Good to hear you identified the issue.

Quote from iamproplayer7 :
- add direction to IS_AII like CompCar struct has.

At least this one should be easy if you have an atan2 function. Smile

Direction = atan2f(-Vel.x, Vel.y); // in radians
Thanks for the thanks but you don't need to buy an account just to thank me. Big grin
Quote from iamproplayer7 :Now i have this issue, using 7F4 (also tried 7F3) as client and InSim Version 9 in my InSim, i rechecked my framework and it works very well and intended as it should. I'm not getting ISP_PLL packet consistely (player spectates), only first time after insim connects and sometime after randomly.

From my point of view it's most likely there could be a bug in your packet reader. For example two packets arriving at once but you only read the first one.

This is a quite fundamental packet so I doubt that it is broken, though I could check tomorrow.

EDIT: I've checked now and I'm getting IS_PLL as expected. I think you should check how many bytes arrived in your TCP read and compare that with the packets you processed. In case a packet is going missing. Packets may arrive more than one in a single read or even be split across multiple reads, which really does happen!

Quote from Bokujishin :I just noticed an issue, it seems like CS_CHUP, CS_CHDN and CS_FLASH get "stuck", they only work once and never go back to zero, so I can't change gears anymore, and the high beam flash stays on indefinitely.

That behaviour, for these inputs that you can hold indefinitely, is documented above but maybe it's not clear enough.

Mentions in the InSim.txt:

// If the Time value is set, that input will return to default after that time.
// This is probably most useful for CS_CHUP / CS_CHDN / CS_FLASH / CS_HORN inputs.
// If you don't use Time then you should send another packet to zero the input.

// CS_CHUP 3 - shift up (set to 1 for a short time then set back to 0)
// CS_CHDN 4 - shift down

I suggest you could use a time like 10 (which is 0.1s). Otherwise (if you use 0 for the Time value) you are just telling it to hold the lever on full time.

EDIT: Tested again and it's still working as expected. Maybe I'll add a bit clearer description in InSim.txt about the need to zero or use the Time value, for those specific controls.
Last edited by Scawen, .
Wow, thanks! Smile
I see it hadn't been updated for a long time.
I've uploaded it to the online system.

I'm not sure if you would like to do any more of it, but in case you do, I've added your access to the online editing system. I can easily remove your user name from the list if you don't want it there.

Translation page:
You can either click the disc beside each edited line, or edit several lines and click "save whole translation".
EDIT: There is a new update below:

Here is another update, F4. It's easier to use as you can set PIF_AUTOGEARS and you can set switches and ignition directly instead of toggling them.

Changes from F3 to F4:

The following inputs can now accept values 1:toggle / 2:off / 3:on

New special value for input 253 sets help flags.
Values that can set set are any combination of the following "Player flags" bits:
PIF_AUTOGEARS // 8 - auto shift
PIF_HELP_B // 64 - brake help
PIF_AUTOCLUTCH // 512 - auto clutch
The default value for an AI is PIF_AUTOCLUTCH only
If you set PIF_AUTOGEARS you don't need to set PIF_AUTOCLUTCH as it is implied

Zero is now an invalid value for CS_MSX
Valid CS_MSX values are 32768 plus or minus 32767 that results in a valid range 1 to 65535
The only possible word value not included is zero and it's better to report as invalid
In this way, an error will be reported if there is any completely zero AIInputVal

Updated section in docs/InSim.txt

// ==========

struct AIInputVal // There is an array of these in the AIC packet below
byte Input; // Select input value to set
byte Time; // Time to hold (optional, hundredths of a second)
word Value; // Value to set

const int AIC_MAX_INPUTS = 20; // NOTE: Increase if CS_NUM is increased

struct IS_AIC // AI Control - variable size
byte Size; // 4 + 4 * (number of inputs)
byte Type; // ISP_AIC
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // Unique ID of AI driver to control

AIInputVal Inputs [AIC_MAX_INPUTS];

// If the Time value is set, that input will return to default after that time.
// This is probably most useful for CS_CHUP / CS_CHDN / CS_FLASH / CS_HORN inputs.
// If you don't use Time then you should send another packet to zero the input.

// Values for Input

// CS_MSX 0 - steer: 1 hard left / 32768 centre / 65535 hard right
// CS_THROTTLE 1 - 0 to 65535
// CS_BRAKE 2 - 0 to 65535
// CS_CHUP 3 - shift up (set to 1 for a short time then set back to 0)
// CS_CHDN 4 - shift down
// CS_IGNITION 5 - toggle
// CS_EXTRALIGHT 6 - toggle
// CS_HEADLIGHTS 7 - 1: off / 2: side / 3: low / 4: high
// CS_HORN 9
// CS_FLASH 10
// CS_CLUTCH 11 - 0 to 65535
// CS_HANDBRAKE 12 - 0 to 65535
// CS_INDICATORS 13 - 1: cancel / 2: left / 3: right / 4: hazard
// CS_GEAR 14 - for shifter (leave at 255 for sequential control)
// CS_LOOK 15 - 0: none / 4: left / 5: left+ / 6: right / 7: right+
// CS_PITSPEED 16 - toggle
// CS_TCDISABLE 17 - toggle
// CS_FOGREAR 18 - toggle
// CS_FOGFRONT 19 - toggle
// CS_NUM 20 - number of input values above

// The Inputs marked 'toggle' accept the following Values:

// 1 toggle
// 2 switch off
// 3 switch on

// Special values for Input

// 253: set help flags - Value can be any combination of
// PIF_AUTOGEARS // 8 - auto shift
// PIF_HELP_B // 64 - brake help
// PIF_AUTOCLUTCH // 512 - auto clutch
// Default value for an AI driver is PIF_AUTOCLUTCH only
// If you set PIF_AUTOGEARS you don't need to set PIF_AUTOCLUTCH
// 254: reset all inputs
// Most inputs are zero / CS_MSX is 32768 / CS_GEAR is 255
// 255: stop control
// The AI driver will stop the car

// AI car info
// -----------

// Send a SMALL_AII with UVal set to PLID to receive current information about a local car

struct OSMain // included in IS_AII - identical to OutSimMain (main data in OutSim packet)
Vector AngVel; // 3 floats, angular velocity vector
float Heading; // anticlockwise from above (Z)
float Pitch; // anticlockwise from right (X)
float Roll; // anticlockwise from front (Y)
Vector Accel; // 3 floats X, Y, Z
Vector Vel; // 3 floats X, Y, Z
Vec Pos; // 3 ints X, Y, Z (1m = 65536)

struct IS_AII // AI Info
byte Size; // 96
byte Type; // ISP_AII
byte ReqI; // ReqI from the SMALL_AII request packet
byte PLID;

OSMain OSData;

byte Flags; // AIFLAGS_x below
byte Gear; // Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

float RPM; // RPM
float SpF0;
float SpF1;

unsigned ShowLights; // Dash lights currently switched on (see DL_x in OutGauge section below)
unsigned SPU1;
unsigned SPU2;
unsigned SPU3;

#define AIFLAGS_IGNITION 1 // detect if engine running
#define AIFLAGS_CHUP 4 // upshift lever currently held
#define AIFLAGS_CHDN 8 // downshift lever currently held


[ link removed - new update available ]
Last edited by Scawen, .
I've moved spam and a resolved issue to a cleanup thread.

I request that people who can't understand the benefit of this system should avoid posting here.

Quote from Bokujishin :Also, could you please confirm that extra light and fog lights only accept 0 (no change) and non-zero (toggle)? If possible, being able to specifically turn them on or off, in addition to toggling, would make it easier to use.

I think this can be simply done. I'll probably add an off and on value for the fog and extra light.

EDIT: I think it may be possible to add some help options too:

#define PIF_HELP_B 64
#define PIF_AUTOCLUTCH 512

By default an AI has PIF_AUTOCLUTCH set. It may be possible to add an input to set these 3 values optionally.

EDIT2: I did the toggle update this morning and it will be in F4.
The following inputs can now accept values 1:toggle / 2:off / 3:on

EDIT3: Now I've added the ability to set help flags.
New special value for input 253 sets help flags.
Values that can set set are any combination of the following "Player flags" bits:
PIF_AUTOGEARS // 8 - auto shift
PIF_HELP_B // 64 - brake help
PIF_AUTOCLUTCH // 512 - auto clutch
The default value for an AI is PIF_AUTOCLUTCH only
If you set PIF_AUTOGEARS you don't need to set PIF_AUTOCLUTCH as it is implied

EDIT4: Finally for today, I've made zero an invalid value for CS_MSX
Valid CS_MSX values are 32768 plus or minus 32767 that results in a valid range 1 to 65535
The only possible word value not included is zero and it's better to report as invalid
In this way, an error will be reported if there is any completely zero AIInputVal

I'll update documentation and release F4.
Last edited by Scawen, .
I guess the AIInputVal structures you unintentionally submitted as zero were interpreted as:

Input = 0 : CS_MSX (steer)
Time = 0 : stay on
Value = 0 : full left
Quote from Bokujishin :I will check again on my end, just found it strange that only steering is not behaving properly, even though it's in the middle of other inputs (see screenshots for test program bit - apart from extra light and fog lights which do not work on this car, everything other than steering is fine with this packet containing all inputs). Just FYI, my hold times are given in seconds as floats, input values are given raw as per your documentation.

No floats, the hold times are bytes representing hundredths of a second.

I don't know how that language works but you'd better make sure the byte and word values are combined correctly, resulting in the correct size packet.

Quote from Bokujishin :Edit: Also, could you please confirm that extra light and fog lights only accept 0 (no change) and non-zero (toggle)? If possible, being able to specifically turn them on or off, in addition to toggling, would make it easier to use.

That is true.
Checked again and steering does work in F3.

In my test program I have:

case 'J':
SendCarPack(car_plid, CS_MSX, 32768 - 2000);
case 'K':
SendCarPack(car_plid, CS_MSX, 32768);
case 'L':
SendCarPack(car_plid, CS_MSX, 32768 + 2000);

Full left lock would be the result of sending zero in the Value field.
Quote from Pukyy the updates that we find necessary are taking a longer time because of the focus on the cruise side of the game...

Total speculation and in fact complete rubbish.

People are free to suggest what they want and I will choose what I do and how to manage my time.

If other people will be deciding what I do I might as well go and get a job as a programmer and earn 5 times the salary.

I'd be grateful if community members wouldn't try to be self appointed LFS project managers.

I did one afternoon's work and a morning fixing it, on something that people have been waiting for, for longer than people have been waiting for tyre physics. This had no bearing at all on the completion of the tyre physics. Please avoid making up rubbish and allow people to make sensible suggestions if they wish to.
This is the LFS Programmer Forum.

In most cases it is probably best to not comment if you aren't a programmer. Otherwise I would have posted in General LFS Discussion or Test Patch forum.

I don't go and post my opinions in the quantum physics forums because I probably don't know what the **** I am talking about. Face -> palm
EDIT: There is a new update below:

Here is the update with fixes and improvements for the new system.

I can't get into ray checks as it's not simple enough for this very quick update.

NOTE: If you wrote some code for F2, a small change is required in your AIC packet that has been updated to accept multiple inputs.

Changes from F2 to F3:


IS_AIC can now accept multiple input values in a single packet
- a small change must be made if you used IS_AIC from version F2
IS_AIC inputs can now be given a time in hundredths of a second
- after time elapsed the input returns to default value
- this is probably most useful for shift up/down and flash/horn
FIX: Error messages for AIC and AII packets reported as IS_PLH errors


AI can now spawn in a config with an AI path even if knw has not been generated
FIX: AI now spawn in game with full fuel load if there is no path (or no knw)
FIX: Rare crash in AI code after another car spawned outside path

Here are the updates as seen in docs\InSim.txt

// ==========

struct AIInputVal
byte Input; // Select input value to set
byte Time; // Time to hold (optional, hundredths of a second)
word Value; // Value to set

const int AIC_MAX_INPUTS = 20; // NOTE: Increase if CS_NUM is increased

struct IS_AIC // AI Control - variable size
byte Size; // 4 + 4 * (number of inputs)
byte Type; // ISP_AIC
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // Unique ID of AI driver to control

AIInputVal Inputs [AIC_MAX_INPUTS];

// If the Time value is set, that input will return to default after that amount of time.
// This is expected to be most useful for CS_CHUP / CS_CHDN / CS_FLASH / CS_HORN inputs.
// If you don't use Time then you must send another packet to zero the input.

// Values for Input

// CS_MSX 0 - steering : 32768 is centre
// CS_THROTTLE 1 - 0 to 65535
// CS_BRAKE 2 - 0 to 65535
// CS_CHUP 3 - shift up (set to 1 for a short time then set back to 0)
// CS_CHDN 4 - shift down
// CS_IGNITION 5 - set to 1 (auto switch off)
// CS_HEADLIGHTS 7 - 1: off / 2: side / 3: low / 4: high
// CS_HORN 9
// CS_FLASH 10
// CS_CLUTCH 11 - 0 to 65535
// CS_HANDBRAKE 12 - 0 to 65535
// CS_INDICATORS 13 - 1: cancel / 2: left / 3: right / 4: hazard
// CS_GEAR 14 - for shifter (leave at 255 for sequential control)
// CS_LOOK 15 - 0: none / 4: left / 5: left+ / 6: right / 7: right+
// CS_NUM 20 - number of values above

// Special values for Input

// 254 - reset all
// 255 - stop control

// AI car info
// -----------

// Send a SMALL_AII with UVal set to PLID to receive current information about a local car

struct OSMain // included in IS_AII - identical to OutSimMain (main data in OutSim packet)
Vector AngVel; // 3 floats, angular velocity vector
float Heading; // anticlockwise from above (Z)
float Pitch; // anticlockwise from right (X)
float Roll; // anticlockwise from front (Y)
Vector Accel; // 3 floats X, Y, Z
Vector Vel; // 3 floats X, Y, Z
Vec Pos; // 3 ints X, Y, Z (1m = 65536)

struct IS_AII // AI Info
byte Size; // 96
byte Type; // ISP_AII
byte ReqI; // ReqI from the SMALL_AII request packet
byte PLID;

OSMain OSData;

byte Flags; // AIFLAGS_x below
byte Gear; // Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

float RPM; // RPM
float SpF0;
float SpF1;

unsigned ShowLights; // Dash lights currently switched on (see DL_x in OutGauge section below)
unsigned SPU1;
unsigned SPU2;
unsigned SPU3;

#define AIFLAGS_IGNITION 1 // detect if engine running
#define AIFLAGS_CHUP 4 // upshift lever currently held
#define AIFLAGS_CHDN 8 // downshift lever currently held

Download: [ link removed, new update available ]
Last edited by Scawen, . Reason : fix typo
No, it's not necessary.

But before once again rejecting the mod that was designed to allow some amount of fun, in this case I was able to spend a few hours doing something that allows a huge amount of possibilities. Then rejecting the mod, I'm not just being the nasty developer again.

I believe you are wrong about the calendar and league stuff. A lot of people were interested, especially in the calendar and it lead directly to the league stuff.

After discovering all the bugs and unfinished work in the league stuff, which I encountered while looking at the calendar which was so ugly before, it was near impossible for me to leave the league pages in that state. Victor had basically started a few things there but they were not finished and there were bugs, although basically he has written a good system. Unfortunately for us, he didn't take the time to work through the issues before he got fed up working on LFS. So I'm still left picking up the pieces when I find them.

It's actually a good thing, that I don't like leaving rubbish unfinished code lying around. That's how I work and I believe it leads to good things.

It's pointless to be worried about me delaying some extremely difficult head scratching work that I have been working on this week, to do something that the programmers here can do some super things with.

The tyre stuff is so extremely difficult, requiring a lot of experimentation and even disturbed sleep in the night, trying to think of the next way to attempt to fix the issue I'm trying to deal with. It's not the kind of thing I can just sit there and do it. It required pushes and recovery. I don't really expect people to understand. But after a strong push on Monday to Wednesday it is good for me mentally do to do some rapid coding that can increase the possibilities of LFS. It was 'one day' but there are always a few things to fix. Again, I believe that is a good thing. If I actually knew how long anything would take, I wouldn't even start it.

So I hope some people are very happy now that I have taken the time to explain why I make decisions. It would actually save me time if I could be allowed to do my job without having to explain every step I take. Maybe just watch and see why I do things, then you wouldn't be so confused.
Quote from Flame CZE :Several people experienced a crash of their LFS when being on a multiplayer server where I was testing the AI packets.

This appears to be an existing bug, since the AI driving improvements some time ago. It is possible for the crash to appear in the ordinary AI code, if another car has spawned outside the path (so does not have a valid path node). Does that sound a reasonable explanation? I've fixed it but everyone on F will still have the bug. So better not spawn outside the path if ordinary AI are driving around on the track.

Quote from Bokujishin :Multiple values per packet would be nice indeed, otherwise we may end up sending 10 packets or more every time we want to update (which might be every hundredth for more dynamic driving). And if multiple AIs are to be controlled, sending a single packet per car would help.

I take it 254 is not supposed to affect lights, only steering and throttle?

Multiple values per packet are done, I plan to add a "Hold time" which could be useful for shift up/down and horn/flash so you can send and forget.

struct AIInputVal
byte Input; // Select input value to set
byte Time; // Time to hold (optional)
word Value; // Value to set

const int AIC_MAX_INPUTS = 20; // NOTE: Increase if CS_NUM is increased

struct IS_AIC // AI Control - variable size
byte Size; // 4 + 4 * (number of inputs)
byte Type; // ISP_AIC
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // Unique ID of AI driver to control

AIInputVal Inputs [AIC_MAX_INPUTS];

254 doesn't switch lights, as zero for those inputs means no change, and they are auto-set to zero after use anyway. I think it is really for all the axes and shift levers, you would have to send a non-zero value to switch off lights.
Thanks for the feedback and bug reports. I've done most of them and will release an update today.

Quote from Bokujishin :Input 254 does not seem to do anything right now, all controls stay in their...

My test seems fine.
- set steering : ok
- set throttle : ok
- send a 254 : steering returns to centre / throttle returns to zero

I might change it to allow multiple values to be set at once in a variable sized IS_AIC (probably would change the zero byte to PLID and then allow multiple 4-byte blocks of "byte Spare/byte Input/word Value"

Quote from MizzMaster :Is there a way to engage starter motor in case gas engine stops? If not, Input...

Yes, I do this all the time when testing at layout square. Smile You set CS_IGNITION to 1
EDIT: A new update is available below:

OK, here is the test patch. The only new thing is AI control and data reporting through InSim.

docs/InSim.txt is included with this new section:

// ==========

struct IS_AIC // AI Control
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // ISP_AIC
byte ReqI; // 0
byte Zero;

byte PLID; // Unique ID of AI player to control
byte Input; // Select input value to set
word Value; // Value to set

// Values for Input

// CS_MSX 0 - steering : 32768 is centre
// CS_THROTTLE 1 - 0 to 65535
// CS_BRAKE 2 - 0 to 65535
// CS_CHUP 3 - shift up (set to 1 for a short time then set back to 0)
// CS_CHDN 4 - shift down
// CS_IGNITION 5 - set to 1 (auto switch off)
// CS_HEADLIGHTS 7 - 1: off / 2: side / 3: low / 4: high
// CS_HORN 9
// CS_FLASH 10
// CS_CLUTCH 11 - 0 to 65535
// CS_HANDBRAKE 12 - 0 to 65535
// CS_INDICATORS 13 - 1: cancel / 2: left / 3: right / 4: hazard
// CS_GEAR 14 - for shifter (leave at 255 for sequential control)
// CS_LOOK 15 - 0: none / 4: left / 5: left+ / 6: right / 7: right+
// CS_NUM 20 - number of values above

// Special values for Input

// 254 - reset all
// 255 - stop control

// AI car info
// -----------

// Send a SMALL_AII with UVal set to PLID to receive current information about a local car

struct OSMain // included in IS_AII - identical to OutSimMain (main data in OutSim packet)
Vector AngVel; // 3 floats, angular velocity vector
float Heading; // anticlockwise from above (Z)
float Pitch; // anticlockwise from right (X)
float Roll; // anticlockwise from front (Y)
Vector Accel; // 3 floats X, Y, Z
Vector Vel; // 3 floats X, Y, Z
Vec Pos; // 3 ints X, Y, Z (1m = 65536)

struct IS_AII // AI Info
byte Size; // 96
byte Type; // ISP_AII
byte ReqI; // ReqI from the SMALL_AII request packet
byte PLID;

OSMain OSData;

byte Flags; // AIFLAGS_x below
byte Gear; // Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

float RPM; // RPM
float SpF0;
float SpF1;

unsigned ShowLights; // Dash lights currently switched on (see DL_x in OutGauge section below)
unsigned SPU1;
unsigned SPU2;
unsigned SPU3;

#define AIFLAGS_IGNITION 1 // detect if engine running
#define AIFLAGS_CHUP 4 // upshift lever currently held
#define AIFLAGS_CHDN 8 // downshift lever currently held

Download: [ download removed - F3 is now available ]
Last edited by Scawen, .
I've replaced that CompCar part with OutSimMain as it's more informative and relevant. I think you need MCI for general awareness.

I don't really want to get into setting intervals for AII packets and you can just request them with a SMALL_AII for now.

I think my testing is done, I can control a car through AIC, even if I haven't tested every possible thing. I seem to be getting info out from AII OK, even if I haven't checked ever single value.

So I'll prepare a simple patch zip.
Yes, CS_MSX is steering, from left to right.

I've been trying to get that car info sorted. What I've got so far is this:

// ----------

struct IS_AIC // AI Control
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // ISP_AIC
byte ReqI; // 0
byte Zero;

byte PLID; // Unique ID of AI player to control
byte Input; // Select input value to set
word Value; // Value to set

// Values for Input

// CS_MSX 0 - steering : 32768 is centre
// CS_THROTTLE 1 - 0 to 65535
// CS_BRAKE 2 - 0 to 65535
// CS_CHUP 3 - shift up (set to 1 for a short time then set back to 0)
// CS_CHDN 4 - shift down
// CS_IGNITION 5 - set to 1 (auto switch off)
// CS_HEADLIGHTS 7 - 1: off / 2: side / 3: low / 4: high
// CS_HORN 9
// CS_FLASH 10
// CS_CLUTCH 11 - 0 to 65535
// CS_HANDBRAKE 12 - 0 to 65535
// CS_INDICATORS 13 - 1: cancel / 2: left / 3: right / 4: hazard
// CS_GEAR 14 - for shifter (leave at 255 for sequential control)
// CS_LOOK 15 - 0: none / 4: left / 5: left+ / 6: right / 7: right+
// CS_NUM 20 - number of values above

// Special values for Input

// 254 - reset all
// 255 - stop control

// Send an SMALL_AII with UVal set to PLID to receive current information about a car

struct IS_AII // AI Info
byte Size; // 64
byte Type; // ISP_MCI
byte ReqI; // ReqI from the SMALL_AII request packet
byte Zero;

CompCar Info; // As in the MCI packet

// as in outgauge

byte Flags; // AIFLAGS_xelelow
byte Gear; // Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

float Spare;
float RPM; // RPM
unsigned ShowLights; // Dash lights (see DL_x in OutGauge section below)

unsigned SPU0;
unsigned SPU1;
unsigned SPU2;
unsigned SPU3;

#define AIFLAGS_IGNITION 1 // detect if engine running
#define AIFLAGS_CHDN 4 // downshift lever currently held
#define AIFLAGS_CHUP 8 // upshift lever currently held
I should emphasise that this quick thing will not be good enough for racing. You don't receive detailed or fast enough information for control of a car near the limit. This can only be used for driving cars well within their limits. It's more of a thing for cruise or lessons.
Simple control of AI car
EDIT: A first test is now available below:

Hello programmers.

There is a mod waiting for publishing, for the purpose of being "driven" by AI, but all it would actually do is drive along uncontrolled. But I don't really want to support such a bodge mod that bypasses all realism purely so it pulls away all by itself.

But I don't want to prevent something that could be fun so I've come up with a simple idea for just a few hours of work, to allow InSim to control a local car, in a very crude way. I've done a proof of concept and can now drive an AI car from an external program. Actually it disables the AI completely and you just set values, like Steer, throttle, brake, shift, etc.

EDIT: This is only for local AI. It would be far more complicated to do it from the server - that would require new multiplayer packets and I'm not getting into that.

EDIT2: To be clear, it can work for AI that are online, but the InSim must be connected to a local computer that has its own AI on it, and those are the only AI that can be controlled by this new simple packet.

I want to confirm if this could be useful.

It's just like this:

struct IS_AIC // AI Control
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // ISP_AIC
byte ReqI; // 0
byte Zero;

byte PLID; // Unique ID of AI player to control
byte Input; // Select input value to set
word Value; // Value to set

// Input values from from CS_NUM in Inputs.h
// Special values

// 254 - reset all
// 255 - stop control


I think you might need some minimal feedback from the car, via a request info packet, and it could tell you some things like the lights and ignition status. I suppose you can get speed / position, etc from other packets like MCI? Or maybe you need something like an MCI for one car, which you can receive on request for a local AI, and maybe it has a little more date in it?

I want to keep it simple as I don't want this to go on more than this afternoon as I have other things that I am working on.
Last edited by Scawen, .