We have stopped the host and refunded his payment, but we will leave this warning visible in case he starts another host under the same or another user name.
We have just learned that a well known unscrupulous user who is known for fraud and piracy has started a server "BRCruise - City Driving".
It is user 'Skinzinho' who we once made the mistake of trusting as a reseller, but when we didn't do everything his way or as quickly as he wanted, he went on to develop "LFS Pro" which was popular as it offered free access to Live for Speed, by use of an alternative master server in Brazil.
He gets users to install his own application, that sits on your computer, constantly downloading never seen ads in the background. This is an act of fraud to extract money from advertising companies. As with any software you install that is provided by a fraudster, there is a severe risk that they will access your hard drive, sending any amount of data including personal and financial data to their own computer.
Skinzinho (aka Negan and various other names) is a dangerous person and I recommend you do not join his server (if you do, he will know your IP address) and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES install software that he wants you to use.
Thanks, unfortunately the solutions aren't simple, though I'm sure we'll do something eventually.
I'm wondering about a partial solution I could do on my side, an option to export the 7z without including the png files, to reduce the upload size.
For a lot of mods that wouldn't make any difference. The png versions of the texture aren't included in the mod that is downloaded in game. The pngs are really only included in the upload for people who want to make a mod derived from the original mod (if allowed) or maybe if the author's computer dies, they could get a copy of their mod with the original png files. Although we don't guarantee safe storage for mods, this has actually happened before. So there is good reason to have the pngs in there. But I wonder if there should be an option, when exporting from the editor, include png or not?
I suppose it just depends on if the upload takes less than 100 seconds or not. When it worked OK for you, how long did the upload take?
I am trying to understand if one of these may be the case:
1) Your uploads always take a long time, and sometimes that happens to hit the 100 second limit.
2) Your uploads usually are quite fast but something can go wrong that makes it takes a long time and eventually fail.
Joe, I know you said you'll think a bit more before posting, and that would be great.
Please remember this is a forum, not an instant chat application. So take some time to form your posts well and not always post the first sentence that comes into your head.
This community includes a lot of older people, including younger adults, middle aged people and we even have users in their eighties. So let's try to keep the conversation mature and think before we post.
What size 7z are you trying to upload? Can you give a rough estimate of the time taken between starting the upload, and the timeout error? I read about some different CloudFlare timeouts such as 15 seconds and 100 seconds.
Now imagine going and asking that person to stop that job and work full time doing something that you want them to do for no money at all.
Will they just say "OK, that's fine, I don't really need money anyway" ?
Seriously Joe, if you can't start to spend 5 seconds using your brain before writing forum posts, we will have to give you a long ban. You are going around writing rubbish far too much and it is becoming a distraction.
If you want a game with more developers, have a look around, there are plenty available.
More developers means more requirements for pay, which means more rushed updates and more following of the current trends. There is higher turnover of staff and more code with no remaining author, more confusion and more charges for customers. In the end the product is expensive to buy or use and then will be abandoned when it becomes impossible to maintain.
That is the result of the usual "more more more" way of running a business.
A lot of people don't understand that LFS is the way it is *BECAUSE* we develop it this way. It's doesn't just happen to be good somehow, despite our ridiculously stupid way of working.
By the way, LFS only exists because Eric and I didn't want to work in a large company any more. So it would be kind of strange to give that up and start trying to run a large company instead of actually doing what we want to do.
Please can you describe exactly at which point in the process that goes wrong for you? And what you did before that, on the submission page.
I see various mods have been updated before and after your post. I've just tested a submission on a private test mod and it worked. So I'll need a very specific and exact description from you, to present to Victor.
I notice I introduced a small bug in the submission page - the old 'private' and 'team' access were available to select. I've fixed that now but mentioning in case you tries to select an invalid access mode. Only "custom" and "public" should be available.
EDIT: Also, if it's easy to do, please try submitting the update again. As I know Victor has been adjusting some settings, it's possible that you encountered a problem that has already been fixed.
If you join the E-challenge server with the old version, you just see moving walls. You can never see a car. With the new version, you can see cars driving around.
Layout Square cameras now have 40m height instead of 4m
Reduced jiggling of names above cars at extreme zoom
Improved accuracy of camera rotation at extreme zoom
Thanks, but if you are going to do a list, please make it clear which are higher priority. I'm not hoping for a long list of things to add! I'm really busy trying to get back on track (after releasing a minor update for the public version).
I mean, if I wanted to compare with every available setting, I could do it myself, I guess. I'm more trying to help with your specific issue at this point, so if possible please stick to what's relevant for your use case (or similar).
Remember that every thing I do in the public version, has to be copied into the development version, so it's not a good time for tasks than venture into several different source code files.
Not every setting is available as a command, although ideally that would be the case. I've made a note to see if I can add these. If there are more that you need, feel free to tell me.