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EDIT: Post is now obsolete as I found a simpler solution - see following post

I see what you mean. You can't see which car it relates to, and if you click the setup to go to its page, the car name isn't displayed there either.

I'm sure I can figure out how to display the car name on the setup's own web page but in that list we are short of space. If I replaced the SkinID with the car name for display purposes, it might be a problem if the car has a long name, which can be up to 27 capital letters.

I'm not sure what solution is best. It seems like it would be easy to add hover text with the car name but would that be helpful? Maybe not if you want to see at a glance. Shrug

I see this page has been designed for official cars and that's why it needs some attention.

How important is this page? Would it be worth going full width, to display car name and skin id and maybe some other info? Then 'popular' and 'latest' would have to be one above the other? I'm open to suggestions and don't mind having a go at it.

I see the same problem on this page although it is already full width:
I guess the "Downloads" column can be made thinner with a title like "DL" and maybe the class could be made narrower if some suitable abbreviations can be found.
Last edited by Scawen, .
It took me a few hours (website coding is still quite new to me) but you should find it's fixed now! Thumbs up
I've done some improvements for this. It's not perfect because not all the required information is known. For example, a setup doesn't actually know how many gears it has so you will see all the gears up to 7th. It may be possible to extract some more information from the vehicle at some point to improve this display, but I hope this is more helpful already.

Known issues:

- doesn't show ABS/TC/Anti-engine-brake for mods
- doesn't know how many gears a mod has so shows all 7 gears
- downforce is shown if front or rear wing is set (doesn't know if mod has downforce)
- shows rear diff settings for bike or kart although they don't really have a diff
I don't understand the question, but maybe you can find the answer in the terms and conditions?
Just one more off topic comment from me, in case anyone missed this.

Mods that do not have public access will not be approved.

Approval is for public mods only.
I've been joining servers fine.

Which car were you using?

I'm sure a lot of people have used it online as it is on the auto updater, but this is the first report of an OOS.
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :It is not "Pro2", it is "PR02"

Thanks, mystery solved! Smile

Mod's page:

It was made unavailable on 15 February, with this reason:

Mod exceeds limits: LOD2 triangles (limit 8192)
More info:
Mod Approval Log
You can subscribe to this thread to be informed of newly approved Vehicle Mods.

Mods may be approved after publication if they are of high quality and have received good support through community ratings.

For a mod to be approved, it should comply with the Mod Approval Checklist.

Please give thoughtful ratings to unapproved mods or comment on their threads to help them reach approved status.
Last edited by Scawen, .
Funny, I can see 6 of his BAVARIA cars. Big grin

But I don't (yet) have a way to view the list of allowed users per mod. Uhmm
I'm not sure if this helps but I guess you will now have to manually edit their names or delete them in your data\misc folder.

If there is a guaranteed set of steps to reproduce this bug then I could have a look at it but I think it is too rare for me to look into it at this point. It looks like something to do with code pages.
The mods screen in game isn't different for reviewers (we don't see private mods unless we have permission).

So for everyone, on the mods screen you will only see a padlock if it is your own private mod or someone else's private mod and you have permission to use it.
OK, I've done a fix for the replay slider + MCI disconnect issue in Test Patch E8.

Now, when clicking on replay slider or using IS_RIP to do the same thing, NLP/MCI packets will not be sent. I hope this works because I haven't actually tested it, but it was just a line of code.

In the case when using IS_RIP with option RIPOPT_FULL_PHYS the NLP/MCI packets are still sent. My hope is that because it is taking the time to do the physics, the rate of MCI output may be manageable. But I haven't tested this at all so I can't really confirm.

About the similar issue when joining a server, I couldn't think of a quick way to safely avoid sending the packets until LFS catches up with the server. I want to consider this a bit longer.
For a managed server like PiranMOTO I'm sure it would be a good idea to use the command to increase the allowed stationary time.

E.g. /specres 60 would set the allowed stationary time to 1 minute.

/specres may be a bit obscure but I haven't been able to think of a good short command name.

/allowedtimetobestationarywhilepreventinganotherfinishedplayersresultfrombeingconfirmed 60
Updates to support approved mods in Test Patch E8. Please give thoughtful ratings to unapproved mods, or make comments on their threads to help them reach approved status.

Support for approved mods:

Tick (aka check mark) is shown in mods screen for approved mods
- also TW is shown for tweak mods and padlock for private mods
An 'external link icon' is visible when two columns are displayed
Rating stars pulsate in garage if you have not yet rated the mod


NLP/MCI packets are no longer sent after clicking replay slider
- also not sent after IS_RIP unless RIPOPT_FULL_PHYS is set
The default is supposed to work for hosts you just start up and are unmanaged, so 4 minutes is not suitable for that. 8 seconds has been fine for 20 years or so, so to change to 4 minutes would be way too extreme. It seems like you are only thinking of the downside of this code, without considering the problem it solves. I was thinking maybe around 12 seconds, which could be boring enough when you finish a race but another racer who is blocking your result has gone AFK. With long times, there is a risk that the race restarts before you even get your result. The idea is that long stationary times, such as minutes, would be available for managed hosts, for hosters who know what they are doing.
I've had a look now and my reply is slightly complicated because there is a bug in the code that might sometimes come into action, but even without the bug, the problem is likely to come up.

By the way, I couldn't see anything different for custom configs and I think this could happen in any race.

What is supposed to happen (and does usually happen):

If a result can't be confirmed, because another car that might beat that result is still on track, then if that other car is stationary for 8 seconds, the game decides they will never finish and the result would never be confirmed, so it spectates that player.

So even without the bug I'll also describe, this can cause the problem.

A wins the race with 4 laps
B has completed 2 laps but is not moving
C finishes with 2 laps


Cannot confirm C's result as B could still beat C. Host spectates B if stationary for 8 seconds.

Separately, the bug (not sure how often this comes up):

1) Suppose the situation is as above except that B only has completed 1 lap. It cannot beat C and is therefore not blocking C's result. It is possible sometimes for the game to spectate B anyway.

2) Suppose the situation is as above except that B has completed 3 laps. Actually in the current system it does block C's result from being confirmed and 'should' be spectated but will not be.

What to do:

For a start, I'll fix the bug, but we are still left with the game spectating cars that are not moving in order to confirm results. What do we need to fix this problem? How about a host option to change that 8 seconds to something else, maybe up to 4 minutes? The easiest way to do this is by a text command after the host is started, and not available on the website. Maybe the default time should be a bit longer than 8 seconds too?
That's a known issue when a mod is unpublished, but actually the ratings are not lost, they reappear when a new rating is made, as I have now done on your mod.

EDIT: This should now be fixed, though this is a difficult fix to verify, as I would have to catch a mod, that had visible ratings before being unpublished, that has been unpublished, then fixed by its author, and catch it to see that it still has visible ratings before anyone updates the ratings again. So for this one I'm just assuming the fix should work.
Last edited by Scawen, .
Change to mod submission: Limited slots for unapproved mods
Hello Mod Creators,

We have made an adjustment to the mod system to try to make the system sustainable for a longer time and to be more beneficial to community members. In short, there is now a limit to the number of unapproved mods that each user can submit. High quality mods that reach approved status are not counted in this limit. It is also possible to purchase extra slots if necessary.

Please follow the link for all the information: