I must say this project successfully kept my attention whole entirely. Didn't get bored at all. It's opposite, especially from the 3min20sec (approx.) part when you take us on various circuits, somehow I felt a quality boost speaking from an artistic and technical point of view.
I just noticed that some shots are too dark or too contrast comparing with the others. That's not really good and also don't put blur on the sky. I know you wanted to blur long distance background which is real, but never blur the sky

For me, a blur is not necessary at all.
Apart from that. Really high quality stuff, as MousemanLV already stated: "Proper stuff - camera angles, camera movements, camera placements, sync". Well I surely can give you a reward for a new use of camera. The shots starting from some objects on the track and then gettin' focused on the action really great thing

Transitions are at pretty much good timing. So

Sync was ok for me, but i would avoid that much use of speed ups. It annoys a bit.
Music was fantastic. I am not a fan of this type of music, but it fitted so well.
Well I would give 8 out of 10, but this is something fresh and inspiring and fun to watch, so 9/10. Great job.