I can now relate to 100% of what Deko says just by admining that sunday's FZR oval race.
How the hell is an event going to be successful if the drivers don't give a **** about the rules that they have to respect (EVEN the universal rules applied in racing), the orders/instructions given to them by the admins, and on top of it all, resorting to insulting the admins when there's something against them?
If the drivers think that the admins and race stewards are supposed to carry the whole event and keep it together in terms of attitude, then I can guarantee you that this event would be a major flop. It doesn't matter how good the entering drivers are (as I've read in the General Football Thread with people's opinions about C.Ronaldo...lots of similarities to this in terms of quality vs. attitude), if they get to the track with their head shoved up their arse, the whole event feedback would most certainly be negative and people would be thinking twice about doing it again.
Hopefully I've managed to expose my opinion as clearly as possible without causing anyone any trouble (since in this forum there is always ONE) or potentially derailing this thread.