LOL @ some of the responses in this thread, and in many other similar threads.
It's funny how people around here always say that LFS has such good physics and that's what should be appreciated about it, and so on, but when somebody wants to tune the cars (thus pushing the limits of the physics engine) they get shot down and told to "go play NFS". Stop telling people to play NFS if they want to tune cars, it's only natural to want to push the limits of LFS's physics engine, and I personally love playing around with LFS Tweak whenever I have some free time.
Well I not saying it will happen intentionally, but it could happen accidentally, say if a car goes past its box and hits the car in front while it's doing a pit stop. The car behind should not start it's pit stop at that time. I'm not saying it will happen often, but it should not happen at all, though it's probably a simple fix.
I don't think that servo kit is a good idea. Servos would give you gauges that move in the same way the seconds hand moves on a clock, ie. servos have a certain number of predefined positions, not an infinite number of positions as a real gauge would have.
1. The XRR lights seem to light up only when you press G, as with all the other cars. But they are not "popup" headlights, they are just regular headlights instead of the covers that were there before.
2. Looks like only the position of the mirrors has changed, everything else looks the same.
3. Don't know for sure, I only tried a few of the cars, but I can say that the rims look better now, they are shinier and more visible than before. Some cars have completely new rims (XRG/XRT). Others just have nicer looking rims while keeping the same design.
4. I checked out the DDS files, and many things have changed position, so the old interiors for XF/XR cars won't work anymore. The UF DDS hasn't changed though.
I have a question of my own though, I hope someone can answer: The old DDS files (for the cars) all had a white square with a black border somewhere in the file which allowed us to change the color of some parts of the car which were untextured. In the new DDS files this square has disappeared. Has it been replaced? Or eliminated completely?
WOW the XRR has headlights now! I love the new interiors. However, I don't like the placement of the gauges in the XRG and XRT. Why is the tachometer on the right side of the speedometer??? Is there a specific reason? Please put the tachometer on the left where it belongs!
Bug: 2 cars can make pit stops in the same box at the same time.
I've had this happen to me in a cruising server (track: Aston grand prix reversed), I made a pit stop, then someone else came up behind me and made a pit stop in the box I was in. He was barely in the box though, but it still worked.
I think it should be 1 box per car, not 1 box per however many cars can fit in it.
I've got 2 HDDs in my computer (non-raid). Adding the second one was no trouble at all, just plug in the right cables in the right places. Once installed you have to partition and format it, so be careful which hard drive you partition and format (it should be obvious which hard drive is which when you go to partition it). Other than that, it's a straightforward process that shouldn't give you any hassle.
Or if you want your computer now you can check out Canada Computers or LU Computers instead, because they have far lower prices than Tiger. This is a known fact around here.
I didn't bother to read this giant thread, but to answer the op's question, YES sound cards improve performance. I found this out when moving from onboard sound to dedicated sound card. My fps increased in games, and I even got more sound out of some areas of some games which had no sounds before. Definitely buy a dedicated sound card, you will notice the difference right away. But make sure you have some better speakers though, cause some crappy usb-powered speakers won't give you a better experience.
Wow aroX just when I think you've smartened up you prove me wrong all over again. How could he possibly test LFS cars in real life? Over half of them are NOT REAL!!!
Car pictures are way too dark, and track pictures don't give any impressions as to what the track looks like. I mean, for Aston you have a picture of the giant tire, come on. You could have put a picture of the tight hairpin in Aston North, it would've been a far better representation of the track. And for Fern Bay you have a picture of some trees and advertisements. Come on, you could have put a picture of the bridge where the track is above it and below it. You could have done a much better job on this Niko.
I understand your point of view, however, think of how many people actually have a G25. There are a vast number of people who don't have one, and they greatly outnumber the people who do have one. If the game restricts the controllers, we will lose all the players. We would lose the players who use mouse/keyboard/crappy wheels, but we would also lose G25 users because there will not be many people left to race against. It would destroy the game in my opinion.
I would also like to express my gratitude for this latest patch. LFS runs much smoother now. It's an excellent improvement for people running on older computers with decent video cards like myself. If there is anything else to "optimize" please don't hesitate to do so!
As many of us know by now, LFS Database is back online after over 6 months of being offline. Over these past 6 months we've had to endure many many broken links, missing files, and countless threads asking when it would be back online.
Let's not make that mistake again.
I'm not saying not to use it, in fact I think it's an excellent resource, but it's been offline for the better part of the last 2 years.
That's why I'm asking everyone to upload all files to this forum first. After that, go ahead an upload them over at LFS Database. That way if it goes down again (very likely given it's track record so far) we will not lose all of our files for another 6 months.
I hope you all understand where I'm coming from with this post, and will take my advice.
Remember this: the #1 priority of ANY business is to MAKE MONEY. Everything else is not important, and they will exploit all the current fads so people will buy their products.
I really like these horns. But, couldn't you upload the file directly to the forum instead of that shady site? I clicked on at least 10 ad links before finding the download link...
Well I don't know anything about race car drivers, and a mini is certainly not a race car, but in my car the brake lights come on as soon as the pedal is pressed and before braking takes effect. And don't bash the nd4spd license plate, I've never been a fan of that series of games, I simply like the effect it gives.
I dunno what's so hard to understand...I was pushing very little on the brake pedal as shown in the screenshot. The red bar was very low, and the brake lights weren't on. That's all there is to it. If I press the brake a bit more the brake lights turn on, but they should turn on a lot earlier.
In my options it says "Remove deadzones: yes" so I assume that this is not the problem. Btw, the pedal press is being registered, the car does stop, but the brake lights simply do not turn on.