I'm using a Radeon 4870 and a Benq V2400W 24" monitor @ 1920x1200 @ 60 Hz resolution (this is important, or else I would bother saying it). Until now I used a DVI-I single-link cable in between my monitor and video card, and it worked fine. Today I decided to try a DVI-D digital dual link cable. I replace my old cable with this one, and turned on the computer. At first everything seemed fine, the system went through its POST, and the Windows XP boot screen showed up. After the boot screen disappeared, the monitor went black and said "out of range". Wtf? I plugged my old cable in and it worked fine (at that aforementioned resolution). I plugged in the new cable again and again it said out of range. This was my exact expression: I tried lower resolutions, same problem, my old cable worked fine but no luck with the new one.
Does the Radeon 4870 not support DVI-D dual-link? I thought it did. My monitor is supposed to support it as well. Anybody have any experience with this DVI-D dual-link thing?
Elderado, I love the can of Beer in the racing cockpit. Really puts drinking and driving in a new perspective lol.
What I love about LFS is the pick-up races. Just a few clicks and you're off to the races, literally. Also, the physics are amazing, the cars actually have inertia, unlike all other racing games. The lack of "eye candy" is also a good thing as I want to race, not be distracted by shiny things. Finally, I love that the game is continuously under development. Sure, I'd like to see it finished, but I like being part of this long development process, and someday we'll all be looking back on the development of LFS and reminisce about the time the MRT was added, or the time skid marks were added, or the time the BF1 was added, or the time clutch temp was added. I say, devs, take your time. I'm just along for the ride, but I've been enjoying it so far. Keep the good time rolling.
Patience. You can stretch your computer's life with more ram and a *good* video card. I've used a P4 3.4 GHz computer with a Radeon X850XT and 1GB RAM, and it was quite good for games. The video card is key for games. You can get a good one like the X850 for around 50 pounds on ebay. Video card and RAM are they only upgrades I recommed for your computer.
If you don't have a job then there's no point in planning to buy a new computer, you're just setting yourself up for a big disappointment. Again, I'm speaking from experience, it's just the way life is sometimes.
I drove my first car when I was 2 years old. It was a pedal-powered car my mom bought when she was visiting the soviet union. It was an excellent car, it even had suspension. I was a very responsible driver according to my parents, I never got lost and I always stayed where they could see me. Then, when I turned 16 I got my driver's license. Again, I was very responsible, I never sped, and I never drove aggressively. So there you have it, people under 18 CAN be responsible drivers. It's true that most aren't though.
First I have to say that you shouldn't upgrade such an old computer, it isn't worth it. You might as well save the money and invest in a new computer, which is what you really want according to the list in your post. I hope you take my advice, as I upgraded an old computer of mine a couple years ago, and that was really made a big mistake.
That being said, if you really must upgrade, you should add more RAM. You will notice a difference right away, going from 1 GB to 2GB for example.
ATI Radeon 4870 in my new computer, ATI Radeon 9600XT in my old computer, ATI AIW Radeon 7500 in my older computer, ATI AIW Radeon 7200 in my even older computer, ATI Radeon 7000, in my much older computer, and ATI Rage 128 Pro in my oldest computer.
I've been using SP3 ever since it was released, and I'm happy to say that LFS has no problems running on it (using AMD athlon xp, and now using intel core 2 duo). Remember that SP3 is mostly just security updates from after SP2 was released, and it only introduces one or two new features which most of us will never use anyway. Go ahead and upgrade, LFS will run fine.
The ONLY problem I've had with SP3 is that I can't print to my network printer anymore.
I love the road textures, but the dotted lines don't match well in some places. Also, could you update one more texture please? I took a screenshot of it below.
Imo they should be left as they are. Demo racers using old patches are NOT breaking any rules (assuming they aren't modding or cracking the game). Old versions are not compatible with the current version, so they are mutually exclusive. They can co-exist on the server, and I think they should. There's no reason to cut off the old patches, unless you really wanna tick off the 3 people still using them. Heck, I wish the old S1 versions would still work too for some classic racing, but that's probably not going to happen.
Hmmm can you make a program which receives the OutGauge packets, then sends them out again on 2 different ports (1 for each additional application)? Then make each of your 2 applications read packets from one of those 2 ports? Would that be possible?
I agree with you 100%, anything over 60 fps is useless (i have an LCD monitor with 60 Hz refresh rate). But it is nice to see the raw power of the computer, and the fact that gameplay is so smooth. I almost never got 60 fps with my old computer, so over 300 fps is a good feeling for me lol.
lol I meant GDDR5 on my video card, I missed the G. Anyway, I'm using some high-res textures, and I might start using the high-res skin service too. I'm not gonna go overboard with a bloom mod though, this isn't NFS.
Hey guys I'm very exited to announce my new computer has been built!
Quick specs:
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3GHz
2GB OCZ DDR2 RAM @ 1066
ATI Radeon 4870 512MB GDDR5 Asus P5Q Deluxe
250gb hdd
The frame rates are incredible, as in 160fps in the screenshot below in a replay of a LOTA race, and a constant and smooth 340 fps when driving around alone. WOW I'm really not used to such frame rates in LFS, the best I got with my old pc was around 60.
All settings which I could find I turned up to max, AA, AF, LOD, and all settings in CCC.
Hello. I was really disappointed with the new XF headlights, so I made my own. These are old BMW headlights combined with new BMW corner lights and mesh grilles. Enjoy!
ps sorry about it being in a rar file, but it is at 2048x2048 resolution, so it's a bit larger than the ridiculously low 2MB upload limit.
Were there extra screens added after the exit screen? I used to be able to click through all of them and the game would exit, now I kept clicking and the game wouldn't exit. I had to press a button on the keyboard to exit. Is there a way to disable all those screens at the end?