I have to say that this show is pretty damned good! They used to show it around mignight here in NZ (pretty pointless) but its now replaced 5th gear which is fantastic because 5th gear is crap. The cat vs mouse is also a lot more entertaining than star in a reasonably priced car. The supercar vs small fry segment is awesome. Im suprised no one ever talks of this program!
Thats good to know. Price isn't really the issue its the fact that i keep buying games off steam when i currently don't have a job and want to buy a motorbike soon so every few dollars does hurt a little!
Been tempted to get this as i love WWII games and DoD really is quite crap. Although i dont know if my system will run RO as i've only got a 1.8ghz (athlon xp 2500) and 9600XT
Thats fantastic! On a recent trip overseas i picked up the nickname Herpes (and only the nickname thank you!) now i just gotta get someone to buy it for me.
Looks like the Hamiltons on both sides of the world share a common problem! Actually its not too bad here. You should try crossing the road in China. Or at least where i was in Hainan nobody obeys the road rules and to cross the street you just walk out and keep walking as everyone will swerve around you. Its actually a really good system and didnt see anyone get hit!