F1 cars (unfortunately) haven't been close to pure function for thirty years, and haven't been pure function for more than fifty.
You want to talk about function over form, then you'd attach the wings directly to the suspension uprights rather than the body. This was how it was originally done, but it was soon thereafter legislated out of existence. Thus the compromise aero/mechanical grip setups of today.
Also...purely functional race cars don't have open wheels....
I've seen track days too that don't require cages, but I haven't seen head-to-head club racing that didn't require a cage. I agree that its nice how the car seems roadgoing with a stock interior...seems appropriate, even if its unlikely in real life.
On our side of the pond its pretty hard to find club racing that doesn't require a cage. I'm not aware of any.
I would suggest that the roadcars aren't like road cars taken to a track day, unless you want to limit them to the "default" setup. The setups people actually use on these cars are dozens of hours of work removed from what a track day car would be like. For instance, you can adjust the brake bias. In real life, that feature requires manual brakes with twin master cylinders and a balance bar. Also, the springs/dampers/roll rates that people set are nowhere near a track-day with the buddies setup.
Outside of computer games, there is no such thing as an identical part.
With parts that see fatigue (uh, the ones that break and end your race) the state of science doesn't come close to allowing someone to define the life of a part with 100% accuracy. Since race cars are by definition built on the edge, it is very realistic to base failures on a statistical model. Sure, the input of the driver needs to be taken into account, as that obviously influences things.
This doesn't change the fact that in real life, someone will lose a race because a part failed in a mode the designers either:
-didnt anticipate at all, and may have never seen in many hours of testing.
-knew may happen eventually, but the chance was determined to be small enough to be an acceptable risk.
As stated, there are plenty of failure mechanisms that aren't thoroughly understood. The cause and subsequent solution might not be forthcoming. Even the very best designs sometimes fail unexpectedly.
I don't think you fully comprehend the concept of "random". Something that is "random" can be described by the science of probability and statistics. Assuming no user error (driving off the racing line) suffering a puncture is about as random as an event can get. You do get the puncture because you drive over something, but that something being where it was at that time can be described as random.
Well thats obviously wrong. There is a huge difference between a race in which a competitor doesn't start and a race in which a competitor retires on lap 32. This difference might very well effect who else finishes the race and the order they finish in.
I only used the 30% figure as that is what was used by the LFS programmers in the text for the training sessions, regarding straight line deceleration.
Why is this unexpected? The rough spec is that a sliding tyre has 30% less grip than a rolling tyre, but that doesn't directly translate into how much cornering force will be lost at the front wheels when you slam them into the steering lock. They may be producing 30% less grip, but instead of the force vector pointing toward the center of the turn it is pointing to a point well behind the center of the turn. The vector component perpendicular to the car's travel will therefore be (much) more than 30% smaller.
How are you measuring grip in this instance? Via the counter at the bottom of the screen? That figure is AFAIK perpendicular to the vehicle, not the direction of travel. I would therefore assume once again that the component perpendicular to travel would be less than 1.1g.
I don't think the locked wheels are dropping in grip as much as they should in straight lines. I think your perception that steering inputs cause huge loss in grip may be related to a less than thorough understanding of what happens when you turn the wheel. Open up the suspension dialog and see how crazy high the camber numbers get at full steering lock. Full lock plus forward travel will equal almost no grip at the front wheels.
Yeah that setup is really nice, just turned six laps with it and nailed some 1:34.60-90s with mouse.
back in S1 days when I was a n00b I remember thinking the XR GT was a bear to drive. After spending a lot of time driving Formula V8 and XR, its like a pleasant stroll around the track. Driving it fast is still baffling to me, but just driving it is easy now.
If you want an example of this effect drive over a cattle grid slow, and then drive over it faster.
You will notice as you get faster the displacment gets much lower. (but the acceleration as its dependant on your speed will get faster)
I get really annoyed by people that don't get this important concept you've just hit on the head and assume throttling losses are small. One is a degreed engineer. Go figure.
In practice, many modern engines tend not to be least thirsty at WOT because of open-loop fueling. They tend to work best at that point right before the ECU goes open loop. Full throttle-closed loop is only some new EPA regs away for some of us. Not a good thing for an enthusiast.
Re: this thread in general:
I don't think the fuel consumptions for LFS are all that accurate, but I do think a lot of people that have posted here are clueless about the fuel consumption involved in racing....any motor burns a lot of fuel run flat out for any modicum of time.
I just calculated fuel burn for an FV8 on KY Oval because its the simplest case. Gasoline is assumed at 6.35lb/gal, therefore one liter is about 1.677lb, the FV8 world record setup burns 1.875 liters on one hotlap. With a BSFC of .4 (typical for modern racing engine, super high end motors may dip below this) the FV8 is calculated to be producing ~700hp. If you move the BSFC to black-smoke belching turbocar range, it seems more accurate. I haven't tested any other cars, itd be interesting to see the results.
Thats exactly what hes talking about. Castor/camber/SAI/the whole enchilada effects the torques that the tires feed to the steering column. They are called "self-aligning" sometimes because they generally work in that manner.
There are some interesting exceptions. Brake moderately on a split surface with big negative scrub and the car will pull TOWARD the slippery half of the surface
Its cool. You'll get bored of the silly oval races and join some real servers soon enough. People tend to be a lot less silly on the servers that involve right turns in my humble experience.
I don't go to the FV8 oval servers often anymore because they are quite often full of sillyness of all sorts.
Banning people for a spin at the start is absurd and ridiculous. If the person behind you can't avoid you, its their own damn fault.
Thats only true if you don't have the perfect gearbox.
Thus all my statements including "with reasonable gearing" as a precaution.
Not the way its expressed in automotive publications and the ramblings of enthusiasts. Time to distance or speed is what "acceleration" tends to refer to in these contexts. Not that its right...its obviously not. I've incredibly rarely heard any automotive enthusiast talk about actual accelerations.
Again, all my statements say "acceleration over time" which is what car people talk about.
Time to either speed or distance depends on the power produced. Torque can be used to determine this if you know all of the relevant figures. Since the relevant figures are often difficult to know and consume a good bit of mind-space, relating hp/weight figures is very simple, effective, and accurate.
This is all pseudojargon. There is no particular end of the scale where one or the other is more effective. The laws of physics are the laws of physics, given certain data you can obtain other data.
Neither is more important...the laws of physics are rather non discriminatory. However, the entire point of the discussion is that a single hp/weight figure is far more meaningful than a single torque/weight figure for determining time to speed or distance...aka "acceleration."
An 800hp/ton car will always go from a to b in less time than the 400hp/ton car, so long as the gearing is appropriate. Even if the 400hp/ton car exhibits a larger value for the integral of the torque curve this is still true.
The 800hp car could perhaps only make power at 6000rpms...a single speed motor. Area under the curve would be zero.
You can't have one without the other. The torque at the top speed must be sufficient to produce the power.
Its really critical to note here that torque at the wheels does the acceleration as colcob explained.