I'm afraid that they are the only scenes available to my knowledge. To solve it, you can either make them yourself or you can download a trial of 3DSMAX7
I believe that there will be 1,500 people online at once by the end of the year. I am trying to get more people all the time. Friends, relatives anyone really.
TBH, if there was demand for more S1 servers, then S1 teams or players would pay to get servers put up on S1 themselves. The last time I looked there was a very little amount on there which shows that there obviously isn't a high demand for them.
And obviously no they don't want to drive S1 classes anymore due to the new S2 classes/cars. People would much rather drive them.
I run 3 different servers and I definetlely wont be supporting, let alone enabling any kind of option like this.
err yes i did.. it does use a different system cause it has different cars and tracks. whatever, i don't really know how it works lol but I do know that it would mean a lot more work for the devs than they are doing already and it is not needed or wanted.
The idea isn't viable. The system is fine the way it is at the moment. Demo is to get a taste of it and S1 is for a little bit more, s2 is for the whole package.
It would be so much more work for the devs and it would only benefit the people who are so tight they can't pay out 12 pounds for an S2 licence.
It seems to me that everyone has different ideas about what it should be like.
We are never all going to agree on a conclusion so there should be an advanced map option where you can select how "you" would like it displayed.
Either like you have said or different colours for every position, backmarkers, lappers, in front, behind, whatever tbh.