lol thanks for all of your great suggestions so far people. The shop will be openning at 4:00 pm GMT (UK) Time on Friday and if your suggestion has not been added straight away then don't despair as we will be adding a lot over the next few weeks.
shipping is calculated depending on where you live in the world. As the products are made in the US, it's around £2.00 GBP to ship within the US but still only £3.50 GBP to ship to the UK plus the same amount to ship to Australia
Will be on it's own server and not integrated on to the [4SR] website. Will only be selling LFS Branded products e.g t-shirts and merchanidse, LFS Slogans branded products and LFS Art products.
the first time you said that it wasn't a sugestion and you didn't want it included, I sent you a pm saying that we wouldn't use it and I removed it from the store straight away and that was at most 15 minutes after you posted.
I would like you to stop replying now as you seem to of destroyed another usefull thread.
i sent a pm to him this morning telling him that if he wasn't happy with us using it then we wouldn't use it so I have already removed it from the shop however he keeps going on about this money issue. If you like I will make all profits from the shop every month public so that everyone can see where the money is going. I don't have anything to hide.
I dont' understand what point you are trying to make. I am not trying to do this to get rich, not even to make any profit at all. i spend so much money on LFS related ventures every year that it would never cover the cost of everything.
I am trying to do something for the community as i have tried to do with many other of my ventures like my team, lfs-links website and other things that I have embarked on. When you try and make some kind of contribution to the community on that scale then your opinions about matters like this may be valid but for now, please keep them to yourself.
all the money will be, a percentage will be going to the Devs and the rest will be going towards paying for the LFS-Links website and also my racing team's website and servers which have proved to be useful to community on a large scale.
I'm not sure what your problem is? if you want to talk about it further please can you contact me on msn: [email protected]
this thread is only for suggestions. Our shop will be payed for, therefore we achieve better service and lower prices for customers. Our shop has rights from the Devs to use the LFS logo and all the money from the shop will be pumped back into LFS in a number of different ways.
I understood that, the dynamic weather was one of the next and most important things on the list for the Devs so we will definetely be seing it before S3
Due to Scawens commands we now have a new thread that isn't full or moanings lol
this thread is ONLY for suggestions and any other chat will be done over pm.
Thanks in advance Scotty
When you submit a slogan we will look at it and decide if it is appropriate. If we feel that it is then we will contact you tolet you know and you will see it on the website on friday.