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S2 licensed
I think mine was more or less instant. I would of thought that you would be playing by the end of the night. If not then it will definetely be tommorrow morning.
S2 licensed
Will put the results of the poll up a bit later.
Last edited by snewham, .
S2 licensed
no his slogan was NFSU? STFU!
S2 licensed
Little Update

Having a few problems with domain name company providing an inconsistent service but when that's sorted out it will be up.

The site is ready, just waiting for domain to be sorted
S2 licensed
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Removed Other stuff..

But i agree with kid, he made the slogan, so if he doesnt want you using it respect his choice and remove it. Problem solved.

It was removed 20 minutes after it was posted which was two days ago....
S2 licensed
Sounds like a great idea to me. Normally I race on a server with people that I know are quick but this would make it easier to find a server when no-one you know is online.
S2 licensed
thanks for the votes so far, the shop will be online later.
Last edited by snewham, .
S2 licensed
:huepfenic :huepfenic :bananalla
S2 licensed
basically it is to attract more people into LFS but also to own something "material" that reminds you of your hobby everyday
S2 licensed
Like I said in the other thread, stop posting in my topics.

It took 1 pm to remove your suggestion and you wouldn't have any legs to stand on if I did put it in the store as you haven't copyrighted it but I respected your wish first time you asked.

End of story, end of conversation.
S2 licensed
and the cause of it?


Maybe a repeat of what happened on RSC will solve it?
S2 licensed
Quote :
thats an obvious joke by someone who i guess was in the irc channel at the time... you know its not just me who notices you like to use other people work a little too much and taking 4 posts to respect their will its beggining to get annoying.

Can you answer a few questions for me:

When have I ever used someone elses work?

Who else has noticed it?
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :yes, the same that got your thread deleted the first time. how many posts will it take now for you to respect other people work/wishes?
make it simple, respect others, and move on.

it was submitted by someone in that thread for us to use...
S2 licensed
all to their own
S2 licensed
any reason why we shouldn't use it?
S2 licensed
LOL! didn't think about that before i posted lol

**Note to Self** Read posts before submitting
S2 licensed
took me a while to get it up
Slogan Voting (LFShop)
S2 licensed
Please vote for your favourite slogan, top 10 will be put on the shop when openned later today.



Last edited by snewham, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :snewhma, I'd say, you relax a bit, and reread Kids post, he wasnt actually insulting, just critic and open. You yourself had been a bit rude too. I was about to slap Kid around a bit, to keep it cool with you, but then again you are a guy, who gives hackers a team... That is actually worrying me a bit. But lets keep it ontopic:

"LFS rocks" - she who must be obeyed, 2004

Did you read the last topic that he posted in? no..

Has Phlos ever been proven to be cheating? no..
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :who are you to question me, my posts or even attempt to brawl me by threatning? feeble is the word.

Well being as you spammed my last thread on here and got it deleted and the fact that you are doing it again on a thread that was meant for suggestions.

I don't give a dam about what you do on the rest of the forum just steer clear of me ok?
S2 licensed
we will do tommorow I'm just preparing things
S2 licensed
Quote :
wont make it any clearer for you.

Disrespectful and derogatory

I think you would have some legs to stand on if it were not for your history. Banned on RSC and most people on here want you banned now anyway. I had not met you before I started this thread but now I wish I never had.
S2 licensed
another rude comment from KiDCoDEa

seems like a bit of a pattern here....

No more slogans are needed so this thread can be locked.
S2 licensed
hehe. good job
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa : link removed

Grow up, Will be reporting you to admin for posting indecent pictures and repeatedly insulting and flaming people's threads.