this review is old, it was on RSC about 5 months ago. We were all disgusted then and we still are now. There's nothing that we can really do about it. Games have to deal with positive and negative press all the time, there's no use complaining about it as our positive press outways our negative press by 100 to 1.
but the likleyhood of getting one of them to review the event if we don't have a contact in one of those magasines is very low and you are wrong, the average max power reader is not a chav.
well it doesn't seem like it. What contacts does he have? does it matter what magasine it is? if we got it in any magasine then it would be major coverage and promotion for lfs.
MOMO is very good but I think there's some issue with reliability on the pedals which is why i bought a logitech formula force gp wingman. Your choice.
it's not about whether it will matter tothem but the fact that they wont be able to continue after they have crashed into someone. but this coupled with the car damage makes it almost impossible to do continued wrecking.
not properly it hasn't. if it was official and only admins could access it then i would useit and i definetly know a number of other people who would use it.
yeh i suppose that would be a good solution but you would have to make it so only server admins could get access to it. You could put in the name of your server e.g. 4Sight Racing #1 and then the password and get access.
yeh lol, but i was in 2nd position or something about half way through. Graphics card blew up and i got rather annoyed to i relieved myself on the wall =)