But I'm afraid it just looks impressive seeing someone else's video wearing it...
Oculus Rift for example, I saw people on youtube wearing it and complementing nonstop, I thought it would be something from another world, something incredible...
So I went and tested the DK2 from one friend, thank god I tested before buying...
I tried it on LFS and AC, and I just couldn't feel anything close to those people on youtube, specially because I was able to count each pixel...
After that the only conclusion I came was that those people were acting, and now I just can't believe on any of this "VR magic" when someone is having uber fun wearing it...
I'm also a big fan, I spent many hours on the original forza on the first xbox
Later one friend donated to me one 360 with broken optical reader, I just had to spend with the RGH and was able to play forza 4 from the HDD, spent even more hours than the original forza
The idea of being able to play it with wheel and online is just too good to be true
(inb4 the haters: I know the physics isn't at LFS/Assetto's level, but it's acceptable and really fun)
"According to Chinese website WPDang, Forza Motorsport 6, the Xbox One exclusive racing game released last year in all regions, and the yet to be officially unveiled Forza Horizon 3 will be released on the Windows Store in the future. The release of these games on the Windows Store is, according to an anonymous source, one of the steps Microsoft will take to make the Windows Store the main distribution channel for PC games. Since all of this has yet to be confirmed officially, we must take it with a grain of salt until an official announcement comes. At the same time, WPDang has proven to be quite reliable with Microsoft and Windows rumor, so there’s a decent chance that these games will indeed be coming to PC in the future."
Sorry for bumping, but I still have performance issues on LFS...
I'm able to play GTA V with 50~70fps at 720p on the gt840m, but on LFS that get 60fps on any potato-PC, can't keep 60fps here...
By starting LFS using the right click, I can choose what GPU it'll use, so I startd two instances, one with the HD4400 (onboard) and one with GT840m, this is the result:
One thing I noticed on these games, was that it hadn't input lag, it had driver animation lag...
For example, if I drive on the hood camera, I have no problem at all, but on the cockpit camera, seeing the animation of the driver with massive lag, my brain goes dãããr and I can't drive properly...
Buuuut, it could use more signals, I tried doing a lap with hardtrack XRG, and it took 19mins 57seconds because I didn't saw some turns (almost 10 turns)
I was running with some options on medium, other on high, and even some on very high... the FPS was playable, but the stutter was a terrible issue
So I tried everything on minimum + editing the settings.xml for even lower graphics, but it had absolutely no difference on the stuttering...
I only played the GTA Online mode, didn't tested if the stutter happens on the offline mode...
do you use half vsync to get the 30fps? I'm thinking on trying the half vsync to see if it fix the stuttering...
I'm starting to think the stuttering is happening because of the 5400rpm HD drive, since it's a massive game and it has to read stuff from the HD a lot during gameplay
I'm gonna try to return the laptop (not just because of this odd performance, but other problems on the build, like defective spacebar, bad mounted touchpad, etc)
I didn't tried older drivers yet, maybe later today I'm gonna try newer (beta) drivers...
It's really weird how other games and benchmarks use the maximum performance from the laptop, and the LFS doesn't try to get higher FPS...
viraaj, I have vertical sync OFF, and now I also turned FPS limiter OFF (was set to limit at 100fps)
I'm downloading rF2 demo now to test it, is it really dx9?