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S2 licensed
My cousin doing his first lap on green hell:
S2 licensed
nexus 4 for R$ 879,12 ( 372,66 U$ dollars)


S4 4G for R$ 1399,00 ( 593,04 U$ dollars)

what would you guys choose?
S2 licensed
what was it? youtube took it down
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
one thing is certain, those octagon tyres are a bad joke, I can't use the cockpit view since it vibrates so much...

it's a fun game to do some stunts, but driving, and rallying with those tyres that don't reacy anything like a real rubber tyre... nah
S2 licensed
the speed is not limited TVE, you can edit the gearbox, go on the engine.jbeam, edit with a notepad, and search for the transmission, it's almost on the bottom....

Yesterday I reach almost 500km/h with the marshal, but the rear tyres blew making me lose control beatifully
S2 licensed
also bought it, but got a bit dissapointed with how crazy slippery all cars are on asplhaut, the tyres don't react like rubber, it reacts more like a plastic octagon, that make the cars shake like hell, and don't have any grip :/

But this beamNG has a huge potencial to make loads of great games and simulators of all kinds...

like, seeing the CTRL + W, the parts configurator, it reminded me a little the SLRR, and certanly with some enfort, it could be a substitute for the SLRR, like I said here: ... s.php?m=posts&q=10184
S2 licensed
never had any problem with greenish blueish screen, and My N8 have it's amoled screen turned on for 24/7 for 3 years, and is still prettyer than lumia 710, milestone3, iphone 4s....
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Also if you don't buy the Nexus device, every manufacturer puts his own 'skin' on top of Android and that's always a mess, not just visually but if you don't root it and clear all that mess it will not work like it should have..

Yeah, i'm aware of that, I went to a store here, and tried one S4, and even with 1.9ghz quad core, it wasnt even close to be smooth when changing homescreens, I couldn't believe what i was seeing, My N8 with 680mhz is faster than that, it certanly need rooting...

but still, even if they fixed the USB thing on WP8, they still didn't put a file manager inside the phone, did they?

and, it still have a huge lack of programs and stuff, and even if for a miracle people started doing games and emulators for wp8, lumia 925 probally woudn't be able to run, due to it's dual core 1.5ghz processor adreno 225 GPU, and 1gb RAM

I don't have a idea what that guy over there is talking bad about amoled, My N8 is 3 years old, and the screen is perfect
S2 licensed
Next month I'll buy a new phone, I have a Nokia N8 since 2010...

I like nokia toughness, all phones I had until now, were nokias

My N8 fell from my hand while I was riding a bike on the road, it got lots of scratches, but everything works perfectly, and the screen is intact:

I absolutely loved the nokia N8 in 2010, and I still love lots of things about him (for example the camera, the amoled screen, the clock on sleeping screen...) but it's hardware got obsolete really fast, 680mhz and 256mb of RAM is just too low, It freezes like for a second every message I receive or send, and stuff like that...

I love to take pictures, I took almost 2000 pics with the N8, so it would be logical to buy a lumia 925 for example, it's nokia, it's tough, it has a good camera, amoled screen with clock on sleeping screen...

But I'm not only tired of the slowness, I'm also tired of the lack of programs, games and emulators...

My girlfriend has a nokia 710 with wp7.8, and we are disappointed with it, it's a good and fast cellphone, but it also lack apps, games, emulators, and the ease of use is not very good compared to the N8...

For example, if you plug the 710 on your PC, you can't put or get anything inside the cellphone without ZUNE, while with the N8, you can, you also can turn off your N8 and plug on the USB, and it'll work just like a pen drive, you don't have a file manager on 710, and other stuff that limit what the user can do...

I don't like to be limited by the OS...

Well, so, I like what nokia used to be, but I don't like windows phone for various reasons, so I'm thinking about getting a android...

I'm thinking of S4 or HTC one,

the S4 is cheaper, but also feels and looks cheaper with all that plastic, but it's smaller than the HTC one, even with a larger screen, it has a amoled screen, and great hardware

the HTC one is a bit more expensive, but it's very pretty, and is aluminium just like my N8, it also have a great hardware, and probally isn't as fragille S4 is...

what do you guys think?
S2 licensed
You can always try to contact the guy who made that modded ramps, and see if he can help you to make the object you want
S2 licensed
Quote from hankevans83 :Its not solely a multiplayer sim hence why there is a Singleplayer tab and this is for Singleplayer movie Idea...

I am all to aware of the doo's and don'ts in multiplayer
Ill check out that folder


good answer

I do believe this can be useful to you: ... sters-kavva-de-la-szut-r/
S2 licensed
Again almost the same polycount of RB4s interior
S2 licensed
left has a bitchy face, so.... right
S2 licensed
I have to disagree, most of them seem pretty good (considering the LFS's polygon limitations)

sad that the BMW one didn't fitted right on the wheeltrack :/
S2 licensed
you can still use apps that turn the screen's brightness to 100% and 100% white, it's not so bright as a led flash, BUT it spreads more the light, and give less sharp shadows, which helps on finding stuff
S2 licensed
Quote from ventspils_619 :

wonderful screens!

you could have used the New Tweak Order to put hybrid tyres on XFR, it looks a bit weird slicks doing rally...

but again, nice one!
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :
+ 32 gb micro sd

all for 25 pounds for extra car porn.

I dont know how the quality will be for this much but who cares 25 aint no money

is there really written "720p FULL HD" on that DVR?
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :That does look quite like a rip-off of the the RB4 cockpit. The LFS devs should sue these bastards!

S2 licensed
Sorry for bump a 4 years old thread but, since there are people from all the world on this forum, I thought this were the best place to ask this:

Does the government of YOUR country still talks about this?

I mean, I never knew anyone who got this flu, and this thread for example don't have new posts since 2009...

but every year my country makes a HUGE agitation on news, etc, to people get vaccination, and they charge over R$ 100,00 (that's over $50,00!)

So, do you guys still hear about it? Do you guys take vaccination?
S2 licensed
Hiren's boot
S2 licensed
lol I never paid one cent on iRenting, it was just the best photo that I found, TDU1, TDU2, GT5, Forza, rF2? and lots of other games also have it... it was just an example
S2 licensed
Dang! I thought it was referring to "self shadow on cockpit" to something like this:

but well, better than nothing