uhm, keyboard steering?
I am sure all the other sims work perfectly with keyboard
If you think it can be approved as it is the FIRST alpha report on the support forum on racesimcentral instead of rating it like that, please.
You honestly think they are different games? Its just paying for more and more mods on the same aged base. They are substandard sims nowadays.
Simbin is just cashing in.
Yup they did not do pitsopts until recently. It is unfinished at best, and we dont know when it will improve further. Now we wait for a revamped tiremodel. I like to have good AI as well to practice with, but for now it remains a mixed experience.
you sure you patched correct what is version in GUI.
If you extract the archive in nkpro folder it goes wrong. It just makes a patch folder and places all the new files there. This means you are still running the unpatched beta2
Are you always this impatient?
Your first issue with taskmanager can be easily solved in the videosettings by unchecking full screen, now you can alt tab out with ease.
The 2nd issue is probably your connection, or a bad server, not really nkpro fault
Last, it is a beta (testpatch so you will) and purpose is for us to find and kill the bugs. And in the process have some fun,