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Realistic setups.
S2 licensed
When are the limits to the setups we can achieve in the garage going to be implemented any date or build on this. As LFS as had a long life now and s2 final is roughly 12 months away. depending on who you listen to.

"I" feel the setups should now start to be closed off ie alot more realistic to the setup you'd be able to achieve in the real world.

"I" think alot of the balance problems for example with the TBO class are due to the setups you can achieve, the FXO as example with the majority of setups i find on setup field make it drive and feel 4 wheel drive, lift off oversteer, and when you hit the loud pedal it steers in and drives through the bend..The understeer this car should have can be easily taken away with a alien setup.

whats everyones elses thoughts on the subject ??
Can anyone post me a screen shot
S2 licensed
Of any car in there grage just so i can do a shop of a simple idea for setups mainly involving folders if we can get the great one to implement this ?

would really like to have a set of folders for my ever increasing setup list for the cars i use alot.
S2 licensed
Can we get some more realistic head movement settings ??

started playing with this myself the other day.. my setting is ok with some of teh road cars seems a bit off with open wheelers though. some advice/settings would be much appreciated
S2 licensed
I actualy jumped on this server yesturday for about half an hour, while finding some were to race the TBO's and had a great time racing the FXO.
I would suggest you add AS7 into the mix + as many tracks as possible so we can just vote to end race and get the next track on the go..

Please please leave it as TBO and have enduro and a lx4 day, each on a different day. Enduro just double the laps or something..
Drop qualifying time as unless everyone comes into the pits it can go on for ever..

Overall great work nice to have a good TBo server just hope it as a host of tracks and combos to race them on
S2 licensed
I wish everyone on ctra thought and drove like you..
stick with it thou mate find some regs your notice on there you can keep pace with and your have some great battles..

There is always a few names i no on there i no i can have some very close battle with, and we will give each other the room to race..

That is when ctra comes into its own..
S2 licensed
tristan will scream blue murder about how a ghost car is acradey and homo..

I for one would love it, specially when freinds come round and we have a hot lap session, its boring for them to race against nothing but a time they have no chance of beating basically mine... 2 ghost car overlayed would be sweet aswell like forza, one for me and one for my freinds fastest laps so they have to things to achieve..
S2 licensed
Quote :The average amount of populated servers seems to be about 50-70 based on 1800-2300 GMT

why do i never see more than 20???? and i mean ever
S2 licensed
Quote from wtf im nameless :well, you can open it up and check. There are two motors pretty much right behind the paddle shifters.. one on each side... When your racing they will get warm over time... if one gets warm and the other doesnt you'll then you know. Check connections too. I'll see if I can post some pics of the inside of the wheel later, i'm working right now.

Thxs mate, will opening up now void my warrenty thou??? its less than 9 months old.

Not discounting this soulution but does anyone no of any other way i can test this, or work out if im just imaging it being alot stronger..

how hard do other find it to turn the wheel at 101% in the profiler and 200% ingame?
S2 licensed
Quote from der butz :So what are you using your 4 cores for? It might be the best quad for gamers, but there are few games out using all of them. The normal gamer doesn't need more than 2 (most of the time only 1) cores, I can't load my 6550 cores by just playing lfs and running fraps, psp and other stuff... so imo it might be better to get a fast processor, maybe undervolt it at the same speed and spare the active cooling.... naaah, now I'm getting a bit too high :-)


der butz

2d and 3d work...
Motorway speed over here is capped to 70mph. why would anyone need a car that can do over 71mph..if thats the case??
S2 licensed
Quote from wtf im nameless :I have never had this problem myself.. but I know that the G25 has two motors in it to give you strong force feedback. If you're saying it has lost 50% of its power I would check to see if one of the two moters has died on you or has come unplugged.

And how would one check this??
S2 licensed
Quote from der butz :Don't take a quad core with only 1066MHz FSB, it's completely useless and doesn't fit with the rest of the system. A C2D 8x00 might be the better choice. More cache, less useless (while idle) cores and maybe even cheaper.
Also why is the 4850 not coming out soon (just as a question, don't want to flame you in any way)? Can't you wait for let's say another week or two and get the best you can get for little money?


der butz

Why wouldnt he want to buy the best bang per buck quad ever released ??
I have a q6600 stunning core. Can overclock it like no tommorow.
Is my g25 broken??
S2 licensed
Hi guys, right i havent been playing on my g25 of late i kindly borrowed it my brother along with live for speed and the system its installed on..

Anyway got it back now was having a game the weekend and it seems as if its lost exactly half its power ie the force feedback.
At the mo i have outside setting to 101% and hvaing to stick the ingame to between 105% and 200% depending on the car..

Im sure i remember when i played it in the past i was using no more than 50% ingame usally 35% and anything over 100% would pull my frigin arms off.

That isnt the case now i can still feel force but its so easy to use at 200%

anyone got any ideas?? or will you guys need more info.. It doesnt sound broke and theres still force there but i remember it being solid as a rock at 200% barley unable to turn the wheel.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :FTR Scawen said Multi-threading would take about a month to do.

Then i vote he sets a month aside after the next big patch release this year. And works soley on multi-threading.. Almost everyone now has a dual core at least..

After all you can get 2gig of ram a dual core and a mobo to fit it on for £100
no excuses really
S2 licensed
Quote from TiJay :Yeah, it's WTC at 100%. Best way to setup your DFP if you can't be bothered to dive into the configurator everythime you change cars.

I guess this is same for g25, do i need to set 900 degree inside and outside lfs.

Im sure in logitech software i have it at 720 and wtc at 1.0 i thought this was the correct way. am i wrong ?
Williams f1 sim
S2 licensed
Not sure if this as been posted before, just found it while looking on youtube.. Some of you may not have seen it so ill post it anyway..

Mods if this as been posted numerous times before feel free to lock/delete it
S2 licensed
hugs his, Dell 2407WFP ao4rev
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :None.

Thxs ive had it at stock since novemeber when i got my g25. think as stock its 4.0. Ive always felt the throttle and brake axis act a little weird this is probley why thxs alot guys
@24 inch screen users
S2 licensed
@24 inch 1920x1200 res users

What FOV Do you use. I'm trying to find a happy medium its driving me mad thou, im going between 90 which for me doesnt show a real feel for speed
, when im going to 100-106 i get a real feel for the speed, but the look of a corner seems out hard to explain its just weird. But least 100mph feels and looks more like 100mph.
@ G25 users Throttle/brake centre reduction:
S2 licensed
What do you guys have yours set at...???
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Before all this I want proper deformable mud/dirt - I know it's a CPU hit, but LFS is a simlator and sometimes it's not practical to cater for PII's.

I had to lol at that comment, a little crudely put but made me laugh

Anyway I think with the fact LFS will basically run on a toaster in its current state, combined with the fact hardware is dirt cheap now LFS should take a step into 2008. come on you can get a decent dual core 2 gig of ram and a mobo with all the bells and whistles, for less than £150 theres no real excuse. Fair dudes the powers above have said there will be no major graphics work until they decide which DX format there going to finally go with. Saying that u can get x1950's for less than £50 second hand lets get this game utilizing the fact most people should now have at least a dual core and 2 gig of ram and a dx 9 card. a rig to run LFS for £200 bargin imo

I do love LFS don't get me wrong im not cussing the game. On a long list of racing games going back a shed load of years LFS takes 1 position, i sing its praises to my friends and have managed to get a fair few hooked on the game, once they pass that initial Grand turismo mind set.

It does look and feel like the game time forgot. Really hope in the not to distant future the boss takes advantage of the technologies available to him.
sorry for the bit of a long post, but the only gripe i have with LFS is how the environments are so flat and lifeless
Last edited by Spils, .
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Yeah, at some point the history of the hotlap charts will likely be available from what's been said. I wonder if they'll also include someone who's famous for cheating in almost all the SO hotlaps.

? do tell, im not around here much and have no idea who your unabout
S2 licensed
Quote from seinfeld :what do you mean by cheating, like using the lfs tweaker? or are they modifying the code?? I didnt think you could cheat on lfs, if something isnt the same as the server u get kicked.

this would be a good time for the devs to start looking at punkbuster, getting that implemented would fix all these clowns, and if they chose not to install punkbuster on their server, they wont be classed as offical server, and be banned . its simple really u cheat you are exiled, ur server and your licence

Please dont do it, i come froma FPS background apart from the odd point and click game and of course my beloved LFS Im FPS through and through, since the days of doom 2 in the mid 90's up to Call of duty 4. im still hooked.

I dont really ever think on LFS man maybe hes cheating on FPS it can be in the back of your mind alot.

Now punkbuster, it doesnt catch the cheats it lags most peoples computers,i crashes lags and is genral pain in the butt, and it only catches the dumbest of cheaters.. It asnt done anything to help the FPS world if anything its made matters worse.

The cons far out weight the pro's when it comes to PB imo anway.
Just got richard burns rally,, help
S2 licensed
Anyone use this game with a g25 if so any help with setting my wheel correctly for it ??

Seems i have no force back and stock settings feel all wrong, game and profiler if u could.

Also any other fixes tweaks i need?
played it a while ago at a freinds on his old MSff wheel seemed stunning game, just seems it needs a lot of work to get it running with my g25 correctly.

Thxs to anyone who takes the time to help
Help with road car setups
S2 licensed
hello guys The weekend ive got a few friends coming round to play LFS now i have 2 pcs and 2 wheels, only problem is most of them are LFS noobs, Now since the patch change ive lost all my sets and as far as i no patch X sets don't work to well with patch Y anyway.

Anyway what im asking is would anyone be kind enough to send me some of there road car sets so i can get a few for each car. before anyone says setup field most of those sets are alien with locked diffs etc, they wont give them a good feel for the car or game and will be totaly alien to how they would expect a car to handle...

I dont think there be any good to show off how good LFS is to my freinds bob smiths old pack would of been sweet for this. But it no longer works

A set or 2 for the to small GTR cars would be sweet aswell being FWD they should be able to cope with them.
S2 licensed
Use core temp m8 for a much better reading, its known as the most accuarte test for overlockers..

And then use prime 95 for a few hours to test stability..
If speed fan is saying 35 degrees your actual core is sat at more like 50 degrees