Chavs - Please please please die in your nova....... whilst racing a saxo
Emo's - Do the world a favour and actually cut your wrists
People who question my judgement when they have only ever raced on a game
Liars - Just die
The Polish - Learn to speak ENGLISH if you are coming to this country
Religion - Only for mongols
Arrogant Americans (You think you're superior, we know we're superior

Gorgon 'Mongol Scottish ****' Brown
Mike Brewer - General **** who holds no knowledge about cars other than what he reads in top gear mag.
Dole scroungers
Benifits cheats
Football - Game for nancy boys who like styled hair (Rugby is for men)
Scooters... waste of time and just get in the way (usually ridden by 17 year old burberry wearing ****s)
Slow people on track who refuse to let you past because they're in a porsche (or a beetle cup car).. WANKERS
David Cameron - Smug ****...
Robert Kilroy Silk - Tangerine faced dildo headed ****, who stole his hair from Alistar Darling and skin from Dale Winton
Let's face it.. the only good thing in this world is the **** page in the back of Front Magazine!!
Happy Days