i made a way around it. The percentage of the clutch label workes fine, so i made the caption of the label the value of the progress bar, works perfect.
Hi, im making a program the measures various things. Throttle, brake, clutch, rpm, speed, ect. i have progressbars setup to show the pressure being applied to each axis. Everything works fine except for the clutch bar. Im using vb6 by the way. When using my program, it works fine for a little while, but after a few seconds i get an error 380 "invalid property value" on my clutch progress bar. Its setup the same as the throttle and brake, but those work fine. Is lfs sending something to my program it cantunderstand, or is there a fault withen my code.
Private Sub theSocket_Received(lngSocket As Long, Data() As Byte) If lngSocket = lngTheSocket Then Dim Packet As OutGaugePacket
lblthrottle.Caption = Format(Packet.Throttle * 100, "##0") & "% throttle" lblbrake.Caption = Format(Packet.Brake * 100, "##0") & "% brake" lblclutch.Caption = Format(Packet.Clutch * 100, "##0") & "% clutch" End If End Sub
the error occurs on the "pbclutch.value = format(packet.clutch * 100)" line. but i have no idea what is wrong. I have only started experimenting with outgauge today.
ti think its just about as good as it gets imo. Are there any games that dont use a button to talk? I cant think of any. However, a lfs microphone chat option would be nice. One that doesnt require a second party program.
Thank you for the louder skid volumes! I was hoping this would come. I notice i do get faster times when i can actually hear when im sliding a bit around the turns. Helps me find the limit of the car without going over it, and going off the track. Thanks again.
if you pay 12 pounds for s1 and 12 pounds for s2 which totals 24 pounds, is s3 going to cost new users 36 pounds?! Thats 82 dollars canadian! That is a lot of money for a game. I know s2 users will have to pay 12 pounds which isnt bad for the upgrade, but if demo users will have to pay 36 pounds, i think it will scare a lot of potential demo-to-s3 users off.
i have made the car shut off by overrevving it. The best cars for this is the all wheel drive cars because their wheels wont slide like the others. It might take more then one go, but if your going 250 in the fxr and put it in first, the rpm gauge should go all the way around to 5, which is probably closer to 20,000 rpm.
I think you should be able to set three buttons as the throttle and three buttons for brake for mouse users. Obviously this wont be able to be done from the mouse but three buttons on the keyboard. Like c,s,a can be the throttles, and d,w,q can be the brake. For c and d, a mininmal amount of throttle or brake are applied. for s and w half the throttle or brake are applied. and when you press a or q, full throttle and brake is applied. if you hold 2 of the buttons for throttle at the same time a mid point of the buttons pressed is applied to the throttle. like between the minimal point c and the mid point s, a halfway point between the to points is applied to the throttle. I think it will take a little while to get used to, but if this is done it is certainly more accurate, and should help with mouse users laptimes.
I was wondering if it is possible to have the wheel locked when in the sound editor, like when you press esc. If you are using the mouse to steer, this is really annoying! you have to park, put it in neutral and put on the hand brake so you dont go off the road. when you click to slide one of the sliders, the throttle is pressed and the wheel is turned, if you are in gear, you go off the road. i think the wheel should be centered and the throttled disabled when in the sound editor when using mouse.
I used catylist control center, and i get an amazing 35fps steady with 2xaa and 4xaf. I consider that pretty good considering its a crappy laptop card. I do have 2gigs of ocz pc2-4200.
Im not sure if this is where is should be posting this but im sure no real harm will result. I have an x1100 graphics card in my laptop and i get a moderate 45-50 fps in lfs and was wondering how i can get antialiasing in it. I tried atitool and porewstrip and neither were able to do it. Any ideas on other programs/methods i can use. I dont need 8x or anything, just 2x and 2/4xaf just to take the edge off of the graphics. I figure i have ~15fps i can lose.
I searched what i think would be an obvious improvement, and didnt find anything. Why cant we have a waitlist for busy servers. So when you click on a host that is full, they will put you on a list, and as soon as a spot becomes free, aslong as you remain in the list, you will automatically join it. Have a little dialog on the screen showing you are waitlisted, and what number in line. Also, make it so you can join other servers while waiting and have a prompt asking if you still want to join the server in question. I think this would be greatly helpful.
I have only had s2 for 6 months, before then i was a demo player. My miles are sence then. And so far this months ive put on over 1000 miles. I have really been playing a lot more lfs lately.
imo, stay with the 6800gt. It will be better in games with high res. or aa and af. The 256bit memory make a hugh difference. The 7600gt will probably get better fps without aa and af, but when you turn on the eye candy, it will quickly fall behind. you could go with the 7900 gs, best bang for the buck, and will make an agp system half decent. I had a 3400+ and x800xl, and went to 7600gt and was disappointed by its lack of eye-candy power. If at all possible, save up and get a new mobo with pci-e, then get an 8600gt whe they come out. Gives ya a couple of months to save, and some real power for lfs!
if you had two monitors set up. Have one instance of lfs on one and a different lfs on the other. that should fix the focus issue, and keep some things secret (gas amounts, setups, ect.) and a cheap 15-17 inch crt shouldnt be far out of reach for even the most unresourceful. again a decent video card would be ideal to run it, I watch tv on one monitor as i play lfs, surf the net,ect. with the other. i have a dedicated tv tuner, with a 7600gt oc. i cant see why this wouldnt work.
edit:make a program that associates one keyboard to one instance of lfs and another keyboard to the other instance of lfs. A cheap usb keyboard would do it. Bob could probably do it.
Maybe on one computer. Probably wont work, just an idea. Have a computer with a fast videocard, have 2 monitors hooked up, open two different installs of lfs with different licences. one copy of lfs on one screen, one on the other, then start a local game, and see if you can join it. Just a Hyopthesis.
yes i like the exclusivity, but if more people played it, the devs would have more funds, for real cars and tracks. Ill dream of an m3 gtr on blackwood, or lx6 on donnington.
Hi, my name is stevewhite, and im a lfsaholic. honestly, i think i am addicted to lfs. I can study, i cant watch tv, i wake up and play lfs. I love it! Anyone else addicted to lfs? Discuss it here and find help.
I upgraded to vista and had lfs on a seperate partition so i wouldnt have to lose all of my things. When i installed vista, i had to unlock lfs, i figured it was no big deal. Then i went to play again, a few minutes ago, and it was locked. Again. I have no unlocks left. I activated vista sence, was this the cause. I cant really see why that would do it, just a possibilty. I have test patch v2.
I searched for this but couldnt find anything so, Why do you HAVE to use the clutch for shifting, aside from letting the rpms drop. In RL you can shift your gears without the clutch, it will grind and eventually ruin your tranny or clutch. I have the G25 and i can just put the shifter in 2nd when in 1st and stay in first gear until i hit the clutch. I think the gear should change when the shifter is moved, not when the clutch is pressed. Much more realistic, and probably useful when you really need those few thousandths of a second. This would be best implemented when lfs has an upgraded cluth model, with damage and such.