Oh dear, Feature race was epic. Epic wrong...
I already noticed in Sprint that my tyres barely last on the front. I was careful with the tyres, and yet I hear be more smooth! Awww, c'mon!
I am sorry for Sascha, at the chicane, it looked perfectly fine, then I got a bump from behind which shoved me into Sascha, and that was enough to turn him
Also sorry to Mr Teilen, I still had my nose too near to him into the long right corner, and so we came together.
As for my retirement, there was nothing I could do when he spun and Sascha right into it. BUT WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME UPSIDE DOWN??? I AM NOT A TOYOTA("The car infront/upside down is a Toyota").
If I hadn't been distracted by Oscar, I could have done more, but he liked to eat tyres walls so much.
meh, I guess 4th in the standings is hard to get at SO5...