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S2 licensed
wow from the pics it looks packed. Will the server be up 24h and just down for fixing beucase since i'm in canada i race when you guys are in bed sleeping so sometimes the servers are closed and i want some good TBo racing
S2 licensed
Quote from Toddshooter :Boogie Hahahahahaha ROLF

Whats so funny about boogie?
S2 licensed
If those pics are to show that GTR cars don't have antenna's look at the Aston Martin as it has a small antenna on the roof it looks like.
S2 licensed
yesterdays combo was great and also some great racing as i was able to hold back RSR boogie i think it was the whole 8 laps even though he passed me always on one cornor.
S2 licensed
you should alow multiple choice as I am homschooled and i will choose home but school to cause i should be doing school.
S2 licensed
why do people put people on ignore list? isn't this a happy everyone likes everyone community?
S2 licensed
wow really nice music you have made I like the first one a little better than the second but still both really good.
S2 licensed
Ok the game mod i would reccomend is Battlefield 2 Alliend Intent Extended mod. Since i torrented BF2 since i don't have the money to buy the game i can't play online but thats fine becuase AIX is so good for the main reson being the AI it tottally reworked and the are so good now as they can acually kill me now Its like playing online and it's better than online as the AI is way better team work and if your in a helo and say bail out they will bail out not just some or none. So i highly recommend it as i can't stop playing it.
S2 licensed
Wow you acually have bot stuff as i was going to write in here and say the recesion really hit alot of us if no one is buying anything.
S2 licensed
I so wish i could race DD on that server but time zone is way off so when i'm on the server isn't
S2 licensed
simple and basic but acually kinda nice. It could use something on the sides though.
S2 licensed
Even though i havn't applied i may as i race F08 and the 19:00-20:00 GMT is good for me.
S2 licensed
just got back from plowing 4 inches of snow
S2 licensed
oh oh i have some competion as i have a skin simular that one Tho Very nice skin you made Tur8o. Here is 2 very quick pics of my skin. My skin is based of a reblica of another skin of mine of AMG and my bro just made a silver version.

I also uploaded the skin file so if anyone want's it thay can have it as I know race with team skin.
S2 licensed
Quote from 1993weeman :i have joined a team now, thanks for all the invites

i have joined Elite Racing

Congrats glad to see this topic Idea i made is working
S2 licensed
first off pearcy is correct if your not part of TDRT get rid of everything in your profile about them but other wise try posting on here: and also check out Clockwork MotorSports as we are racing in the IGTC i think and if were not well if you joined the team we would be happy to race in the IGTC And also another team thats good is Legends Racing Team.
S2 licensed
  • Don't have to work as much.
  • Broke My shoulder snowboarding
  • Won't be able to do much for awhile.
S2 licensed
You guys sure don't have any snow as i was just plowing outside and we had about half a foot of snow and its still snowing heavy. and we have snowbanks about a meter and a half high and about 3-4 meters long. If i ever get i pic of it i'll show you.
S2 licensed
Good Luck Scawen and i know what its like moving house as i've moved house about 3-4 times in 2 years.
S2 licensed
This problem made it to the BBC News i think but it was an error with there servers for 40 minutes or so but it should b back up. If it said everything isharmfull LFS Forums must have been i'm scare know.
S2 licensed
Congrats LRT Tomhah when is LRT's site coming as its being awhile.
S2 licensed
GL With the team!
S2 licensed
i have a mac and garage band rocks but for a PC alternitives i would probibly go with ACid but there is no program that is exacly or very simular to garage band for the PC.
S2 licensed
Ok i askd my dad and he says it was NOT 72h i partily missunderstood and he ment 16h or somthing else and yes 72H is like impossible
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Dont tell me , white walls like Counter strike?

nope don't worry it has to do with LFS but it may take awhile as i can't use my right hand as my shoulder is broken so i have to use my left hand to do it and i'm right handed. but i'll try to do it quickly and good hopefully.