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S3 licensed
Hehe. pretty good text there.

About the changing of nouns and adjectives. It's called declination, and Polish has that too (actually lots of languages I think).

And as for the difficulties with learning a language, and "they go off and laugh uncontrollably and give high-fives to other Estonians" I feel pretty much the same way about Danish people. No offence, but they aren't really helpful Plus it's a pretty hard language to learn (there's practically no grammar, but the pronounciation makes up for that. it's CRAAZY..which makes it fun though).

Sorry for going completely offtopic
S3 licensed
Here you go:
I hope the author doesn't mind. If yes, just say so, I'll remove them
S3 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :
Offtopic: Err, isnt there a Scandinavean language that has verbs like this?
I is
You is
He is
We is
You is
They is

That'd be Danish

Whenever I relate to the name of the game, is just say LFS.
If I was to say the full name though Live like "living" would be the only way to go
S3 licensed
One of the best races I've had in S2. My mate Poolek and I battle it out in the fxo's on aston. Just two cars, but I know I had LOTS of fun
S3 licensed
hehe. Banger racing was great. Once there was a banger sever, with a "figure of 8" layout.. now THAT was fun
S3 licensed
All the road cars basically.
Maybe apart from the GT, which I find a bit dull

If I really had to pick a favourite, I'd say the LX6.
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :What time is your PC set to? Is it in the future?
Have you tried logging in and doing a forced cache clear (usually CTRL+F5)?

DAAMN.. I just reliazed it WAS set one month ahead. Very good call there angry_angel, thanks!

Now I have to go and have a very serious talk with the person who keeps playing around with the calendar on my computer.

(which is probably gonna be me illepall )

Thanks for the help guys!
Last edited by szyszek, .
S3 licensed
In the future? No, I'm pretty sure that it's set to the present time

The forced cache clear didn't work as well.
Thanks for trying though. Any other suggestions?

(At this time I'm really appreciating LFSWorld. Now that I can't use it.)
Logging in @ LFSW
S3 licensed
Hi there. I have a problem with LFSWorld and the LFS home page.
I can't log in. When I type in my user data, the page reloads, and I'm still logged out. I've already tried this :
usually it did the trick, not this time. Any advice?

I don't have any problem with LFSforums as you can see.. weird.
S3 licensed
Quote from dUmAsS :10 years?

hehe. Scawen and co have been taking their brake, and living their lives. They figured it's really nice, so now they're FORCING us to go out and live out our own lives...

BUT NO!! I WILL NOT GIVE UP! Off to single player I go. hehe
Master serv down?
S3 licensed
Is it only me or is it down?
S3 licensed
Quote from afastest :I wouldn't ask for anything untill christmas. Yeah, that's three month.

that makes two of us
S3 licensed
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Why not try the link in your thread title?

lol. nice one
Logitech Profiler.
S3 licensed
A quick question:
I've accidentaly clicked "hide profiler icon on the task bar" option in my profiler. It was really useful (to start up games using their profiles).
I searched for that option again, I can't find it (to turn it on again).
Any advice?
(I really don't feel like installing the profiler again btw )
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :
@ Scawen: In a previous post I said that I thought y'all should be having fun
involving some cute little thing twirling on a pole.......

I didn't mean a pipe wrench.

Pipe wrench IS a cute little thing, and it DOES twirl on a pole (when you use it on pipes). Just had to make that clear
S3 licensed
Quote from ORION :Something like this was already suggested at RSC ("signatures in setups" or something like that)

Oopsie, I must've missed that. BUT, that only prooves that more people feel the same way.
S3 licensed
!! Aren't they in there already?

Press F12, you get the number of laps/mins of qual/and pit req or not
S3 licensed
Hm. I'd have a .txt file with 828 different combos (I think that's how many there are ATM). I think you can see that it'd be a bit ... unconvienient (I mean finding anything in there).
"Notepad" in settings.
S3 licensed
To keep this simple:

I have a setup for a given track/car combo. For qual, I use certain tyre pressures, for race different ones. Obviously I can't remember all the different ones (for all cars/tracks) so I end up creating twice as many setups (qual+race). The only difference between them is the tyre pressures.


Having one more tag in the garage menu. Notepad or something like that. A space where I could simply write : "qual 257 kPA, race 294 kPA". Or different notes for that matter.

What do you think?
S3 licensed
Thanks for the answer. Just one more question regarding that fix:

"Extract the program from the ZIP file.
Add the program to you startup group, passing the parameter "0" as below.

MOMORacingFixCenter 0 "

Where do I put that parameter?

In the shortcut properties? illepall
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :
If your controller shows signs of a shifting centre for example, you can try the official Logitech fix for that problem. Wingman Team Web Site

Sorry for making a fuss
I have a shifting centre problem, and I don't really know which fix to download from the Wingman site.
I assume it should be one of these, but which? None of the descriptions on the site fit my problem exactly. Sorry if this is a stupid question/or if I'm posting in the wrong place.

Logitech® MOMO® Racing Centering Fix
MOMO® Center Adjustment Utility
Clear Calibration Utility
DX Deadzone Utility
S3 licensed
I give you, the road to heaven

(yes, I aimed to make it sound cheesy )

I got a question for y'all. Would anyone care to share the models ready to render?

Here's why: When we got the previous version of CMX viewer, I took all the models, cut them up in order to set up all the appropriate textures. The thing is I deleted them, when I found out that the models were updated in the new CMX viewer. Only one I have left if the UF1000. I know this may be asking for too much.
If you're not willing to share, could I at least please ask for a link to imported 3d studio files? I'm using Cinema 4d, therefore I can't use that plugin for imporing cmx files.
S3 licensed
You said the race was at AS national, thus I assume this wasn't a demo server. On "licensed" servers (not demo) you can check someone's real nick by pressing ctrl+shift. That shows you each persons "lfs license name". Good way of tracking someone down etc.
S3 licensed
I didn't like the demo at all. Apart from the nice car models, but that's not what people are looking for in a sim.
S3 licensed
Geez man.. When I read the title I thought you were leaving LFS because you went blind "out of sight". Got me scared for a while.

Good luck with your endevours And hope to see you soon, because you WILL come back . Just like Orion said: "Once addicted, you cant escape from the Live for Speed glory"