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S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Where is this code T3?

I sent it in PM, I can send again if need be
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Got ya Morpha! Thanks for the correction. I'll fix that once I get home. But I think I'm just going to correct my plugins as I'd like to keep the packet classes correct as per InSim.h.

I guess i shall go ahead and update mine then?... here goes the fun :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :No, as it's not a message per say. That text field could be both the caption, or the content. Anyway, the values are a direct copy of what is in the InSim.h file but translated into PHP classes. If you check the source file for InSim.h and compare it to prism_packets.php you'll notice that all of the code, even the comments for the code line up.

well then, seems you have a problem, as all of the plugins in prisim that use MTC have Msg not Text... ... er/plugins/admin.php#L179 ... er/plugins/admin.php#L195 ... r/plugins/theTime.php#L19
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Found the problem... in MTC it has

public $Text;                        # up to 128 characters of text - last byte must be zero

shouldn't it be

public $Msg;                        # up to 128 characters of text - last byte must be zero

All of the plugins have ->Msg not ->Text for MTC
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Your getting this error in this build?

S3 licensed
Quote from GeForz :in host config add the parameter flags with the corresponding value

ip = "localhost"
port = 29999
socketType = 1
pps = 4
flags = 104

104 = 64 (ISF_CON) + 32 (ISF_MCI) + 8 (ISF_MSO_COLS)

OK, Thanks

Quote :IS_MTC - first byte must not be zero

Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :I really want to put some polish on the web front end for that release.

I sent you the updated Web-Frontend, kind of surprised you didn't implant it...

also, how do i turn on MCI/CON? being that the flags in ini are now observed by insim
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :Pretty sure Dave ( is working on some stuff... The above sounds interesting; just make sure that its not too complicated for people who'd be just joining into the server.

One concern with the above, regarding crashing; what if fully inexperience drivers or intentional wreckers join and ruin your race - you're bound to get penalized for damages they've caused to you car, right? or would you be able to correctly penalize the one who initiated the crash? And when you consider lag hits...

Keep that in mind as this type of server will attract many many wreckers..

Good luck though, I'd be interested to see how this turn out.

Any damage they do to your car will be against them, and they must pay, We will also take in to consideration lag spikes/hits
S3 licensed
Hey guys, since I have gone and started on my new plugin, I started to use a new account storage system, This update along with KM, and a few other un announced features, will be out some time end of may.
Pinks All Out
S3 licensed
Hey guys(Is it me or am i the only person who is actively using PRISM?), I am going to be making a new type of plugin, It has to deal with racing... it is like the show called Pinks All Out, where you race for money.

You start out with a set amount of money(can be changed by admin), every time you crash or take damage, the cost comes out of your own cash, If you choose not to pay for repairs right away, you will have to add on specific weight, and intake restrictions, other wise you will be removed from the race, and if you fail to pay the damage amount by the time your car reaches full restrictions, you will be forced to pay the full fine of the cost, Also, if you crash the other racer, YOU will be held liable, for repairing their cars, the cash will automatically be deducted from your account at the end of the race.

Every time, that you win a race, you will get some money, But, Here is the catch, there will be a sort of license point system, newbies(races 1-20) don't have to pay entry fee, but experts and intermediate do.

This will be coming within the next week or 2
S3 licensed
nvm >.>
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from PoVo :I have a suggestion for your Scawen.

Would it be possible to add an IP address variable in the IS_NCN packet?

Another goodie would be to add "/ban IP" and "/unban IP" commands. (which isn't that important IMO)

i would have to agree, I personally, have been trying to code something like this for the longest time... but being i had no access i couldn't do anything :/

Quote from Dygear :Scawen, can you give us an insim packet that will allow us to color a player's car on the map a certain color.

IS_CMI // Color Map Icon
byte Size;
byte Type = IS_CMI;
byte PLID;
byte Color; // RRGGBB, 00 = Off, 01 = Blink, 11 = On;
/* Color:
As 00 is off, as 11 is on, and 01 is blink.
[b]000000[/b] = Black
[b]11[/b]0000 = Red
00[b]11[/b]00 = Green
[b]1111[/b]00 = Yellow
0000[b]11[/b] = Blue
[b]11[/b]00[b]11[/b] = Magenta
00[b]1111[/b] = Cyan
[b]111111[/b] = White
If you blink 1 color, then it will cycle between the 2 states.
If you blink 2 colors, then it will cycle between the 4 states.
If you blink 3 colors, then it will cycle between the 8 states.

That would be cool too, great for cruising

I can see it now, cops blink blue/red, robbers, black, citizens orange i guess?
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :If you create a class and extend it onto the IniLoader class, then it provides you with methods to load, save and alter an ini file.
First thing you then do when you create your class is set the name of your ini file ($this->iniFile = 'hosts.ini'; ) and then you can call $this->loadIniFile($this->yourinivars) which will load the ini values of your file into the yourinivars array (or whatever you call it). It parses the ini file using php's own parse_ini_file() function ( so you end up with a Key Value array in yourinivars.

The loadIniFile() method returns true upon success or false on failure.
For all other methods that the IniLoader class provides, see PRISM/modules/prism_iniloader.php

kk cool
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Anyone want to see a TeamSpeak Module using PRISM and the TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework?

I was thinking something like a interface within LFS, so that TeamSpeak admins can do their job without having to Alt + Tab and kick / ban / move users as needed. This would also be great for series admins that are watching the race, and also host a TeamSpeak server for their events in order to talk to their clients (Al la SimFiA).

would be cool
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :When I write something, I commit it to github, it works as my backup solution.

yea, slight problem, i don't know how to add files x.x
S3 licensed
Our server bill didn't get paid so the shut down our server... surprisingly, i already went and fixed everything... finishing up KM now and i will be back to where I was...

that went a lot faster than i had originally planned it to go...
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Hey guys, bad news... looks like i may have to stop developing updates this for a little while untill I finish making the new insim, that was on our server that is no longer online... Looks like I may be recoding every update that i have done starting with the one on April 13th This includes, the major bug fix for UCID(if you run cruise on multiple servers, users stats can get over written), KM, road names(track bug fix), switch over to SQLite3 again... should take me about a day or so to recode everything...
S3 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Well, the problem is the position of start/finish line + splits in a layout are reported using node numbers. And those X and Y tracks will have no nodes, so almost nothing would be available to InSim applications concerning the actually loaded layout.

There are ways to overcome that limitation, like using a CRC check or something on the layout file, as Dave of CG suggested, or maybe even parsing the LYT file and seeing the X,Y,Z placement of important things, but overall it is not really easy. At least I do not see an easy way.(

wouldnt it be quite simple? get the x,y of one part go over to other side or road, get another x,y.
S3 licensed
Cruise stats are now stored VIA sqlite3 , I have started on the new Mail system as well, expect a decent update sometime this week

something, came up with the lotto, and i now have to change it up in order to work with sqlite3, it will be a little less than what i wanted, atleast for now, till i find a better way to code it so that it is compatable with SQLite3
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Tonight/Tomorrow, I am going to be making a email-type system, which also has IM style conversations(message is never stored, once sent it is trashed), This will be a different plugin, but it will be included with PRISM Cruise.
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :If you look through the source code you'll see how Victor used those functions.

i see $this->iniFile = 'hosts.ini'; and $this->loadIniFile($this->connvars), but i have no idea how it works, or how to access it
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :I'm not sure, but I think IniLoader is within scope for the plugins as well. You should be able to directly call those functions.

how would they be used?
S3 licensed
Ok, so i am thinking of an option for my cruise to use ini files(or if the user selects database), so i was wondering, is there any way, for a plugin to use PRISM's already existing ini creator/reader/editor?
S3 licensed
Hey guys, some great news! (for the cruisers)
  • We now have BL1 road names set up, and you can now enjoy that on our demo server!
  • We also, now have a real life like lotto system, where every 6 hours, a username is drawn from our database, Whether the user is offline, or online on either of our servers, they will still get the money!, even if they are on our demo server, and there name is called on the S2 server!!, We hope that this system will bring some interest to our server verses, other cruise servers.(This will be fully set up and ready to use, for tomorrow night )
    1. Level 1, $7.50, Prize Range: $15-$30
    2. Level 2, $25, Prize Range: $50-$75
    3. Level 3, $50, Prize Range: $100-$150
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Today, I went be going back to recode the way user temp stats are stored, as servers running multiple instances of cruise, UCIDs will over right statss of another user(who just happens to have the same UCID) on another server, this bug is fixed, along with a better way of storing whether the user is online or not.

We also, now have a fully working Lotto ticket system

This system is based on real life, every 6 hours, it selects one user from the database(for each level)

Each level cost different amounts, with increasing prize ranges:
Level 1, $7.5, Prize Range: $15-$30
Level 2, $25, Prize Range: $50-$75
Level 3, $50, Prize Range: $100-$150

I think i will also, be setting up an alternative INI system
Last edited by T3charmy, .